Ok, so my journey time was quicker than expected,
Yes, I got a program,
Yes, I got to stand where I wanted too
Yes I appreciate it was a good day for NKI.
No, I did not appreciate the 30 minute delay to the start of the meeting due folk turning up late
No I did not appreciate the lack of admission facilities which caused the long queues.
The point promoters should recognise and act on, is that customers (sporting event or supermarket) do not like unreasonable length of queues to get in or pay for the prodct...Example, last week, went to premier league football match circa 50,000 attendance. Arrived at stadium gate 30 minutes prior to kick off, qued for less than five minutes to gain admission using pre purchased ticket, had a beer, a pie, took my seat 5 minutes before kick off...and guess what, the match started on time!.
Surely, speedway can have some willingness to provide a quality product, start to finish instead of relying on the willingness of supporters to accept a poor offering. Which judging by the fall off in spectators over the past decade is the outcome of poor promotion is fast coming home to roost.