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heathen chemistry

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Everything posted by heathen chemistry

  1. track covers reqd this time of year , but spose its better for boro , more time for palmtree to be fit
  2. there isnt a curfew at monmore , if you go on fanpower a facebook group, you will see a letter from wolverhampton council stating no curfew,
  3. poole will finish top and pick ipswich, just my opinion of course,
  4. do you think fake low averages dont exist , and every riders average is a true reflection? ...how many matches was that 4.64 based on ... imo a rider of his calibre should be around 6.5/7 in our league
  5. i carnt believe folks talking about dropping harris, come play off he is the one rider you need in your team, look what he did last year at poole , ipswich could well be at poole some time in the play offs another point id make is does anyone think it rather a little bit suspect that ipswich and poole have suffered massive losses then made huge signings just in time for the play offs , speedway still a numbers game , worrall's average is 5.22 how can THJ average be below that?
  6. depends on the home office sorting his passport out, splittin with his partner messed up his work permit/ visa ,
  7. problem lies with some bspa promoters ....they tend to think short term .....
  8. from the moment frn were voted in i could see the damage it would do , fans are used to there race nights, the atmosphere is different on another night , people have plans on other nights its ridiculous now to think the bspa even put this on the table ....just to appease some riders ....... imo we should go back to fri and sat race nights ignore the gp riders , start from the bottom and work up , if we can one day get the money back into british speedway the top riders will all come back
  9. well I for pne think good riddance to sky .theyve had far too much power dictating when matches are goin to br arranged for with the paying not being thought of . and too much pwer during televised meetings especially rain affected matches when one team wants a track inspection who remembers the belle vue v poole debacle a
  10. ask yourself this question ...if the plan was to demolish and sell for housing why would sandhu apply for planning permission to build a grandstand on the back straight costing quite a bit of money , just to demolish it a few years later?? they closed ranks ,sandhu had the finances , he was the only one that owned the stadium , he wanted an independent panel that was like red rag to a bull with the bspa
  11. yes sandhu bought the stadium , he spent loads doing it up , he seemed to get attached to speedway , he did spend vast amounts on riders, harris , schlien and others have nothing but praise for the way he run things and it must be said the bees were very proffesional and very successful when he was in charge , being probably the richest promoter out there the bspa got twitchy and chased him out he wanted an independent body but it fell on deaf ears , he then lost all interest and seemed to have it in for the bspa , the bees suffered as a result of this , i agree thou if he hadnt been chased out , the bees would probably still be running now ....
  12. it came from wayne roberts on bbc coventry and warwickshire last night
  13. no horton send colin a text message saying your no longer required .....
  14. thats not what sandhu is sayin , the agreement was made 3 times for sandhu to run stocks but horton never signed the lease , y didnt horton sign it , he kept changin the terms is what people are saying the way he said it wasnt all to do with money , he said they were forward thinking and looking to do something with the future of speedway , look what we have now a draconian bspa who havent got a clue how to promote the sport horton had got the lease from brandon estates .... the problem was horton not willing to agree to deals arranged with sandhu mainly because of there chequered past of not getttin on and here lies the problem acting like children the deal was sorted 3 times but every time horton didnt sign the lease , what was he doing havin a holiday in america when he was supposed to be signing the lease anyway....
  15. british speedway will be extinct in 5 yrs
  16. horton didnt get much from the radio programme yesterday, rory and chris made some very good comments about sandhu and rick frost rory saying they were the best two promoters he rode for by far and that they were chased out by the bspa , cuz they were forward thinking (independent body) bomber saying when sandhu promised something it was there ,, unlike horton is what i cud gather he was trying to get across , which tells me thats probly the reason he left coventry he had enough of the bullshat sandhu trashing the place or really the folk sandhu employed to take his assets and trashing the place really did it ,,, but when you hear he had no choice because horton failed to sign the lease to allow sabndhu access to run stocks ,, due to them not talking and obviously wanting to get one over each other ,
  17. tatum the better gater and more consistant but wigg had brilliant abilities on grass and longtrack not much between really
  18. what middlo fails to realise is that new stars will rise... its a massive chance now for a lot of riders to grasp it with both hands and kick on and become proper number ones riders like danny king , garrity, bates , newman , ellis ,worrall, ...big chance for thses to really make a mark ....... hes also wrong that the only top star in the league is holder......what about doyle ,,, also theres lindgren , kk and hans andersen
  19. but what would the alternative be? if teams didnt cost cut many teams would go bust and the rich team/s would win all the time making it boring.....
  20. well bates himself said he wants to use it for more than just speedway,,, so if stock cars go there youll have egg on ya face
  21. how is greg fake? he does what all riders do that is look after his own the best he can...all the top riders go where the best deal is nowadays , little loyalty in speedway now remember ford saying holder/ward would be at poole until they retire.... what happens ward comes back ford doesnt want him or doesnt want to make changes so he goes on loan to swindon, same with holder going on loan to kings lynn loyalty works both ways from promoters and riders , its cuthroat sometimes and greg no different , promoters are ruthless , so are the top riders
  22. what if sandhu put up the money for damien bates to buy leicester with the intent to turn it into a stock car track?
  23. horton should provide an incentive to fans to travel to leicester maybe something along the lines of half price admission as and wen the bees return to brandon for those fans that dont miss a match at leicester....
  24. sandhu took his stuff cuz horton offered him a quid for the fixtures and fittings playing a game of bluff with sandhu , i never said horton owned the stadium , horton owns sod all he rented off sandhu... and was late with the rent many times, asked fans to chip in and pay fines , had a go in the press when fans didnt turn up .. and still owes kenni larsen money....
  25. the reason sandhu went in and took his stuff , was because of horton , horton thinks he's hitler , sandhu is the one whio has spent money on brandon , not horton so carnt blame him for taking his stuff , i also blame horton for the breakdown in there relationship as many folk tend to fall out with horton over stupid things , mainly financial.... he still owes kenni larsen money
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