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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. I thought Hallstavik will stage a quali, not the challenge. Actually I still think they will stage it.
  2. Years ago on BSF I said that Sophie says what she's told to say/ask. Maybe she's learned! After all she has the master of the arts to tell/ teach her as things move on... Havent seen her "shows" for years, but always thought she was good. As to Louis... Havent really liked him on tv, partially because of his wooden appeareance. But this year, having seen more of him he''s actually looking a bit of a natural...
  3. Good thing I've stuck to beer then... What are your odds then to have no calendar changes for 2015? EDIT: meaning after this weekend. I'm not saying anything, lost all my money on my account months ago.
  4. Been told a minute a go that today is the day that FIM signs all calendars for 2015. Grapevine, aah. Must have some of that whenI get home!
  5. Am I correct to say that the said meeting is now on and Dudek is not riding?
  6. But he now rides for the wrong drink. Sundström has been the next big swede to step up almost as long as we have waited AJ to step up for TRick. Surprise pick IMO. Actually, not as long. Still a surprise.
  7. This has disaster written all over it. If you are licensed by any FMN under FIM, you dont do "wild" meetings. No insurance for starters, the list is long...
  8. Sure. I'll lock myself out and come back in three weeks. =)
  9. to give us all a chance to reload, and then get back at it, when there's actually something new to discuss. Not disagreeing with anything you say.
  10. A fellow Forum member dishing it out? Cant wait to read it...
  11. For some reason I cant stay away from this thread, but the fact is that every angle has been covered. Well, perhaps what actually happened is not... But please, lock the thread and open it again after sentencing. Pretty please.
  12. My point exactly. Check this out, kind of put's it all in one pic. First you lose control, get caught by your nuts and the go to the track/fence head first. I've seen Woffinden attach a rear camera on the side of the bike, which I feel is even worse.
  13. I'm a big "hater" of these cams. Safety is my main concern. Like said on this thread earlier, when you attach it, the helmet is no longer a ball, but has something sticking out of it. That something will take all the energy of the impact and come through the helmet. A LOONG time ago when I last time was buying myself a helmet it said in the small print that dont put stickers on it or paint it, because it will change the tension (wrong word, try to imagine what I mean) of the helmet. This piece of news regarding Schumi apparently lead to GoPro's stock going down 10% yesterday. There are also some issues regarding the copyright and other things related to the material the cameras produce while used in official meetings. That might not be a problem in the UK though.
  14. A couple of years ago they tried Balakovo/Russia for this meeting. SVEMO and MA qualified but did not turn up. Still not heard the final outcome, fines in excess of 20k euros was talked at some point. Now that it's in Australia, it's probably a lot easier and cheaper... For MA. I wonder what other teams will participate, as the fines are pretty big if you dont turn up. Also worth stating from my FMN point of view, that to my knowledge we have entered the U21 team competition. Riders will pay for their own expenses, but can keep/share the prize money. We have a couple of good juniors, but not expecting them to win their quali or semi to reach the final. UNTIL teams start dropping out in front and they are in a position to choose between travelling to Australia (prize money between 3600-1800 euros for a team) or pay the fine, probably up to 100k in euros. Did not find it fast enough from the book. Me thinks why bother. It's not like the world has really chaged from the day when Armando said 7 round U21's was too much in this economic climate.
  15. So thats why they only needed to know top3 in Lonigo. Not top6 as the current rules state.
  16. Really surprised MJJ is in, though pleased even more. I have no problem with the other picks. Kind of agree that MJJ vs. PK could have been either way. Best part is, that no dirty play (so far) to get Ward back in.
  17. LOL, I just knew it the minute Covatti was lined up for an appearance in 2015. But Janowski is still in? Yeah I know, the change in the rules was done before Lonigo...
  18. There was a ballot afterwards, according to that 5) ThJ, 6) Pawlicki and then 7) Covatti.
  19. On the front page as the next one on speedwaygp.com as I write.
  20. Indeed. And after a while when you've been "hit" in the face after using that info on your discussions and trusted some plonker who actually had no idea, you'll start to get the picture. Print media really is on it's last legs. Thats a fact, probably even world wide. This is what a "30 year career" in Finnish sports journalism in one of the top6 biggest newspapers said to me face too face this season. And even if it would have legs to stand on, the world is changing, everything is about money and profit and reasonably well doing papers are brought down because they dont generate enough money. Neither would I. It's too hard, rip's easy and a lot more expensive then the soft paper I use. Anyway, I'll check what You have to reply, but then I'm out from this thread. It will re appear in the next 6 months with the same things done over again.
  21. My internet is 480 euros a year for the connection, then I need the computer to get online. Thats another 500 euros spread over 4 years. Beats Spar everyday. NOT On the other hand rumours, results and gossip might be out of date by the time it's in your mailbox. But there's a lot more. There just is.
  22. And girls all weekend giving out SGP Prague leaflets. So me thinks that theory just died.
  23. Think they rode in Prague on monday to top it all. The price of beer was just ridicolous. My "change" to bring home is over 4000 crowns... 😃
  24. There are two of them, and Erik is more in to LT and the other one for speedway I'm told. But then again, at that age things change over night.
  25. Nike Lunna from Finland on the road to ride on friday, guessing with #6 on his back.
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