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heathen chemistry

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Everything posted by heathen chemistry

  1. promoters are the ones on mind altering substances , they must be with the rules they keep dreaming up...
  2. thats exactly why squads wont work , what rider in there right mind would limit themselves to the odd meeting when theres other clubs willing to give them regular or more meetings? also the cost, riders need bikes over here,is it worth it for a few matches? costs need to be reduced for clubs to survive
  3. it hasnt taken him 6 yrs to realise, he says he's been struggling for the last 6 yrs he knew from yr one it was silencers , and he has been trying many different things in the yrs since but nothing seems to work for him
  4. not true in this case as being a new track not really had enough time for the home team to expect it a particular way quite yet, in the main due to weather, but belle vue have proved more than poole that they can ride deep and grippy tracks better , pooles 2 danes have struggled with grippy tracks, bjarne we all iknow likes it slick, pretty sure the aussies will like the vue track and if hans bottles it in the play offs he can kiss goodbye to his 2yr deal
  5. on the contrary, this will end up in vue favour, as they will know exactly how to set the track up to pooles dislike , and if belle vue win them both it will give them a big psychological advantage having already beaten poole at home convincingly
  6. yes kelv poole have got somethin in reserve ..... its called the ref
  7. next sky fixtures out and its poole , poole and poole, 3 out of the next 4 = joke the sky pirates are back then the next week will be the playoffs - with yes poole again
  8. totally right....... oh the irony ... poole never sign riders on fake low averages do they..... miedzinski came in on about 5 ..... go it up to 8 and then off he went and in came kasprazak when the slippers on the other foot.... and no doubt watt will be back next yr on a 4....lol
  9. strongest team on paper? what paper --- tissue paper , poole are and have always been the strongest on paper decent reserve and 2nd strings - erm whats team can have a better reserve than b. pedersen? think someones been sniffing too much airhorn gas no signs at all , why do poole fans play down title chances all the time , thought u had the messiah in charge you carnt lose , sure if matt ford printed in the poole programme he can walk on water you all believe it the next one will be >>>>> WOLVES are now favourites cuz woffy has returned ..... the title is pooles to lose.... poole will finish top and pick swindon or lakeside it will then be belle vue v wolves in the other play off......... poole v wolves or belle vue final
  10. the on paper strength of poole showed tonite.. those that say poole arent favourites need a check up from the neck up... the league title is pooles to lose
  11. poole not favourites - jog on .... how many points they score tonite 64?? those trolls that have pointed to the fact belle vue beat poole at home - stop trolling cuz at the time u was saying it was the track being too grippy for poole riders and also the fact that buzz was missing
  12. Poole are clear favourites for the title , Only a petit pois brain would disagree.
  13. so whats wrong with the idea of having a gp style tornament for the kids 250/500cc where points add up all season cuminating in a one off final? after the main event , it would give them very much needed track time, they would only learn and get better , it would be something positive for the future so what if a percentage of the croud dont stay and watch, its there loss, it could well end up getting a quite a following.. clubs would be ablle to monitor any future stars and the kids would get to know how to ride the various tracks
  14. wolves could tempt tai back for the playoffs , they wud be up there with the favorites
  15. british speedway needs to attract fans we all know that ,buit what a lot of fans are miffed with is no second half, a lot of fans feel ripped off with just 15 heats and thats it --- go home why not have a mini gp stle tornament fr the youngsters where the points add up all season , 250 and 500 cc catergorys?
  16. strange poole arranging a match on monday!!!!!!! something weird tells me this will be on sky..... yes the schedule says wolves v coventry but why would poole have a home match on a monday they never do unless its on sky so something has been going on between the lines somwhere
  17. has GI realised speedway is on a decline and doesnt look like improving? are they thhinking of cashing in on there assets while the price is right due to a housing program?
  18. he signs them when there obviously going to become or are on the way to becoming top riders can anybody say he signed a rider absolutely raw and turned him into a top rider? in the old days foreigners came over that were really total novices and they either improved and got to stay or failed and went bk home
  19. seems to me the way horton hasnt bothered with the team this year is due to 2 possible reasons either the uncertainty about the stadium so why bother spending on new riders or he's had enough and someone else taking over ....so why bother spending
  20. you seem to find it hard to understand that poole were the only club with no fixtures for 28 days in june all the other clubs had home or away matches , so your arguement about the euro's just doesnt work
  21. does it really hows that then? you can see from the fixtures poole had no matches planned home or away for 28 days - you can understand that carnt you? ALL other clubs had home or away fixtures in those 28 days.... so enlighten me how does it prove you right? i'll repeat it again becuse you seem a lttle slow as are others on the fact that poole had no fixtures at all for 28 days in june planned from beginning of the season, all other clubs had matches , if other clubs went a few weeks without home matches that was due to the weather , but they still had away matches.....nothing to do with the euro's as you try to imply
  22. heres the fixture list from march for every EL for june (taken from speedway star dated march 26 2016) belle vue .........2 home 4 away coventry .........2 home 3 away kings lynn .......3 home 2 away lakeside ..........2 home 2 away leicester...........2 home 1 away poole .............2 home 0 away june 1st and june 29th swindon .........3 home 3 away wolves.............2 home 3 away theres only one team that wanted to avoid fixtures clashes with the euro's judging by these
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