Does seem strange that only certain riders are getting reassessed. That said, not impressed with this Poole team at all.
average number one, poor third/second heatleader, and two flaky poles
Yeah lets use a grading system that is totally open to manipulation instead of averages which actually determine how a rider is riding, what a brilliant idea.
I think looking at their current averages Id pick Auty everyday, cant see the improvement in Howarth while I reckon Auty is good for a 1pt average increase
I think I would plump for jonasson on that average. Its a tricky position to be in, we maybe have a few options for second strings/reserves, hopefully we have a good top two/three too.
The way I remember it Lynn were the ones pissing about changing the race nights, for what turned out to be for no reason whatsoever as we ended up riding again on Wednesdays and it actually hindered our season last year. I don't blame Kerr at all.