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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. The older one from Hallstavik. National/Classic Longtrack results from Vaasa Johan Kujala VaMK 55 10 Jari Kortelainen PirMM 45 9 Risto Einola PirMM 53 8 Marko Mäkinen OrMK 44 8 Mauri Palmi SeMK 14 5 Risto Flink SsMK 32 5 Mikael Lillkåll J-PMK 23 5 Mika Helin ValkMK 22 4 Mark Uzzell Englanti 3R 3 Markku Lepistö ValkMK 01 1 Peter Kristola J-PMK 10 1 Reino Koivuluoma KauhjMK R1 1 Erä erältä: 1. Kujala, Mäkinen, Flink, Lillkåll, Palmi, Lepistö 91,95 2. Einola, Kortelainen, Uzzell, Helin, Kristola, Koivuluoma R 92,10 3. Kortelainen, Palmi, Lillkåll, Helin, Lepistö, Kristola 93,74 4. Kujala, Mäkinen, Einola, Flink, Koivuluoma, Uzzell R 90,33 Finaali: Einola, Kortelainen, Mäkinen, Palmi, Flink, Kujala 90,89
  2. Finnish longtrack final at Vaasa August 29th 2009 I feel tempted to say that this was the 66th longtrack final. Gerd Riss DE 5555 20 Rene Lehtinen SeMK 5445 18 Kaj Laukkanen SeMK 5534 17 Appe Mustonen SeMK 455R 14 Joel Nyström SE R445 13 Pasi Pulliainen VRT 1354 13 Tommi Ahlgren FMS 4333 13 Markus Helin FMS 3144 12 Raimo Juntunen HyMK 3222 9 Tapio Leppämäki HjMK 2232 9 Simo Pulli KarMK 1223 8 Klaus-Peter Gerdemann DE R4T3 7 Markku Weckman SsMK 4012 7 Petri Kärki FMS 1311 6 Anssi Lehtinen VRT 312N 6 Jukka Mäiseli SyMK 2111 5 Esa Einola PirMM 2001 3 Jan-Eric Korkeamäki KauhjMK FNNN 0 Erä erältä: 1. Lehtinen, Ahlgren, Juntunen, Mäiseli. Pulli. Korkeamäki F 83,37 2. Riss, Mustonen, Helin, Leppämäki, Pulliainen, Gerdemann R 81,0 3. Laukkanen, Weckman, Nyström, Einola, Kärki, Nyström R 83,0 4. Riss, Nyström, Kärki, Juntunen, Helin 80,80 5. Laukkanen, Lehtinen, Pulliainen, Leppämäki, Mäiseli, Weckman 82,20 6. Mustonen, Gerdemann, Ahlgren, Pulli, A.Lehtinen, Einola 83,14 7. Mustonen, Nyström, Leppämäki, A.Lehtinen, Mäiseli 83,57 8. Riss, Lehtinen, Laukkanen, Pulli, Kärki, Gerdemann T 81,10 9. Pulliainen, Helin, Ahlgren, Juntunen, Weckman, Einola 82,70 10. Riss, Helin, Gerdemann, Weckman, Mäiseli 82,30 11. Nyström, Laukkanen, Ahlgren, Juntunen, Kärki 83,90 12. Lehtinen, Pulliainen, Pulli, Leppämäki, Einola, Mustonen R 83,14 C-finaali: Kärki, Lehtinen, Pulli, Mäiseli, Weckman d 85,95 B-finaali: Helin, Pulliainen, Kärki, Ahlgren, Leppämäki, Juntunen 84,38 A-finaali: Mustonen, Lehtinen, Laukkanen, Nyström, Helin 82,09 Katsojia 650 Pictures from the 66th Finnish longtrack final held at Vaasa August 29th 2009. by Speedwaysuomi.com here by Speedwaysanomat.fi here
  3. Finnish longtrack final at Vaasa 1. Appe Mustonen 2. Rene Lehtinen 3. Kaj Laukkanen Riss made a new track record of 80,80 second averaging 133,66 km/h before levieng early to catch his ferry. Further details maybe sunday evening. EDIT: I lost interest in keeping the score pretty early yestarday after all the riders had turn brown/grey/whatever and their 10 year old helmet colors all looked the same. After the meeting (4h10min) I just wanted to leave so didn't get the results at the track. Thats why I still dont have them almost exactly 24 hrs later.
  4. Eurosport alone covers: "Eurosport reaches 116 million homes across 59 countries in Europe, 22 million different viewers watch Eurosport every day" "http://www.eurosportcorporate.com/index.php?target=12
  5. In the words of the great A. Pipkin: "Want that one!"
  6. It was ridden last sunday, was it 23rd? of August. Probably the best meeting of the season here along with the Finnish final.
  7. Yes. I'll be there unless H1N1 gets me... I heard that the team has been announced and it was something like this for friday.. 1. Juha Hautamäki, 2. Timo Lahti, 3. Niko Siltaniemi, 4. Appe Mustonen, 5. Kalle Katajisto, 6. Teemu Lahti, 7. Joni Kitala, 8. Aarni Heikkilä, 9. Joni Keskinen Saturday for Hallstavik Hautamäki is dropped out and all the team positions should move forward a step. There's a chance that Keskinen might even make it to#7??? Jari Mäkinen is occupied elsewhere and is not able to attend this weekend.
  8. 80cc Suomen Cup from Seinäjoki. They have added one extra round now, so this was 5/7! Mika Loppi SsMK 3333 12 Vili Hautala KauhjMK 3323 11 Jooa Partanen KMMK 2332 10 Niilo Vuolas HjMK 2223 9 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 3212 8 Jere Lehtonen PMK N131 5 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK 122d 5 Antti Vuolas HjMK 1112 5 Santtu Tapiola SsMK 0110 2 Jiri Nieminen SsMK FNNN 0 Erä erältä: 1. Mattila, N.Vuolas, Vuolas, Nieminen F 55,00 2. Loppi, Partanen, Hyyryläinen, Tapiola 53,56 3. Hautala 54,60 4. Hautala, Hyyryläinen, Lehtonen 53,57 5. Partanen, N.Vuolas, Tapiola 54,87 6. Loppi, Mattila, Vuolas 53,44 7. Lehtonen, N.Vuolas, Tapiola 55,90 8. Partanen, Hyyryläinen, Mattila 55,63 9. Loppi, Hautala, Vuolas 53,19 10. Loppi, Partanen 52,94 11. Hautala, Mattila, Lehtonen, Tapiola 54,59 12. N.Vuolas, Vuolas, Hyyryläinen d 54,91 Finaali: Loppi, Hautala, Partanen, N.Vuolas 53,12 Suomen Cup, sarjatilanne 5/7 Mika Loppi SeMK.............. 25, 25, 25, -, 25…(3,00) / 100 Vili Hautala KauhjMK......... 20, 16, 20, -, 20…(2,12) / 76 Niilo Vuolas HjMK.............. 8, 10, 11, 25, 13…(1,78) / 67 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK... 11, 11, 10, 20, 9…(1,77) / 61 Jooa Partanen KMMK......... 10, 20, 6, 16…(1,91) / 52 Vili Mattila KauhjMK........... 7, -, 16, 16, 11…(1,82) / 50 Jiri Nieminen SsMK............ 16, 13, 13, -, 6…(1,86) / 48 Antti Vuolas HjMK.............. 9, 9, 7, 13, 8…(1,31) / 46 Jere Lehtonen PMK............ 13, 5, 8, -, 10…(1,17) / 36 Vikke Kuhanen SsMK......... -, 7, 5, 10, -…(0,65) / 22 Tomi Lahti KMMK............... -, 8, 9, -, -…(0,86) / 17 Santtu Tapiola SsMK.......... -, 6, 4, -, 7…(0,67) / 17 Aapo Lohvansuu HjMK........ -, -, -, 11, -…(1,33) / 11
  9. Extraliiga on sunday at Seinäjoki. Excellent racing on near perfect conditions for Finnish speedway. Only thing lacking was the spectators. Katajisto had a great weekend both at Kuusankoski and Seinäjoki and was shadowed only by the brilliant performance of Jari Mäkinen at Seinäjoki. This was Mäkinen's first EL max by my stats. Hot of the pitlane gossip at Seinäjoki is that Mäkinen has done a deal and leaves to UK on wednesday to ride PL for the rest of the season. Kotkat 46 Juha Hautamäki 3333 12 Rene Lehtinen 33321 12 Appe Mustonen 23320 10 Jari Mäkinen 3333 12 Jokerit 33 Niko Siltaniemi 1221 6 Markku Autio 2202 6 Kalle Katajisto 324^212 14 Joni Keskinen 1132 7 Keittiöpiste 20 Niklas Larsson 010 1 Timo Lahti 12^1020 6 Peter Wall 1001 2 Teemu Lahti 21223 11 HaukatRoyals 12 Tomi Reima 22103 8 Joni Kitala 00111 3 Aarni Heikkilä 0010 1 Jani Eerikäinen 0000 0 Erä erältä: 1. Hautamäki, Reima, Siltaniemi, Larsson 64,53 2. Lehtinen, Autio, T.Lahti, Kitala 64,94 3. Katajisto, Mustonen, Wall, Heikkilä 63,96 4. Mäkinen, Lahti, Keskinen, Eerikäinen 64,09 5. Mäkinen, Autio, T.Lahti^, Heikkilä 66,44 6. Lehtinen, Reima, Keskinen, Wall 65,50 7. Hautamäki, Katajisto, Lahti, Kitala 63,81 8. Mustonen, Siltaniemi, T.Lahti, Eerikäinen 65,19 9. Hautamäki, Katajisto^, Heikkilä, T.Lahti 66,69 10. Mäkinen, Siltaniemi, Kitala, Wall 65,78 11. Lehtinen, Katajisto, Larsson, Eerikäinen 65,09 12. Mustonen, Lahti, Reima, Autio 65,19 13. Keskinen, Mustonen, Kitala, Larsson 66,87 14. Mäkinen, T.Lahti, Katajisto, Reima 65,16 15. Hautamäki, Autio, Wall, Eerikäinen 64,41 16. Lahti, Lehtinen, Siltaniemi, Heikkilä 65,00 17. Reima, Katajisto, Lehtinen, T.Lahtio 65,78 18. Lahti, Keskinen, Kitala, Mustonen 66,09 Katsojia 105
  10. Extraliiga today at Kuusankoski. Katajisto was the best and Keskinen showed the best of him so far this season. Keittiöpiste 26 Niklas Larsson 012 3 Timo Lahti 304^112 11 Peter Wall 312F 6 Teemu Lahti 212R1 6 Jokerit 34 Niko Siltaniemi 23121 9 Markku Autio 2301 6 Kalle Katajisto R3233 11 Joni Keskinen 3112 7 Kotkat 40 Juha Hautamäki 32333 14 Rene Lehtinen 1232 8 Appe Mustonen 12332 11 Jari Mäkinen 1213 7 HaukatRoyals 11 Tomi Reima 1331 8 Joni Kitala 00010 1 Janne Nyman 20000 2 Jani Eerikäinen 0000 0 Heat by heat: 1. Hautamäki, Siltaniemi, reima, Larsson 62,65 2.T.Lahti, Autio, Lehtinen, Kitala 63,17 3. Wall, Nyman, Mustonen, Katajisto R 64,95 4. Keskinen, Lahti, Mäkinen, Eerikäinen 64,45 5. Autio, Hautamäki, Lahti, Nyman 63,24 6. Reima, Mustonen, Keskinen, T.Lahti 63,14 7. Katajisto, Mäkinen, Larsson, Kitala 62,58 8. Siltaniemi, Lehtinen, Wall, Eerikäinen 63,15 9. Lehtinen, Lahti^, Keskinen, Nyman 64,25 10. Mustonen, Lahti, Siltaniemi, Kitala 64,56 11. Hautamäki, Katajisto, T.Lahti, Eerikäinen 62,39 12. Reima, Wall, Mäkinen, Autio 63,97 13. Hautamäki, Keskinen, Kitala, Wall F 63,52 14. Katajisto, Lehtinen, Reima, Lahti R 64,22 15. Mustonen, Larsson, Autio, Eerikäinen 64,96 16. Mäkinen, Siltaniemi, T.Lahti, Nyman 63,25 17. Hautamäki, T.Lahti, Siltaniemi, Kitala 63,14 18. Katajisto, Mustonen, Lahti, Nyman 63,47 Katsojia 135
  11. I updated some Finnish speedway history online. Here are the TOP3 of almost all the finals ever with dates and track information. I have loads of old clips to go through and getting more all the time. The plan is to sort this all out in the next 15 years or so. Individual final 1955-2009. U21 final 1990-2009. Best pairs 1972-2009.
  12. Double header of Extraliiga this weekend. Kuusankoski on saturday with 1st heat 2 PM and Seinäjoki on sunday with 3 PM first heat. No idea about the riders.
  13. Kauko Nieminen beat Antonio Lindback in Motala. He won him fair and square ON LINDBACK'S HOME TRACK! According to eywitnesses Lindback was shaking his head after the heat like I would shake a bottle of bubbly after winning Speedway Star's reporter of the year award. THE FACT IS THAT THE ONLY REASON!!! that Tononho was the WC for Målilla is that Nordicbet is his mainsponsor through Rickardsson racing. ..And he's a good rider, but so are dozen's of others.
  14. Hej Anders! Hur funkar det med Allsvenskan's playoffs nu?
  15. Nothing going on in Finland this weekend. Petri Kärki replaces Appe Mustonen in Hertingen for the EC quali on grasstrack or something in a week or so.
  16. And thats for juniors or beginners? Golden is for the pro's and silver is U21, right? Thank you...
  17. Anyone know what this meeting is from the PZM calendar? sierpień 20 (czw) 1/2 BK Bydgoszcz, Poznań
  18. Thats the plan, yes. New dates for this tour are: Friday September 4th: Eskilstuna Saturday September 5th: Hallstavik Sunday September 6th: Gävle, individual meeting U21 Finland is supposed to ride against Allsvenskan level teams in the first two matches. The Gävle match was originally gonna be a farewell meeting for the track against Masarna.
  19. A two days of intense gating practise starts any minute now at Pori for the Finnish federation U21 training group. That will be followed up by a long weekend in Sweden in a month, when 2-3 meetings are organised against Allsvenskan-level opponents.
  20. Longtrack Nordic final Forssa, August 8th 2009 Laukkanen was good and Kylmäkorpi on barrowed equipment. Great crowd of 1600!! Thats about it... Joonas Kylmäkorpi FMS 5555 20 Pasi Pulliainen VRT 5454 18 Klaus-Peter Gerdeman DE 2555 17 Ari-Pekka Mustonen VRT 4444 16 Rene Lehtinen SeMK 4244 14 Kaj Laukkanen SeMK 5R35 13 Petri Kärki FMS 4413 12 Joel Nyström SE 3342 12 Nynke de Jong NL 3511 10 Tommi Ahlgren FMS 1332 9 Kim Rudi Mortensen NO 1323 9 Jan-Eric Korkeamäki KauhjMK 3121 7 Marius Rokeberg NO 1222 7 Simo Pulli KarMK F033 6 Arne Andersen DK 2200 4 Markus Helin FMS 21RR 3 Markku Weckman SsMK 0R11 2 Larsen Steen DK 0M00 0 Erä erältä: 6. Pulliainen, Mustonen, Nyström, Helin, Mortensen, Steen 89,07 7. Laukkanen, Kärki, Korkeamäki, Andersen, Ahlgren, Pulli F 89,08 8. Kylmäkorpi, Lehtinen, de Jong, Gerdemann, Rökeberg, Weckman 87,79 11. Gerdemann, Kärki, Mortensen, Weckman R, Steen M 90,50 12. de Jong, Mustonen, Nyström, Rökeberg, Korkeamäki, Pulli 88,10 13. Kylmäkorpi, Pulliainen, Ahlgren, Lehtinen, Helin, Laukkanen R 87,76 16. Kylmäkorpi, Mustonen, Laukkanen, Korkeamäki, Weckman, Steen 89,32 17. Gerdemann, Nyström, Ahlgren, Rökeberg, Kärki, Helin R 88,66 18. Pulliainen, Lehtinen, Pulli, Mortensen, de Jong, Andersen 87,50 22. Kylmäkorpi, Mustonen, Kärki, Ahlgren, de Jong, Andersen 88,55 23. Gerdemann, Pulliainen, Mortensen, Rökeberg, Weckman, Steen 88,33 24. Laukkanen, Lehtinen, Pulli, Nyström, Korkeamäki, Helin R 87,66 Nordic final: Laukkanen, Pulliainen, Mustonen, Lehtinen, Kärki, Kylmäkorpi R 88,57 Katsojia 1600!
  21. Nordic longtrack final today at Forssa. 1st heat at 3 PM Finnish time. Kylmäkorpi, Laukkanen, Mustonen, Lehtinen, Rökeberg, Gerdemann and Nynke de Jong are there. Results here tomorrow morning if I get them, I'm taking the weekend off and not going. slav2, PM me your email, I'll put you on the list and send some earlier one's too from this season. Nordic final at Forssa. this is all I have at the moment. Kylmäkorpi blew an engine as the tapes went up for the final heat. 1) Kaj Laukkanen, 2) Pasi Pulliainen, 3) Appe Mustonen, 4) Rene Lehtinen, 5) Petri Kärki, 6) Joonas Kylmäkorpi R
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