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Everything posted by chucks

  1. also great crowds great atmosphere and only a short walk from the center of edinburgh city centre
  2. it,s spelt lossy filthy lowdown cheat aspgren hope he resign.s for rebils a match made in heaven
  3. yes very non christian of him when your last your last when your beat your beat when you cheat aye speedway will remember you
  4. in allmy time at armadale i have never seen a crowd as big as last nite even a lot of nice cheery rebal fans nofood after 5 heat all sold out for intrest and promoters income yesplay off are hear to stay
  5. glasgow writes there team on the back of a condom box maybe thats how everybody fxxks them every year sorry tiggers
  6. welcome to west lothian now thats a question for you
  7. we have never turned at a r/r meeting for 3 years at least 7 aside only or no show from us 4 punters why pay full price for a weaker line up
  8. just back from the dale really big crowd well done on your prediction
  9. for the last 4 years myself and friends .have not or will not go to a meeting with r/r and pay full price in this day every team should be 7 aside with promoters have mobile phones computers e.maiil can orginize replacements in a really quick time also spare rides riders would jump at the chance of spare rides
  10. wot about car parking 2.00 programe 3.00 can you you pre book that at a discount
  11. could be worse could be the barman at your local gay club
  12. good on you mate speedway need people like you. win or loose we.ll have a booze and go home happy
  13. c.mon matty just on his first day of his honeymoon give him a chance .by the way good luck mr.and mrs weathers
  14. good luck to ben for tonite, also must mention on friday we had someone named clegg imo he was always on the pace even he got nil of 3 rides he was good against a leaser team of somerset might have got something
  15. must have been some size of meal he had.methinks could have been a desperate dan cow pie
  16. mind and wear a big red nose then everyone will know you
  17. and for everybody else been a terrable season,even berwck had a very bad /wet season been bad all round for every promoter
  18. check out there chatzone its like the oscars all the back slaping thanking one another same 18/ 24 people all the time
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