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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Kuusankoski 14.-15.1. 2005 Per-Olof Serenius 33333 15+1 Ilja Drozdov 32233 13+3 Antti Aakko 333R2 11+2 Dmitri Bulankin 31322 11+N Kaj Lehtinen 23301 9 P-A Lindstrom 2M223 9 Andreas Roth 13122 9 S. Gegenbauer 02213 8+2 Fredrik Olsson 22R31 8+3 Hans Olov Olsen 11230 7+2 Heinz Göldi 12112 7+3 Simon Gartmann 2d101 4 Reinhard Greisel 1002R 3 Graham Halsall 01110 3 Denis Saifutdinovs 00011 2 Krister Biskop 1 1 Claude Gadeyne 00000 0 Jussi Hytönen DNR Heat by heat: 1. Serenius, Lindstrom, Greisel, Halsall 55,35 2. Aakko, Olsson, Göldi, Gegenbauer 56,75 3. Bulankin, Lehtinen, Roth, Saifutdinovs 57,78 4. Drozdov, Gartman, Olsen, Gadeyne 58,56 5. Roth, Göldi, Biskop, Gadeyne, Lindstrom M 60,14 6. Aakko, Drozdov, Bulankin, Greisel 56,60 7. Serenius, Gegenbauer, Olsen, Saifutdinovs 57,53 8. Lehtinen, Olsson, Halsall, Gartman R 59,48 9. Aakko, Lindstrom, Gartman, Saifutdinovs 58,42 10. Lehtinen, Olsen, Göldi, Greisel 59,27 11. Serenius, Drozdov, Roth, Olsson R 57,33 12. Bulankin, Gegenbauer, Halsall, Gadeyne 58,74 13. Drozdov, Lindstrom, Gegenbauer, Lehtinen 57,52 14. Olsson, Greisel, Saifutdinovs, Gadeyne 58,99 15. Serenius, Bulankin, Göldi, Gartman 58,38 16. Olsen, Roth, Halsall, Aakko R 60,35 17. Lindstrom, Bulankin, Olsson, Olsen 58,52 18. Gegenbauer, Roth, Gartman, Greisel R 59,54 19. Serenius, Aakko, Lehtinen, Gadeyne 58,01 20. Drozdov, Göldi, Saifutdinovs, Halsall 59,15 21. Göldi, Olsen 60,83 22. Olsson, Gegenbauer 59,48 Final: Drozdov, Aakko, Serenius, Bulankin N 58,06 Serenius was above the rest in all areas. He had the style, look and speed. Bulankin took a spill in practise and hurt himself enough to not take his ride in the final. Serenius was leading it, but almost fell of on the 3rd lap. I asked Drozdov about the politics, he said that it was not his nor the riders problem. Riders get along well with each other. But you can understand the frustration in D. Khomichevits: His team drove for 47 hrs straight to not ride @ Kuusankoski. One thing I forgot to ask was who made the decision on behalf of each rider which fed/club they're gonna ride for this season? The ice looked awful with groove's 4 inches deep, but I have now learned that it doesn't matter. The temperature is more important, and how "flexible" the ice is. And on that aspect it was perfect. So I wont ask stupid questions about the track anymore when ice racing is concerned!
  2. Damn I'm slow. Well the meeting finished 5 hrs ago... But G. Halsall was happy with his performance. He gated well but on the backstraight others went from left and right. He's heading towards Austria from here. He also said that internationally this was it. Posa was the best today, hit a rut in the final while leading and had to let Aakko and Drozdev go. More tomorrow...
  3. I just got a message that both of the Khomitsevitses are at Kuusankoski, and were refused the permission to ride at practice. They werent happy. I think I'll know more tomorrow. Edit: I'm seriously doubting my own comment here, but like I said, more tomorrow...
  4. I remember reading from somewhere that when Todd made his last comeback, he started with some crappy bikes and ended up winning a meeting with a grand prize of a new Jawa. That's when things really started to happen again. History to repeat itself???
  5. A year ago it was reported that the deal Tarnow made with Trick and Tomasz G. enabled them to earn as much as 200k USD. Holta is pretty close to that with his 156k EUR. Now thats a s""tload of money. 20*6*1=120 min of actual doing and a year of preparation. For Holta??? Should they now appoint Holta as the highest paid sportsman in Poland?
  6. I was gonna say the same. They might have things to his spec @ Parken!
  7. This is straight out of the Wiggy-book. In the book he's pro knockout formula, now done and dusted, and also that speedway is a saturday night sport. Stadiums way past their prime, filthy dog track covers and slightly mishandled pits. Add to that the tractor that is held together with sponsors stickers, and it all looks great when done with floodlights and clean bikes. Thats Reading SWC for you.
  8. Or was there? Apparently there was, because someone known with his/her ties to Flyktman incists there was on the finnish forum. Also something about Eibl and Nikulin refusing to ride in the final? Whats the story here?
  9. Now one would imagine there's some serious faults in the upbringing of this kid...
  10. There's some controversy in the finnish longtrack nominations, and it may well be that -07 you'll see a finnish rider under a swedish license in longtrack. And it's not JK, well not Kylmäkorpi anyway... Likewise pugwash & co. I dont care/like ice racing enough to REALLY debate over it , but it's true what I wrote. In a few years, well maybe more, Tampere will have winters like they have in northern Germany. Then anyone who gives a crap about ice racing will have to go and see it in Angarsk or some other place barely on this planet where they'll always have winter! They are trying to do a similar league over here as well. First fixture was postponed last friday because of the weather, and the next should take place on the 21st @ Forssa. These are both "laketracks" ( hope you understand what I mean). I chatted with Tomi Kirilov the same day. He was practising here at Tampere. Didn't go too well though, but he's had some progress in his tyres, with the aid of Erkki Aakko. Says the bike is way better than last year, when he somewhat surprisingly managed his quali to get to semi in the WC. I also heard earlier that he had somesort of fitness routine during the summer, but I take it wasn't too intense!
  11. Sad that Sweden or Finland dont have more winter. Russia got some for sure!
  12. So what's wrong with Ulamek then? Is he gonna take away Rune's points? Too much of an ego? or is he just an idiot... Personally my knowledge of Ulamek is quite poor. I know he rode for the Trick-team in the GP -02, couldn't take the pressure, and has never been a world beater. So why is Holta "scared" of him?
  13. Likewise Rico! Here's some copypasting from Mikael Max's guestbook that I've referred to in another thread. Especially I like "Ghost's" post's. I wonder what they wrote in Rune's guestbook? "Datum 2005-12-06 22:54:30 Namn Rzeszów Poland Meddelande Ghost nie ma nad czym plakac, otoz dla niektorch nie liczy sie wsparcie kibiców ot co !! MIKAEL --------WHOLE RZESZÓW IS DISIPPOINTED IN YOU !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Datum 2005-12-06 21:40:53 Namn Ghost from Poland Meddelande Thank You Mikael that you left us. Just money is important! Good Luck in Ostrow! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Datum 2005-12-05 16:49:16 Namn Ghost from Poland Meddelande Hello Mikael. I hope that you read this often. Im fan our Pollish Team from Rzeszow and I have petition to you. I dont know why do You want to leave our team. We need your help now. Remember that when you was injured we was helping you willingly. Everybody had bought your cap and t-shirt because we knew that you need money to cure. Mikael stay in Rzeszow !!!!!!!!!!!!! No Zielona Gora, no Ostrow, no other team. greeting for anyone who is Mikael`s fan. Welcome to www.stal.rzeszow.pl" Speedway is a big thing down in Poland!
  14. I'm sure tarabanko could have done this better... Something about that some of his fans dont understand why he's moving after seven years at Chesthowa. He's been their captain and number one scorer recently. He had to shut down his guestbook at his homepage because of the threatening messages. He's taking his mechanics and manager with him to Reszow, which is good, because the manager is 2 meters tall and can act as his lifeguard. He says Reszow is a promising club with good juniors and future, and he needed new challenges.
  15. Thank you very much for those kind words! I posted the SGP calender to the finnish forum, with a suggestion asking if anyone I know would be interested in going. It took about 3 hours, and I received a SMS saying that the same gang that last time is ready and the flights are all but booked! At the moment things are looking up, and there's definately going to be a polish meeting on my calendar for next year.
  16. Thanks. If thats gonna be anywhere near Bydgoszcz (a train ride), it might be worth the trip...
  17. Jep, but which final? Since it looks like the day after the GP is a final round of the playoffs, they might be too far from Bydgoszcz. It might be more convinient to travel for this thursday meeting and leave for home early on sunday...
  18. "21 czw finał MDMP stosownie do regulaminu" Please explain!? It's the thursday before Bydgoszcz GP
  19. News from Sweden say that Posa was on Krasnikov's bike's. Bike's still missing...
  20. I was talking to Aakko about his equipment after last season, and he said there just isn't better! He's been riding Veijo Tuoriniemi tuned (frames) Jawa's forever, and has found nothing to complain. Also he had a chance to compare them to other bikes, including several Russian "rockets". I believe it's was Lumpov's engine that he described as a disgrace, yet when they practised together he could hardly keep up with the guy. Our discussion ended with the words "Something should be done..!" I didn't have the heart (still dont )to say it might be good for him to pick up jogging...
  21. These are on barrowed equipment. They've been training as well, but not with their own bikes.
  22. The story is that the bikes of Antti Aakko and other western riders, + spare bikes of some Russian riders have gone missing on the train from Angarsk to Shadrinsk. They were promised to be at Shadrinsk later on, so somebody must know where they are... Maybe the riders should ask Rune Holta or Trick for some advice on what to do next..
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