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Everything posted by therefused

  1. Does seem strange that only certain riders are getting reassessed. That said, not impressed with this Poole team at all. average number one, poor third/second heatleader, and two flaky poles
  2. I thought youd know the team by now? No idea where this smolinski rumour has come from, cant see it being true
  3. Im sure cook has fiddled something to make it it fit
  4. Yeah lets use a grading system that is totally open to manipulation instead of averages which actually determine how a rider is riding, what a brilliant idea.
  5. I agree. Shovelit and his little minion star man think its hilarious whats happening to Coventry. The lowest of the low speedway supporters
  6. I think looking at their current averages Id pick Auty everyday, cant see the improvement in Howarth while I reckon Auty is good for a 1pt average increase
  7. If no Robert lambert wouldnt mind nick Morris at Lynn
  8. I think I would plump for jonasson on that average. Its a tricky position to be in, we maybe have a few options for second strings/reserves, hopefully we have a good top two/three too.
  9. Hell be in the top 5 riders in the league without a doubt
  10. Poole Bolton doesnt have a clue anyway Im not sure what youre all getting riled up about
  11. Not gonna lie I have no idea who Fred is. Would someone really set up a new account and have over 400 posts?
  12. The way I remember it Lynn were the ones pissing about changing the race nights, for what turned out to be for no reason whatsoever as we ended up riding again on Wednesdays and it actually hindered our season last year. I don't blame Kerr at all.
  13. Iversen Lambert Jorgensen Rose Kerr Auty Harris Nor a fan of palm toft just can't see the improvement
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