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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Aarnio says in a press release that a round and slick track at Nagyhalsz and expects a borefest whoever gates will win.
  2. Why did they move the startline now? It's been like that since day one...
  3. I see you had a few beers last night too. Good for you!
  4. Yes I do think that SML has paid fines many times. I think regularly is the correct phrase. Thats why the riders sign an agreement with the fed before the allocations are applied, so that if the rider pulls out without a proper reason, basically the fine can be transferred to him. And the fines can be decent, up to 100k in euros. That time (Balakovo) I know there was a doctors note from England. Think it was Hefenbrock or Wölbert that also had a doctors note for the said meeting, but rode in the UK the same time...
  5. It was a WC quali or semi in balakovo. Kauko Nieminen was one the riders out injured for it. Every applied and given slot is either filled or paid fine of. Atleast if done by the book.
  6. Just to spice up the discussion for the weekend... 1. You get in to the final because you qualify on home soil. Lets put you to Abensberg or Terenzano and see what happens. 2. Because he was the wild card by being the next best brit in the british final. He was the champ, right, but what I mean is that had he finsihed second behind Harris, he would still have got the nod.
  7. I see the locals were worried as well about the crap that was spread...
  8. Bummer. Thought is was a good series, even if somewhat twisted from what really went on.
  9. Have you seen Harley and the Davidsons tv-series. Think it was Indian that did not play fair.
  10. Yes I am. I believe what bigash said. Also like I said, the same engine design that GTR uses has been tried before, 10 years ago, and hasn't broken through. Technology in speedway has changed somewhat with offsets and shorter stroke, so maybe it will this time. But from all of bigash's comments I think the most important one's were that GTR has a limiter and if he put a limiter on a GM, the end result would be the same.
  11. Did you read what bigash said earlier in this thread?
  12. I have a picture of a FGM engine from 2008 that's similar to the above and GTR. Like bigash said earlier, there's nothing new in GTR engine. But, you believe this, I believe that...
  13. Who is/Why is Rudi S Hansen the supremo of the 2nd biggest speedway power in the world?
  14. Porsing has already promised to take acu license for 2018.
  15. Who are there to ride with him for the allmighty US?
  16. No. I said they have no choice and thats only what I've heard. Be it rider availability, finances or rules, dont know.
  17. I did see the smiley, but riders do retire and then comeback. Joonas has quit British speedway and longtrack many times. But that linked news was about the rules and a general interpretation of it. Make a ruling about the Kylmäcase specificly and suffer the consequences later on... Not really sure how it works at the moment for Lokomotiv to use RR. From what I heard they do it because they have no choice, no riders to pick from. Certainly they'll be in a puddle of poo if another one gets injured.
  18. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/681288/kontrowersyjne-zz-za-kylmaekorpiego-gks-tlumaczy-ze-inaczej-nie-mozna Answered. I would have said the exact same, like it or not.
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