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heathen chemistry

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Everything posted by heathen chemistry

  1. correct.. its not jealousy ...this is history.... mark loram wasnt too happy with ford either...when the current english world champion is treated badly then .....i can also put link for that one on here too http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/5404117.Mark_bites_back_/ http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/1943983.CAUGHT_OUT_ON_WEB/ also this one fans had to tell the bspa about there own rulebook after poole tried to use wrong lower average for craig watson.....
  2. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/831832.SPEEDWAY___ROW_OVER_ANT____INJURY___/ This one is a gem, fiddling the guest rule,, booking a rider before an injury.... http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/9792116.Pirates__Stars_chief_in_Twitter__cheats__slur/ Then there was this one 'cheats never prosper' i wonder who tweeted that? lol
  3. just a selection of posts ive found from looking online, in the scheme of things i only scratched the surface there were hundreds of pages i only got through about 10% of them so for those who continually post such things as '' we dont cheat we just use the rules to our advantage matt is forward thinking etc etc etc ..think again in these posts he himself admits it and apologises also certain referees getting banned from officiating in poole meetings because of excluding poole riders wrongly in fords view ,the excuse trotted out is referees are ruining my business a line used quite often by the way... threats to pull poole out of the elite and go premier because things didnt go the way of poole .....the line trotted out again is the other promoters voting these rules in are ruining my business....
  4. some folks were wondering where all the ford accusations come from ..... http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/866600.SPEEDWAY___MATT_IN_PLEA_TO_KEEP_REF_AWAY/ Did he get his wish and stop durno reffing any poole matches? http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/10472415.Pirates__Ford_shocked_over_SCB_s_postponement_probe/ shocked , yes but then nothing was done was it...... http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/9788606.Pirates__Ford_hits_back_at_King_s_Lynn_after_verbal_attack_over_Miedzinski/ rule bend 1 http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4504820.Pirates__Ford_repeats_pull_out_threat/ if things dont go your way threat to pull out of the league..... http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4443835.Ford_says_Pirates_may_go_Premier_next_year/ ditto http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/5365079.Ford_says_sorry_over__throw_race__order/ ford tells riders both riders to throw race to get a 5-0 to then be able to do a tactical then apologises .....think of that what you will..... http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4418525.Pirates__Ford_says__envy__is_to_blame_for_inquiry/ envy..... a favourite used by the blue tinits on here http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4410298.PIRATES__FORD_HITS_BACK_AT__SCANDALOUS__BRATLEY/ more average manipulation allegations http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/1328993.Ford_refutes_Cook_s_claim/ cook labels ford a bully....oh dear http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4447022.FORD__I_LL_SELL_PIRATES/ if i dont get my way im off............ http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/5353467.FORD_WAITS_ON_SCB_VERDICT/
  5. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/4404321.Pirates__Matt_hits_back_over__crazy__accusations/ crazy accusations or were they?
  6. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/9299661.Pirates__Matt_pleads_with_BSPA_to_keep_stars/ remember this..... other promoters should remember he has no sympathy next time he goes pleading....
  7. yes its scandalous that this happened....... there was a systematic effort to ruin coventrys team for the incoming season..... why change the rules retrospectively? why were coventry told by the scb dennis anderson is 5 when poole got him on 4 that reeks of corruption
  8. ford did a deal with cook a day or two in advance , paid travelling expenses and maybe a little brown envelope...... belle vue obviously didnt have time to come up with such a scheme so had to think of something quick - but poole were told to ride by the scb with there original squad , but didnt want to re-declare without new signing pawlicki who hadnt ridden for them as yet
  9. agree , got any of cradley? meant to quote the comment before lol
  10. davey needs time out thats all a few weeks on the golf course to relieve stress and take his mind off things will do wonders ,, in the mean time r/r might make poole stronger
  11. the strong reserve gains a lot more significance when he is stronger than a rider in the top 5 , therefore allowing the reserve to take extra rides.... if poole time it right this year they could go into the playoffs with probably watt at reserve
  12. Who is assuming the other promoters vote the rules in that suit poole, the way i see it is .....IF each club has one vote each it would mean a majority of 5/3 for any rule change to be decided therefore what happens when its 4/4 ? who has the deciding vote.....someone from the bspa/scb management ? if theres a clik among clubs ...i know at one time pool,wolves and lakeside used to vote together......so they would only really need one more if the deciding voter was on there side too so in reality it could be fairly easy for the rules to favour one club in a way i also have no sympathy for any of the promoters they bring in these stupid rules year on year ..... one negative thing that could happen is a few of the promoters will get disilusioned with the sport as a few promoters have over the years due to that fact that one teams always seem to have a monopoly and other promoters are loosing money hand over fist, its fair to think some may just walk away as sandhu did ....
  13. thats what years of success can do to fans - makes them expect it every week without fail ------ very fickle as for this win it will give teams a false sense of hope , lakesides huge home advantage is what won this....
  14. maybe the wages aree less but look at these stats ive found from google..... consumer prices are 47.32% lower than uk rent is 58.96 % lower restaraunt prices are 60.83% lower groceries are 49.34% lower than uk a pint of beer in poland equivalent to £1.33 ....how cheap is that cigarettes instead of being £8.50 over here in poland there £2.85 why do they wanna come here!!
  15. garrity didnt want to be in the draft anymore, and his performances last year certainly put him in the shop window for a place in 1-5 but in reality he should of started at reserve and moved up.. no disrespect to kyle but he has been a reserve for poole for long enough now , he really needs to take the next step up and become a top PL rider otherwise he will be stuck in that never ending cycle , a bit like jason doyle was for so long before he made the step up poole thou will be happy for him to stay where he is ,as long as the rules dont make him have to move up into the top 5 because he is one of if not the best reserves , poole will then still be able to bring in strong foreigners on low averages and have kyle at reserve.............
  16. newman a heatleader..... only on paper from beating draft riders , that is not a true reflection, he will be on a fake high average and poole total average would be well over 50 from starting the season at 39....thats just the way the rules are this season ,a few of the draft riders will have higher averages than there ability due to the draft system....that doesnt suddenly make them heat leaders.... as for how much will it push him, i dont think it will push him at all.....he wont suddenly become a better rider overnight just because he has been beating fellow draft riders for 3/4 weeks and moved up on a ridiculously high average due to him only beating draft riders.....
  17. but its so very easy for a reserve like newman to get into the top 5 , a few scores of 8/9 which he will do this year with his goggles off will get him there....newmans average was in the reserve berth last year was around the 8 point mark, so you can see its easy gettin there as all of poole 1-5 wont average over 8 ...the problem is staying there as when newman goes up his scores with no doubt drop and the rider that went down to reserve will then be getting 10/11 or so and go straight back up , meaning newman could yoyo all season ...thats not progression its just the way the rules work out this year....
  18. dont go by what you se on tv, if you aint been there for 46 years then you should go and see for yourself and make your own mind up properly , cuz it aint that bad, as far as speedway stadia go its above average ....
  19. so no more periscope , does that include facebook live aswell, well well well ive seen it all now swiderski on a 3.87 .. think teams from down south been watching too much johnny ball think of a number..
  20. theres also figures showing a higher number than ever before of oap's either remain in work at pension age or decide to get a part time job.....
  21. why is something £14 within budget but £17 becomes too expensive, meetings are now normally every 2 weeks meaning 1.50 a week more
  22. and the reason zetterstrom wanted the inside gate in heat 1 is..........
  23. are you saying the promoters gang up and bring rules in that stop poole signing the team they want , cuz to me it seems the complete opposite when was the last time poole moaned about not being able to sign the rider/s they wanted because of rules by other promotions? we all know that a lot of shady things go on at the bspa
  24. totally agree about the oap's ......concessions for them should be medications , travel , utility bills , tv licence , going to a speedway meeting is not a nessessity its a choice , they qualify for free travel too and from the speedway if its available coventry doing the right thing in trying to attract a new younger audience, the kids who eihter get in free or pay a fiver are tomorrows full paying adults in essence......... the big concessions that are ruining speedway are at the AGM when the other promoters continually give poole concessions,
  25. ''unconfirmed reasons?'' pretty sure it was because the way the sport was being run , or run into the ground by the bspa.....pretty sure they was also calling for an independent body
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