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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. My first thoughts as well... The cover is a bit so-so but looks really good on the inside. And not much to decrease from the amount of foreign and gt news...
  2. Yes and no. The club is there and has been involved in Russian lower league last year and also this year. They also have land and Im today told that there was a mx track and speedway track there. But theres been some problems with the land owner recently and the future remains unclear with the complec.
  3. I’d say its all about just doing it with ice racing, or having the finances to do it. I mean dont they already a tv crew travelling with the series? And a series photographer as well.
  4. Ranna speedway was in the Finnish first division about 5 years ago. This me thinks is another club and track.
  5. My point was that instead of getting rid of the girls, cameramen would be advised not to zoom on pussycats or melons. And if they did, the director would change the camera thats on feed. But no, you want to get rid of the girls...
  6. So the change of director and new guidelines for cameramen would not work then?
  7. What does your basic middle aged men look at then, if girls are for teens and pensioners? Speedway does have actual problems you know, that need sorting. Girls with umbrellas are not one of them.
  8. What was the need to have in the first place and how has that changed?
  9. Not even reading the links but you probably know that the majority of Finns thinks the lot of You girly anyway...
  10. Someone needs to be making money, be it a rider, club or promoter. If a promoter is making money, thats good because he then has the desire to make things happen.
  11. For SGP Finland goes with Timo Lahti, Tero Aarnio and Jesse Mustonen. For SEC we'll go with Timo Lahti in Pardubice and Mustonen+Aarnio in Balakovo. SoN will be announced closer to the date.
  12. I did not see the point of denying them. EDIT: in fact there’s an annual team meeting early on in the season in Germany, where countries ride and a couole of years ago Finland was there as well with Germany, Denmark and Sweden all wearing their official national race jackets. Why didnt FIM do anything with that? EDIT: And one team event (Denmark, Germany, Poland and Team Europe) in Pocking has been cancelled this weekend due to rain. Why did not FIM stop that?
  13. Well if he had ( I dont know) a six year Eurosport deal to stage 3 pairs meetings or pay 1 million zloty in fines, I know what I would have done... I’m not that bothered anymore, but the way that OneSport was allowed in to the market and stage Sec and how it behaved, still gives bad vibes. But it’s bygones now, new problems will most certainly wait ahead!
  14. Konikiwicz explained the situation in a recent Spar interview regarding why SBP had to continue with sponsored teams after national teams were denied... It had to.
  15. Yeah I have tons of stuff to do so trying to avoid doing the important ones by hanging around here...
  16. I kind of miss it too, but never used it for news. Hope she keeps it up for the archives sake, would be really sad if it disappeared. Once amonth atleast I'd like to find something from world.speedway.org... Now I just check sportowefakty for dates and such. Wouldnt bet any money based on most of the news though. And of course they'll have reserves and a reserve riders list to call up from. But is it FMNR track reserves or not? EDIT: Well maybe there is a system for the track reserves... ??? Riders qualifying for the FIM Speedway Grand Prix Qualification Meetings Challenge: • The top 3 from each of the four FIM Speedway Grand Prix World Championship Qualification Meetings, will qualify for the FIM Speedway Grand Prix World Championship Challenge. • Any additional Riders that might be required for the FIM Speedway WC Grand Prix Challenge will be elevated from the FIM Speedway WC Grand Qualifying Rounds. The first will be the next highest placed Rider from Qualifying Round 1 and alternate between the Qualifying Rounds thereafter. • As soon as possible after the completion of the four Grand Prix Qualification meetings, the CCP Bureau will publish the order of precedence for the additional Riders to be elevated to the FIM Speedway Grand Prix WC Challenge. In addition • 3 Wild Card Riders will be nominated by the CCP Bureau. • 1 Wild Card Rider will be nominated by the FMNR subject to acceptance by the CCP Bureau Nominations must be made in writing to the FIM not later than 1 month prior to the meeting. Time Limit – Replacement Riders In circumstances where a qualified Rider cannot take part in any meeting as specified above, for a reason accepted by the CCP Bureau they will be replaced in accordance with the above subject to official communication being communicated to the replacement Rider up to 48 hours prior to the start time of the first heat as per the supplementary regulations. Thereafter any vacant position at the discretion of the CCP Bureau may be taken by a track reserve in accordance with the order of their nomination (ie 17, then 18 etc).
  17. Yes, sorry about holding back. To my defense I'll just state that sportowefakty probably had them public before Lydia had them published. So in reality I'm not to blame... They ditched the "reserve qualifying" system last year or year before. So that no one had to travel accross Europe to start with #18 on his chest. Instead they went with FMNR riders. Cant see any reason why change back, but also cant see the text in the book stating what the system is. And... I know the Finnish riders for the qualis too... But I'll sit on the press release until next tuesday just to humour you
  18. Yes we do, since Feb 15th. 12 Riders from Qualif. Rounds (3 from each) + 3 FIM CCP Bureau Wild Cards + 1 FMNR Wild Card accepted by CCP Bureau
  19. How they determine the reserves for the Challenge this year? Cant find the text...
  20. If you have time, U can change the jetting if you want to. Two minutes remains 120 seconds no matter what. The problem is and was what happens before and after: When the ref turns the 2 mins on and do you need to be ready at the tapes or heading towards the tapes (perhaps from the rubbishter). Thats where you find time to save. It took me 6 years to get Finnish refs convinced that they need to turn 2 mins on every damn time. That was only 5 refs. Dont expect You lot to sort this in during this decade...
  21. Dont see any need to trial this one. Copypaste it from the FIM rulebook and it would have worked a treat. After 2 mins youre either ready to start or you are out. After which another 2 mins start for either a reserve or 15 m back.
  22. You could do that, yes. But it does nothing to speed up the meeting. I might be wrong with this one, but arent UK league rules so, that as two mins are up, you need to be under starting marshalls orders?? What ever that means, but most likely extra 10-20 secs before green light is on. Over here and in the GP when two mins is up, you need to be ready to start at the tapes.
  23. If you want to speed up the meetings by cutting the "gardening" time, you should sent the riders out with shovels and rakes. Then the start tart could hold the bike while the Groove is finished. Would actually save A LOT OF TIME!!
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