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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Woffinden cant do it alone and Aussies need to qualify first from Daugavpils. As do Swedes.
  2. https://www.wada-ama.org/en/content/what-is-prohibited/prohibited-at-all-times/manipulation-of-blood-and-blood-components 3rd chapter... See you in 4 years Max.
  3. Think you are wrong and actually the one we have now create more decibels than the ones before... Dont understand the bit about someone getting money out of it...
  4. Not checking the book but arent these alllcations federation, not rider allocations until sign on, which is now apparently on sat morning.
  5. So like I said... In a way it's all f__cked but then again they are on a tight leash regarding time and something needs to be done..
  6. Wondered myself if they’ve just changed everything behibd the scenes and forgot to tell anyone...
  7. Practise is to be cancelled at Övik and there a starting list out that has riders listed that arent meant to be there, namely Järf.
  8. Headlines yesterday said winter is called off.
  9. Book Scandic Hotel Forssa now if you want to stay there. It’s not that big and its the hotel of choice for the meeting. If you hire a car I’d sleep at Turku, Helsinki or Tampere. Public transport me thinks Forssa has no trains and after the meeting it might be difficult to catch a bus. The meeting start time is yet un known but I expect it to end by 20.00. for busses http://www.expressbus.fi/fi/etusivu/ for trains https://www.vr.fi/cs/vr/en/frontpage EDIT1 If anyone knows a more reliable public transport than Finland has, say it EDIT2 Helsinki public transport in fact got an award as the best in the world no too many years ago.
  10. Kauhajoki off. No ice, no snow and raining.
  11. You have video, I have memories but his first heat was racing, others more like riding after his R. Barrett was a bummer both times. He’s a lovely gent who was (and probably is) full of enthusiasm for the sport and he really did have mechanical problems both -19 and -18. Maybe they were avoidable ones, but in motorsport you have mechanical problems more often than not. So to come that far to have some, thats bad luck.
  12. Didnt Cheblokov have one decent ride and then R and that was his meeting... A bit like Barret coming to Ylitornio to have two T/T’s...
  13. For Latvia needed vaccinations are the same we need to visit GB, and thats a metaphore. Daugavpils is not the most modern of places but still a nice and worthy visit for a speedway meeting. Nice new profile pic Jesper!
  14. To put your pet to sleep in a loving enviroenment or not to put your pet to sleep even though its a fat bastard, over aged and has trouble walking just to keep it in the loving enviroenment YOU need. Go figure... Take your girlfriend and come over, we have everything https://eukonkanto.fi/ Not sure we have anything with cows though...
  15. For the record we dont eat dogs in Finland. Yes racing greyhounds are put to sleep. So are pet dogs of any breed. We have dogs on our street that should have been put to sleep years ago, but they are pets and owners dont want to. I’ve been to horse races where a horse fell, got injured and was shot on scene. The horse was flown over from a different country for that one race. It was his last. Over here if a cow (meat-to-be-eaten) is born with anykind of handicap or injury is killed immediately because it’s not worth the 100€ thats spent on born cows on the first 36 or so hours of their life... Perspective.
  16. Yes but only live one’s. Finnish dogs dont die.
  17. Only British greyhounds die. 1000 of then last year. Cat’s might though even here. And actually my neighbour put two to sleep earlier this year. But thats not news, thats life.
  18. Yes. Even the dogs that are used for hunting and police dogs that are attacked by wolwes, bears and criminals only get hurt but dont die. Only british greyhound dogs die.
  19. So now that GB is seeded we get the logistical choice of Race Offs... USA and Ukraine won't have a chance in Latvia. Timo Lahti has spent the last three seasons there... I see a bus trip to Daugavpils on the horizon!
  20. Why wouldn't they try to acquire the current team? I'd try... I'm sure Morris will forgive me for my error. From what I've seen he's so much hands on the job a raker is as good as a term as a race director.
  21. What are the positive's of changing BSI people to One Sport people? Why does it need to be done? Discovery will own it all but since the meetings are under FIM, Morris will continue to be the clerk of the course and lead local people who actually make the GP happen. Why would it be One Sport, what have they done to earn the right to do anything at GP level?
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