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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Mikko Jetsonen recently stated in an interview that it cost 70k€ to make the ice for the racing weekend... Thats just the ice. He did not say it was the sum Inzell uses, but if you think about it, not much mint left to be done adding 30k € in prize money to that.
  2. I'm calling Dec 27th for the Finnish final so hands off!
  3. They change SGP scoring, because they had to because all other disciplines have the same. Then they change team speedway rules to make it more special, since being fastest at the flag isn't important anymore (like it is in other disciplines), it's more about places 2 and 3 doing tricks to slow the 4th down to gain heat victory for the team not winning the heat. Bigger picture you see... This is all good.
  4. Aki Ala-Riihimäki named to ride in the European final for Finland.
  5. Been asked about this frequently... Apparently there was gossip about this scenario already in Berlin.
  6. Not many days since I read that he gave up the sport. Thats a reason for an act like that. For Bavarian, AAR was the best Finn at the Nordics and said at an interview that this was his first chance to come back from his injuries.
  7. Remains to be seen. Hopefully after all the fuss regarding his entry he does good and keeps riding in the future.
  8. Nordic final at Varkaus this saturday is set to go ahead at 12AM syary time PM-finaalin kuljettajat 7.3. Varkaus: Stefan Svensson, Ruotsi Niclas Svensson Ruotsi Jussi Nyrönen, Suomi Aki Ala-Riihimäki, Suomi Martin Börjegren, Ruotsi Joakim Söderström, Ruotsi Christer Biskop, Suomi Mikko Jetsonen, Suomi Atte Suolammi, Suomi Jo Saetre, Norja Tomi Norola, Suomi Mikko Mäkinen, Suomi Pierre Hallen, Ruotsi Jimmy Hörnel Lidfalk, Ruotsi Matti Isoaho, Suomi Ove Ledström, Ruotsi Jani Koivula, Suomi Timo Kankkunen, Suomip
  9. We had a track that was there without a enviroenmental permission to use it. Riding a speedway bike there would have gotten you in to trouble and no way official meetings or training could have gone a head as it was not a "real" track. We made a noise test of the bike (something the FIM should pay and deliver to every FMN EVERY time they change the silencer limits), then there was a simulation of a bike doing circles and there were 4 or six reference points where the sound level was recorded. A report (https://www.moottoriliitto.fi/site/assets/files/1251/speedwayn_melupaastomittaukset_emo_lahetetty.pdf) was written on the sound levels. Then a sound model was created with computer on the specific site and its surroundings, only that it did not take in to account any trees or bushes, just ground level alterations. Also wind was set at 3 or 5 meters per songs to every direction at the same time. So then this model was created with a computer and it showed how the noise travels in theory. We applied the permit, it was put on show for everyone interested in complaining and the we explained that there was no problem. Cant see any point in taking one bike and revving it next to people ready to complain. That will amount to nothing good for the project. There was no vote with the public, city people did the job and everyone in Finland had the right to complain.
  10. Does he... I’d say he cant tell/know the difference between lt and ft because It doesnt matter to him.
  11. Good news is that Castagna has denied it's a done deal with the Argentinians regarding staging a GP there. Still I don't understand why he went there to even check the place out... Now there was an interview with even bigger FIM boss in the Spar, the president Viegas himself. He goes on record saying how he's gonna help with long track racing in Goa/ India this year and how Marc Margues is riding long track in Spain. I'm a tad worried,
  12. So the hole might explain to an extent why Zorn did not ride the final. I know Ackroyd is stated in the SR, but Laukkanen was there as well and he has no other role than a ref. So whatever if you ask me... Edit. Something for Jesper to fine tune then, N is not the same as falling in a heat.
  13. Whats unreasonable and whats not, it’s all up to the people involved. I hear they are planning a guide book to harmonise the LT finals, make it easier for the riders as its the same allround and also for the organiser as it tells what to do. That might be unreasonable as well... I know it was over here in Finland as we tried to do it for league meetings...
  14. Whats their problem this time? I see from pics that Phil Morris was there with Tony Steele and Mika Laukkanen was the ref.
  15. I’ve been frequently debating this new scoring system with some friends and collegues, and just fail miserably time after time to see how they think the new system is better just because it’s now more important to win meetings. In ice racing for example its now and more important to win 10 heats a season than the 70 heats last year. And this change is for the better...
  16. Fed dont want to pay travel or what? Federations world wide are full of d1kkheads but denying entry when there is no cost is stupid. But naturally not unheard of.
  17. The exit towards the other end of the bridge leads to a small square with one street exiting towards the river. The square itself has places to get food, this street has a few restaurants as well. One was italian and we went there all three first times it was staged. No more than 5 mins walk.
  18. There is no need to explain it any further. Thats the reason he's in.
  19. With my google it said the verdict is out and should be made public tomorrow, thursday.
  20. Yes But it was the one date left. Not that many years ago when Ufa could not decide if they were to host the EC or not the situation was the same, but then we had 2 allocations, only one now.
  21. Finnish final postponed to March 21st due to weather.
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