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heathen chemistry

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Everything posted by heathen chemistry

  1. what knee injury? more like gives tungate 48 hrs to get his best engine sorted
  2. tungate been keeping an eye on his average so that he can be part of fords play off team ? wouldnt surprise me one bit...... hes in for bjarne ford just taking the total pee out the rule book
  3. is anyone surprised........ who said ford aint got a squad , he has every play off time ....blatant piss take
  4. maybe he had lee smarts aswell remember when poole announced he had quit just so that they could get a replacement , lee then took to twitter and anounced ''retired, i was sacked 2 weeks ago!''
  5. not only did poole get a facility that they shouldnt of got but they also managed to get lindbacks average down to fit him in , from 7.94 to 7.00 absolute stitch up job, can anyone remember when a rider has ever has there average readjusted just in time for ther play offs ??? i wonder if there was a team mid season lokking to strengthen and were looking at lindback but had to change tactic when told his average was 7.94??? candle light vigil for bjarne's knee ... shameless isnt it what he's allowed to getaway with
  6. and we all slap our heads in disbelief, as if it wasnt going to happen . he does it year on year but whats so disapointing is that people like CVS give him backing time after time after time what does ford hold over these folk can they not see the damage they are doing
  7. the facts at the time where he wasnt a long term injury only ford and middlo said that because they used that as an excuse to strengthen the team if you carnt see that your more blinkered than stevie wonder
  8. knew all along it was another ford fiddle with lindback hans riding today in polish play offs.....surely he should now be back in pooles team for the play offs in the interests of fairness of course , the replacement for an injured rider is now null and void as he is not injured (and some folk wonder why fans are leaving the sport)
  9. exactly brummie kev thats why fans are so peed off with the bspa and are lea in in droves . one rule for oneclub and a new different one for another club . it stinks of corruption , back handers , or just plain fear
  10. coventry need sandhu or a someone like him willing to invest more than ever , horton is only there to capitalise on the assets and sell them off .. harris being sold , who next... nothing left of coventry soon
  11. why would they prefer a rider comin bk from a bad injury over a rider top of the gp . and in form and a small track specialist
  12. well if kildemand didnt understand english any agreement is null and void..I was there that night it ruined coventrys play off hopes. other clubs would of calked it off or dug a rut in the track to cause postponemnt
  13. youve also got a former poole promoter (pairman) on the scb board someone that colin meredith doesnt have much time for
  14. and from a script prepared by matt ford no doubt...I can see it now ''isnt it a major plus for british speedway to have lindback riding in the play offs?' erm no its another poole fiddle nothing more...yet another on the fly rule to suit one club it stinks and all fans except poole fans are sick of it ..
  15. fans are walking away because its not a level playing field.. corruption . fiddles back handers . speedway is only going to continue downwards look whats happened the last 5 yrs ...when one club seems to have a blank cheque to sign riders but all other clubs carnt afford adecent track curator things are seriosly wrong...
  16. why not sign hancock hes a small track specialist....oh must be lakeside arent as rich as poole...
  17. when has a rider ever had his average reassessed? hancock didnt he hadnt ridden over here for years , neither did miedzinski when poole signed him on 5 when he had improved well beyond that figure, a precedent has been set now , a new rule made up just for poole ? if not give us details of when a gp rider has ever has his average reassessed lower?
  18. ford always gets his way .....when the rules dont allow which in this case they didnt with lindback he just asks or tells them to go away and make another rule up that allows what he wants ....its corrupt
  19. when hancock came to ride for poole he hadnt ridden here for many yrs and his average wasnt reassessed ...also miedzinski came to poole on a ultra low 5 point average he hadnt ridden here for years and had since improved quite a bit but his average wasnt reassessed
  20. knew from the moment hans got injured this wud happen. whats wrong is lindbacks assessed 7 average . when did the rules change regarding the 8 point average gp riders are judged to be on...piotr pawlicki was dropped from poole because he was assessed at 7-50 and he wasnt a gp rider....where is the logic....
  21. emil came in on assessd 8 . i think it only resonably fair dudek shud be 8 . his form in poland and sweden hes averaging over 8
  22. the new reserve rules affected sarge this yr. last 2 yrs hes been just agsimst fellow nl riders now hes goin against top 5 riders who drppped down to reserve. if the rules went bk to before hed do ok..sarge bates at reserve wud be quite strong . kk goin bk to poole. harris. king. garrity certaintys for me.
  23. something not right . middlo said last nite hans still waiting for op and looks like he,s done for this season. but hans had an op on the 10th . middlo wud know this as he,s usually on twitter a lot.is it his way of lettin hans know matts plans
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