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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Riding under a PZM issued license, a federation that has banned their riders from riding at tracks without an APD rode in the Argentinian series on tracks without an APD on the approval of the PZM. This snippet from the Worrall interview in the Spar earlier. So rules are "rules"...
  2. The MA has already given the WC away to someone else: http://t.co/xINrFOK80e">pic.twitter.com/xINrFOK80e</a></p>&mdash
  3. Thanks. I was turned down again in 2013... = ) Gonna visit Warsaw and Tampere this year, two consecutive ones, so maybe I'll use a different technic and wear them out to hire me. Would be welcomed, since TV showed me the door.
  4. Changes to allocations as well?
  5. I just love this one... I can see crap hitting the fan big time early next week in a couple of Finnish offices.
  6. Always ready to help with important stuff. Heres my bit.
  7. Got to love that tweet by Diana Spencer that tells you to contact and complain to FIM Europe...
  8. Big FIM conference during the weekend somewhere.
  9. That was a new one for me. Learned something today, could just as well put my feet up now...
  10. Most federations world wide have links to wada. Not bothering to check at the moment, but I think PZM is actually the motorsport fed in PL, not just zuzel. So its BIG and most likely linked to WADA.
  11. Järf is coming home from Togliatti and will miss the Almaty rounds. Personal reasons are stated as the reason.
  12. Thought it was a good question as well, as I "create" news from/for Finnish speedway, and the papers dont actually care, let alone pay for them...
  13. Great that they are again thinking of making huge changes! Hopefully this time they will think them through, and not just rush things and then let everyone make their own "common sense" decisions over things. Making one mistake in a change this big, can easily lead to a point where the CCP members can start booking flights to all speedway nations and attend the "lights off" ceremonies.
  14. It has happened (methanol fumes) and thats probably why it's now in the book.
  15. I was still in ice hockey when Lindros was having his problems. His biggest was that he did not "keep his head up", which led to all the problems. A MAJOR factor, even if you dont agree. Comparing to speedway, we have riders buying the cheapest available and approved helmets. You can ask Kalle Katajisto how they hold together? This keeping in mind his BRIEF! spell for the Devils. I would like to think speedway is a bit safer than hockey??? Comparing g-forces, amount of impacts and available protection. I could be wrong though, but the problem is real.
  16. You (or anyone else) believing is the problem. Hopefully we will KNOW tomorrow. When I used to go out for a drink, after three pints of lager (in 60-90 minutes depending on thirst and company) I would feel slightly intoxicated and "merry", but since I'm 190cm/95kg I would be ok to drive since the limit in Finland is 0,05 %. Thats just to point put that the grey area is quite wide. Now I just drink at home. = )
  17. How do you define that? What would be the alcometer number that tips ypur scale from not-drunk to being drunk?
  18. I was there, yes. I think Järf had to make two passes all day having missed the start, max score and a win in the final by a straight. Jouni was a bit poor (he was very aggressive last year, like an old lady yesterday) and lost to Järf by half a lap in their heat. Young Aakko is a minor misunderstanding Doug, as it was Antti's father. He was quite good. Lost his own bike with suspension problems and then fell while comfortable second in the semifinal with Anttis bike. Just lost his front grip and slid to the "fence". Longer straights and tighter bends than last year equalled bigger gaps between riders. A bit like making a speedway track grippy in Finland... Gaps between riders skills will get highlighted, though it will serve the top few as a more international experience. Tani was also out with injury.
  19. Spoke with Seppänen yesterday in an official capacity. St Johann is currently the only club interested(/that has applied) in hosting the Challenge, so there really is a limited amount of options for FIM who to give it to.
  20. So according to twitter stellingwerf will decline his place in the gp but will ride in Assen.
  21. Four Germans is quite a lot. When it went to nominations, Järf was certain to get in. It's about countries represented as well. He might have (very likely) qualified from the Challenge too.
  22. So where's the controversy regarding the picks? They okay?
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