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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Probably the first time ever! Think one year we had three in series direct with Flyktman, Lehtinen and Aakko. But what can you do, our best in the qualis this year said before the meeting he doesnt want to get in. Him being Kankkunen.
  2. Nice of you to share their names... I looked from FIM website and my email, the two places that they should be in when any announcement is made. I’ll be thinking of you Doug during the next litre of Sangria while sitting here on the beach...
  3. Spoke with Haarah and Ledström before the meeting yesterday and they were both quite nervous as it was only five heats and tour season was either ISGWC or swedish Isracingserien... Never spoken with Ledström before, is he always that quiet? EDIT: fever broke out yet Jesper?
  4. So looking at the results my earlier post seems to have gathered momemtum... Iwema being 7th at Ylitornio gives him the right for one. He wasnt the fastest but rode clever and bold lines and wasnt afraid to mix it. Also he's the kind of rider that the series need, being young, athletic looking and from a "new" yet traditional ice racing country.
  5. Watched the weather for the first time in 4 months. Looking good for Ytornio. Temp has been -3 to -15 or so and from now on between -5 to -10. So the ice should hold. First year they had problems with lack of snow, now they’ve been swimming in it. But no new snow anymore so shouldnt be a problem. Looking forward for the drive ... EDIT Should have stayed quiet. Sunny -19 for the meeting. EDIT2 ...and to the reason I dont follow forecasts anymore: its now cloudy -15 for the meeting.
  6. Is that 120k spread over the weekend, or are there 120k people when the green lights go out on sunday afternoon?
  7. Exactly. A friend is in a similar situation and I dont envy him. Six? weeks now since the Spar interview and all the info we are getting is coming out via sportowefakty...
  8. Think you’re the useless in this one. First we have to get all the FIM dates. If SEC announces dates and the FIM later wants them, it’s theirs to take. So no point in going public at this point, blame on the FIM. FIRMLY!
  9. They've had really good ones for the past few decades, World and Olympic champions like Adam Malysz and currently Kamil Stoch. We also have had some really good ones over here, but just reading today that it's a possibility that no Finnish jumpers to the Olympics as they are no good ATM.
  10. Nordic individual at Varkaus on March 10th according to their own site.
  11. http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Isracing/Tavling/Tavlingskalender/
  12. It's only about 50k € to buy a new one, that cant be a reason*. Or even in the list of reasons. * = we talking about SGP here, not a national quali of a quali meeting at Nokia.
  13. Maybe once every two months my copy is delayed over the weekend. Friday is the usual day if delivery. And must ad, not blaming any delays towards Spar.
  14. Almost four weeks since the original interview was given, still no official info. I count this from the absolute last deadline that the printed spar has.
  15. Looking bleak regarding ice around here at the moment. BUT!! its been warm before aswell. My local paper has gathered stats on Tampere christmas weather for almost a 100 years now. https://www.aamulehti.fi/uutiset/aamulehti-kokosi-tampereen-joulujen-lumitiedot-1930-alkaen-200615135/ couple of nice pics as well. merry christmas!
  16. Finns at Ylitornio are Timo Kankkunen and Matti Isoaho. Reserves Tomi Kirilov and Rami Systä. Tomi Norola and Jussi Nyrönen will travel to Övik. Andrew Barrett for MA will open his ice speedway racing career at Ytornio. Believed to be the first Australian ice racer. He did UK speedway about 30 years ago as Bill Barret (I’m told).
  17. I have two plan A’s for January and Ylitornio is the other one. Just confirmed the garage to repair the heater in the van, so I’m already committed for 1098€ worth!
  18. Rumour has it that Tani is out for the season after a crash in practise. Not good, hoped he could have a strong season and pick up some drive.
  19. I dont have a UK team of my own, but I'm sticking with Niemi as the best Finnish rider ever. Also I can see Niemi riding in Finnish finals pretty regurarly between 75-90 with 9 titles, 1 Silver and 1 bronze. Where as I did not see Kylmä ride in Finnish championship at all after 2003. Dont know why Niemi did almost them all, but it's pretty safe to say it was about money that Kylmä did not. My point with Niemi riding a 15 year career wasn't about it been super long, it was about it being longer than I had realised. I'm kind of surprised myself, but I get no kicks out of this debate on the best Finn. But I do hope that Timo Lahti makes enough of himself to be considered a part of a similar thread in 10 years time
  20. Kylmä was in the challenge twice and laukkanen 3 or 4 times. Niemi a 4 time finalist. Did not know Niemi did a 15 year career...
  21. When did the quali system change? I remember Laukkanen winning an intercontinental final in 2003 but only qualis and semis when we talk of Kylmä.
  22. From about 2006 onwards I think Joonas always had a slot if he wanted one. Cant comment before that cos cant remember and dont know. The thing is that Kylmä was often out injured. I think one year he was even run over by a team mate at Lakeside AFTER the race was finished and that was it for his dream of SGP that year. Bad luck and poor timing of injuries many years... And yes, Id also say its difficult to compare, near impossible. From about 2006 onwards I think Joonas always had a slot if he wanted one. Cant comment before that cos cant remember and dont know. The thing is that Kylmä was often out injured. I think one year he was even run over by a team mate at Lakeside AFTER the race was finished and that was it for his dream of SGP that year. Bad luck and poor timing of injuries many years... And yes, Id also say its difficult to compare, near impossible. U just need to pick an opinion and stick with it.
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