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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. And that shows us that they indeed are the best at the moment.
  2. I mean to have tinted glasses you need to have tinted glasses... Take a good step back and look at the bigger picture including a few years back... Of course I'm only saying this based on what I've read in the media, we have people here that know what's really going on and they know better if not best.
  3. I guess they'll talk to Oulu again, but who knows about the winter... Why do I think that all this has nothing to do with a cooling system. How much would it cost to protect it so you could ram seven bikes in to it simultaneously and only crash the bikes? If it's OK to host Monster trucks at places like Ullevi and Globen, who really cares if a few bikes could hit one cooling system?
  4. They've now updated the federation website with this information regardin our 80cc competition. This looks to be the final table. N stands for NON-starter and the ones in brackets are not considered for the total score, as only best eight from each rider was taken in to account. 1. Mika Loppi --------- SeMK --- N --- 25 --- 25 --- 25 --- 25 --- 25 --- 25 --- N --- N --- 25 --- 175 2. Mika Hyyryläinen - SsMK --- 20 --- 16 --- (6) -- 20 --- (7) -- 11 --- 20 --- 10 --- 20 --- 8 --- 125 3. Vili Hautala ----- KauhjMK --- N --- 9 --- 16 --- 10 --- 10 --- 20 --- N --- 25 --- 25 --- 7 --- 122 4. Jiri Nieminen ------ SsMK --- 10 --- 13 --- N --- (9) -- 20 --- 13 --- 13 --- 20 --- 13 --- 11 --- 113 5. Jooa Partanen ---- KMMK --- 25 --- (6) -- 7 --- 7 --- 13 --- 9 --- N --- 16 --- 16 --- 13 --- 106 6. Niilo Vuolas -------- HjMK --- 11 --- (10) - 13 --- 11 --- 16 --- (7) -- 16 --- 13 --- 11 --- 10 --- 101 7. Jarkko Palmi ------ SeMK --- N --- 20 --- 10 --- 16 --- 8 --- 16 --- 8 --- N --- N --- 20 --- 98 8. Tomi Lahti -------- KMMK --- 13 --- 11 --- 8 --- 13 --- 6 --- 10 --- N --- N --- N --- 16 --- 77 9. Vikke Kuhanen ---- SsMK --- 16 --- (5) -- 9 --- 6 --- 9 --- 6 --- 10 --- 11 --- 10 --- (5) -- 77 10. Vili Mattila ----- KauhjMK --- 8 --- 7 --- 20 --- 8 --- 11 --- 8 --- 9 --- N --- N --- N --- 71 11. Jere Lehtonen ------ PMK --- 9 --- 8 --- 11 --- 5 --- N --- N --- 11 --- N --- N --- 9 --- 53 12. Antti Vuolas -------- HjMK --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- 9 --- 6 --- 15 13. Aapo Lohvansuu --- HjMK --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- N --- 8 --- N --- 8 The big mystery in this was the amount of cup points to be given. According to the federation rules a winner should get 25, 2nd 20 and so on. BUT if there was only nine participants or less, you were only gonna get 10 for the win and so on. This was brought up during the season and even that there's been no official statement on this, I'd say they've now decided that each win was worth 25 points.
  5. Poole 2003. Semifinals will be at Daugavpils and Motala, SE.
  6. According to the minutes from the FIM congress, the new silencer is definately on it's way... EDIT: But you can use the old ones until the end of -09. Same applies for the kill switch. If it was OK in -08 it's ok in -09.
  7. Also I'd say thats not grass covering the track but a sheet of somesort. Mystery solved then, thanks!
  8. I've been going through the FIM and UEM calendars just to give you a good headache next month. Elgane looks set for me to see the Finns in the U21's. Also the SWC qualifier sounds good if it's at Daugavpils. The bad thing about the SWC is that it's already in early May. Cant see any meetings being held in Finland before it, so there's not much practise for our guys before it. Good thing is that most of the riders set for a team place have been there before, plenty of times too.
  9. Didn't someone say over here that Wiener Neustadt has closed down?? They have a GP qualifier to organize in June...
  10. 80cc? District (or similar) Mästerskap meaning local or "some part of the country" champion. Perhaps.
  11. Just for you iris, Joonas Kylmäkorpi looks to get the wild card for next years longtrack GP. This news really made my day.
  12. Jep, thats Jari's dad Rauli on the number three bike. You should grow a beard like the one fellow on the green MP-leathers (not 11, thats Olavi Turunen) and have the birds falling on your lap... Now get lost from my thread! The track that they are riding on is the old Hippos. Currently under a highway between Hakametsä ice rink and TAYS (the big university hospital of Tampere). He's not greg. EDIT:The fellow with the very handsome beard is actually Pekka Kortelainen. I saw him yesterday and naturally had to comment this to him. Quite rightly he put me to shame and said it was the only way to have a beard at the time. LOOKED DAFT THOUGH if you ask me!
  13. Since I'll never hit 50 views per post I might as well stop waiting for it to happen... 48,8 is the current figure and that's almost 30 % increase on last year. What this means to me is that people have been much more interested in Finnish news than in previous years I've kept this. And why wouldn't they, there's been all sorts of Finnish "talents" riding on UK tracks this year. Nothing much to report anymore from Finland. Except that I won Timo Lahti in a gokart race last friday in their season ending Gokart GP. Even though I took 34 kg of extraweight's on my car he still wasn't good enough. We wont be doing the race again on a speedway bike though, I'll keep this as one of the positives of my season for good. A couple of notes on Finnnish riders in the UK though. Kauko was a star , Reima is still doing his business as expected , Aarnio managed a very good debut season and is looking forward to come back next year. Mäkinen and Keskinen both managed to spend a van load of money without achieving an actual average and Mäkinen has made it clear he plans to come back next season. Havent spoken to Keskinen about his plans though. Laukkanen was there also, maybe he should have sold a couple of apartments just to keep up with the speed for Mildenhall. Kylmäkorpi did OK I guess, what's there to say. Piled up big points from reserve, managed OK even after that but the injuries came again and took their toll. I think it's fair to say that I expected more. We had an OK+ domestic season too. New blood came through. My ranking for our current U21 riders would be something like: 1. Timo Lahti, 2. Kalle Katajisto, 3. Niko Siltaniemi, 4. Teemu Lahti, 5. Appe Mustonen, 6. Joni Kitala. Timo Lahti gets his 1st position simply because he's the youngest now, just turned 16 halfway to the season. Teemu Lahti is the opposite, he's down to his last season in the U21 I think next year. Mäkinen is missing from the list ince he has nothing to show for himself from this season. Katajisto, Siltaniemi and Mustonen are all pretty even with Mustonen really hitting the jackpot at the Finnish final this season. Hopefully they all have the sense to stay away from UK racing next year. There's a good program going on for their deveploment and in my opinion they should take an advantage of it now. Anyone with a bike and the willingness to travel will get a chance to ride in the UK next season, the later in the year they pick up on it, the better for their progress it will be. It's now been four weeks from the season finishing Extraliiga meeting, but no-official statement has been made regarding the fact that Jokerit took part with only three riders. It's been almost six weeks since the last 80cc round and no-official statement has been made regarding the cup points given in the series, as there are some inconcistensies with them. I expect all off these to be adressed though early in December, after the national federation get-together (November 22nd) for track racing clubs. Thats about it for 2008, hope you enjoyed!
  14. Nicholls is fine in my books for next year, but how on earth can Harris get back after the way they treated Andersen a couple of years back...
  15. It's a share off the money now! Ole organized it all...
  16. I can see people lining up for the job just looking at Google maps from here!
  17. Did you read Egon's side of the story in the SS a week ago?
  18. Like he's quoted as saying in the Speedway Star, the only place he gets to do what he wants with what he wants is indeed Parken.
  19. - "Jeg tager selvfølgelig det fulde ansvar" one out of two ain't that bad...
  20. Me too. Got my compensation tickets as promised without any problems. Maybe you should contact Matlock if he's ready to take your case to court and contact Matula or Derrick from the German police to do the digging for any dirt to escalate your demands so that you end up well off with all this.
  21. From apparently yesterdays Ekstrabladet, Olsen's comments on yestarday. Klap i Nicki Ole Olsen er træt af verdensmesteren Nicki Pedersens brok over baneforholdene Print Send Poul Ferdinand - 05:38 - 13. okt. 2008 Annonce GELSENKIRCHEN (Ekstra Bladet): ’Amatøragtigt og pisseuprofessionelt’. Så skarp var speedway-verdensmester Nicki Pedersens dom over forløbet, som førte til, at han sidste lørdag måtte udskyde den forventede guldfest, da det tyske Grand Prix på Veltins Arena i Gelsenkirchen blev aflyst på grund af en drivvåd og ubrugelig bane. Ansvaret for at underlaget på det overdækkede stadion mere lignede Europas største badesvamp end en racerbane ligger hos Ole Olsen, men trods den pinagtige aflysning vil løbsdirektøren ikke finde sig i Nicki Pedersens angreb. Skuffet og ked af det - Nicki tjener mange penge, men han kunne tjene endnu flere, hvis han selv kunne bygge baner. Jeg er skuffet og ked af, at han kalder vores arbejde amatøragtigt. Han skal huske, at tingene også går galt for ham selv ind i mellem. Vi troede jo, at han skulle være verdensmester nede i Italien, men der lavede han jo kun seks point. Det er måske også lidt amatøragtigt, lyder det skarpt fra Olsen. Efter lørdagens pressemøde mere end antydede Nicki Pedersen, at skandalen burde koste Olsen jobbet, og løbsdirektøren siger lige ud, at han er klar til at gå, hvis en egnet afløser melder sig. - Der er ingen, som har sagt noget til mig, men hvis de kan finde en anden, så er det fint. Jeg gør jo ikke det her for pengenes skyld, siger Ole Olsen, der til gengæld afviser de massive forlydender om, at den rædselsfulde bane skyldes, at de tyske værter valgte at blande belægningen under åben himmel i regnvejr. Tager det fulde ansvar - Det er ikke korrekt. Problemet opstod, fordi det regnede mens vi læssede belægningen. Men man skal huske, at materialet, der er identisk med det, vi bruger i Parken, skal have en fugtighedsgrad på mindst syv-otte procent – ellers kan man ikke pakke banen. Desværre kunne det ikke tørre tilstrækkeligt bagefter på grund af vejret og temperaturen på stadion. Så vi har lært, at vi skal bygge banen anderledes til næste år, forklarer Ole Olsen, der blankt erkender, at han må tage skraldet for den største fiasko i GP-serien siden aflysningen i Gøteborg i 2003. - Jeg tager selvfølgelig det fulde ansvar, for det var min idé, at vi skulle ind på de store stadions. Jeg kan godt forstå, at publikum ikke fatter, at det kan gå så galt, men man skal altså huske, at der kan ske uforudsete ting. Selvom NASA har verdens bedste forskere og ingeniører og kan sende folk til månen, så sprænger deres raketter altså også på rampen engang i mellem, siger han. Anyone have the time to translate?
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