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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. He knows me too. :lol: And for the same reasons as I ask the questions they dont want to hear. EDIT2: so I read it again and found an escape clause regarding the extra protection. As the FIM has not approved the said extra protection, guess its not mandatory yet. So they made a rule 4 months ago that they still cant enforce. Still, this is better than the suit rule that has not been dealt to the end in over two years.
  2. I read the paper before writing that. From Jan 1st 2016 its either soft fence in the exits or extended apd. Most certainly the apd was not extended and Nicki and his bike hit something solid. Possibly on the 20,5 meter mark.
  3. The way I see it yesterdays GP should have been postponed as well due to not meeting the revised Fim track racing rules from dec 23rd 2015. The exits of bends 2 and 4 should be "soft" 20 meters onward where the apd stops. Now one could say nicki hit the solid fence at 21 meters so theres no need to drag this further...
  4. Massive is an understatement. Last year it was freezing inside, this year the GP is a month later. I'm told I should only pack shorts and t-shirts as statistically its gonna be over +20 and sunny. Totally different ballgame this year.
  5. Is the Krsko track really according to the new Fim standards? No flex in the kickboard and certainly no flex in the fence where Nicki hit it.
  6. Have no effing idea whats going on but I'm watching the live youtube stream from the pc that just said I'm blocked.
  7. Even viaplay has cocked up and illegal stream is the only option in Finland. Thanks for the link earlier and other help!
  8. I bet it's pretty hard to break through from Denmark when they still have nicki, puk, now bjarne again and bjerre. Then there's mjj, faller, bech and mikkelsen in the next wawe already "thereabouts", klindt who I thought was lost coming back and so on. How you gonna gather your momemtum and package (financially as well) in a country that has the toughest competition in speedway on publicity and such..?
  9. Armando steps up in Spar to take the blame of the postponement. All the right reasons mentioned. And at the same time forgetting why such a 10 year deal was made with a promoter who was unable to make it happen in 4 months, with still plenty of time after the track was found...
  10. Yippee! A bit funny that we are blocked since nobody is showing it on tv.
  11. Figured thatmuch myself, but thought they're so clever that it would reqognise my ISP and country already at that point.
  12. Anyone in any country getting results by clicking the "youtube selected countries streaming" service. Only refreshes the main page in Finland ATM.
  13. If you get any offers of KW or Dstar ones, please let me know. Unless they are match or meeting specific, they are 99 % likely to be "stolen".
  14. Thats what the other guy said a week ago, while stating that Secher was the one quitting.
  15. Timo Lahti and Tero Aarnio are the SML representatives in Debrecen.
  16. Never in my time has Sweden had so poor lineup in U21 qualis. Johannes Stark is the next in line and I've seen him ride.
  17. Just noticed his name on a German league meeting this year... Not that it matters, but he's apparently on 500cc as well.
  18. While I understand exactly your point, I also think it was wise to mention right from the start that it might cost something. Even if it's just 50. It's pretty hard to organise anything for free these days.
  19. Thats the Torun longtrack you mean? Is it Motoarena or something else? We had a slot for it as well, the date was given 6 weeks prior to the meet. Had to give it away. Thats the Torun longtrack you mean? Is it Motoarena or something else? We had a slot for it as well, the date was given 6 weeks prior to the meet. Had to give it away.
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