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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. It’s a good question. Why bother at all... But yes it would be. Getting through from the quali and riding in the final would make the prize money big enough for any of it to make sense financially. We’d get national press coverage over here and our riders would get better deals in the future because they have (they’d had to if we qualify) beaten quality opposition on live tv.
  2. With Timo Lahti fit and Tepi having the form he had 2018 we could qualify from any round (with current rules). But for us the logistics and expense would be MUCH more reasonable with a continental quali.
  3. Of course not. There's one in the UK (so that brits will qualify) and one on the continent like before. May is very early, not just for us.
  4. Seriously doubt that Aarnio has been racing in Argentina. We've had loads in Oz and NZ, Kylmä definately was in the States this decade, but Argentina I say no.
  5. The Argentinian round is the only way for you brits to get a second entry to SGP! Could place a small bet that no Finnish rider ever has competed in Argentina.
  6. If SEC champ gets an auto slot then AMA and Argentinian champs + Aussie champ should get in aswell since one continental champ gets in — > all should get in. Its the world championship.
  7. if the final is in BV on May 9th our Event will probably be in Macon on April 1st. Cant go further in Europe from HEL than Macon...
  8. So Hans missed out on Zlata Prilba having been called in by his Polish team quite late in the week to be dropped an hour before the meeting? Because thats what I understood from the CZ broadcast from Pardubice...
  9. Lindbäck is or was on another drink label after Monster dropped him. I’ve got no problem with Smolinski being on list, but why is he 1st on it...
  10. Dont know but I’d say ZS is dusted for the year... to run it as a solo event...
  11. Saw that 2morrow is supposed to be good weather. Still I wondered if the actual ZP has ever been cancelled?
  12. Freddie overturns and TW hits a rut at the same time. Good call.
  13. From where did you qualify to the final? From where have you qualified to any of the finals since SWC and now SoN was introduced? The answer... from home soil. (Didnt check though... ) I admit I posted what I posted to stir the pot. I’ve made a similar remark before without any feedback. It’s about 50/60 like Matti the Great would say, about the fact that currently you dont have a strong enough team to do the job abroad.
  14. Woffy this woffy that, Team GB is a ”one rider pony”. If they put you to qualify abroad, that would be it... They wont though, it’s all politics!
  15. It’s about the same with SoN. Without an event in the UK, youd never qualify for the final...
  16. Are you lot talking of Kiri Bloore, the blonde that has a bigger mic than she is?
  17. In Russia is no problem. To and from on a weekly basis is a different matter and a different expense. This is a debate that will go on forever...:lol:
  18. Yes but no... Speedway is a European sport from March to October. Russians are already here. Also the Russian border is a bit iffy with checks and riders have been denied access to Russia with their bikes. Last season many riders flew to the GP challenge and rode with rented bikes because the logistics are difficult mid season when you need to ride in France the day after... And no, its not the same in ice racing. I understand but I dont... Finland is in Europe but we dont normally want to travel to Macon, Manchester or Krsko for the qualifiers because of the cost involved. Thats where our allocations usually are...
  19. His name was already in one of the SR’s for the international meetings arranged at Hallstavik this season... It’s been about 20 years since I first saw him ride at Pori in the Nordic final...
  20. Why would Lambert get a full season wild card? Only reason for that is to fill the GB quota and U already have TW.
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