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heathen chemistry

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Everything posted by heathen chemistry

  1. this will be close.... under 6 pt win either way... but if the track is deep and grippy it could be a big home win
  2. i think the gerhard engine has improved since last year, bomber said all clutches on 3 bikes were contaminated with something from the workshop, sounds like someone didnt check them properly when installing
  3. i smell a rat, there seems to be something going on between adams , cook and ford
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjbA23ACtsw the best start ever
  5. ill have a bet with anyone davey watt will be at poole next season on an ultra low average , he will then suddenly get his form back
  6. it wont even itself out thou will it, ellis went from 3.00 to 8.00 in only a handful meetings , if he's at reserve for the last 2/3 meetings of the season , he could quite possibly end on 8.00 as could many others ,
  7. yes the averages are an absolute calamity , whats going to happen next season if ellis,klindt,newman,auty,worrall,kurtz,and all the other riders that swap 1-5 to reserve, end the season with ridiculously high averages? and are teams going to time it so that a 1-5 is at reserve for the play-offs giving them an advantage?
  8. it would look even more of a joke if holder the GP leader dropped to reserve
  9. why ellis his average is higher than holder and buzz and bjarne ellis 7.07 holder 6.62 buzz 6.95 bjarne 6.88
  10. and buzz's average has changed from 6.48 to 6.95 , holders average is 6.62 who drops to reserve now
  11. i think you can become a promoter but its 3 years before you can vote at the agm
  12. can someone confirm the prices for belle vue- is it £23 for a grandstand seat
  13. cuz then they would be slated for not promoting the sport before the season even started..
  14. still no one none the wiser as to which of the eight EL promoters voted these pathetic rules in? .... thought not!
  15. most fans were in main grandstand , there never is a lot of fans there on an off raceday
  16. yep the bspa averages rule the best comedy since 'some mothers do av em'
  17. problem is the bspa is a collective they all vote but you never know which one /s are to blame , so they all get tarnished wouldnt it be nice if one of them spilled the beans
  18. he rode yesterday in poland for his club rybnik scored 3+1 so hes ok
  19. sounds like deja vu all over again, yet another disillusioned promoter, i wonder why....seems to me that his ideas were scorned at and maybe even laughed at, how dare a newcomer come in and tell us how to do our job... bspa is inept at looking long term, its always short term tricks for certain clubs to benefit from,, sod the others....
  20. maybe a few of them did stand up and say its wrong, but if they did would they of been listened too after all the voting/decisions were made, those promoters that wanted these changes and are better off because of them are to blame, poole,lakeside,wolves.... what we need is a fully transparent AGM , so we the fans know who/which promoter/s drafted the rules and which ones voted for and against them.... whats to hide?....i wonder
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