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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Extraliiga yesterday at LAhti. Nothing spectacular but a few good battles and chases. Jari Mäkinen was in the army so Jani Eerikäinen was covering for him. Haukat continues in the lead of the series to the final round of the spring half. Teams will have new averages after Kauhajoki's meeting for the final four meetings of the season and that is expected to create some debate how it will all turn out. Maybe we'll even see some avg. fixing! Haukat 34 Timo Lahti 23113 10 Tomi Reima 02’312’ 8+2 Teemu Lahti 33232 13 Joni Kitala 12’d 3 Kotkat 32 Juha Hautamäki 32333 14 Jarkko Palmi 000 0 Pasi Pulliainen 316^2’3 15+1 Mika Loppi 02’R01 3+1 Jokerit 31 Tero Aarnio 336^22 16 Niko Siltaniemi 12’2’31’ 9+3 Joni Keskinen 1T2’02 5 Jiri Nieminen 010 1 Paholaiset 19 Jani Eerikäinen 1’1001 3+1 Marko Suojanen 2R10T 3 Aarni Heikkilä 24^111 9 Petri Koskela 0130 4 Erä erältä: 1. Hautamäki, Suojanen, Eerikäinen, Loppi 63,78 2. Aarnio, T.Lahti, Siltaniemi, Reima 65,13 3. Pulliainen, Loppi, Keskinen, J.Nieminen 66,09 4. Lahti, Heikkilä, Kitala, Koskela 66,69 5. T.Lahti, Reima, Eerikäinen, Suojanen R 65,16 6. Aarnio, Siltaniemi, Pulliainen, Palmi 65,32 7. Reima, Hautamäki, T.Lahti, Loppi R 64,47 8. Lahti, Kitala, J.Nieminen, Keskinen T 66,12 9. Aarnio, Siltaniemi, Suojanen, Eerikäinen 65,85 10. Pulliainen^, Heikkilä^, Koskela, Loppi 65,68 11. Hautamäki, Lahti, T.Lahti, Palmi 65,13 12. Siltaniemi, Keskinen, Heikkilä, Eerikäinen 67,31 13. Lahti, Aarnio, Reima, Keskinen 65,59 14. Hautamäki, Pulliainen, Eerikäinen, Suojanen 67,17 15. Koskela, Keskinen, Heikkilä, J.Nieminen 67,78 16. Pulliainen, Lahti, Loppi, Kitala d 66,78 17. Hautamäki, Aarnio, Siltaniemi, Palmi 65,44 18. T.Lahti, Reima, Heikkilä, Koskela 65,78 Tuomari: Matti Pöysä, katsojia 165.
  2. - Finnish speedway was taking a break last weekend as an integral part of it was attending Provinssirock at Seinäjoki. Action resumes tomorrow, when the third round of the Extraliiga is staged at Lahti. - Round 4 that was rained off at Kauhajoki a week ago is now set on July 6th. - Vili Hautala is now also nominated for the 80cc YTG after Finland received a fifth place in the qualifiers. - Kalle Katajisto rides in Slovenia next weekend in the U21 semi while Kauko Nieminen is not all that pleased to get drawn to Togliatti's race off in the SGP quali's. - Timo Lahti was the first Finnish rider ever to qualify directly in to the U19 European final yesterday in the 10 or so year long history of the competition. Katajisto was the first Finn in the final last year, when he was upgraded in to the meeting after qualifying as a reserve from his semifinal. It'll be interesting to see how Lahti Racing manages to ride in Gorican on July 24th and then attend practise at Kings Lynn on July 26th. Best of luck to both! - Lahti II has now been thrown out of the Kaupunki Cup after failing to attend their second meeting of the season. Rest of the season will now be ridden with a 6 team format, as requested by Vicar earlier.
  3. From the Elgane klub Final results: 1. (5) Dennis Andersson SE 33333 15 2. (1) Michael Jepsen Jensen DK 32333 14 3. (6) Jonas B. Andersen DK 22223 11+3 4. (15) Timo Lahti FI 13232 11+2 5. (14) Philip Tirsdal DK 31322 11+F 6. (11) Alexander Edberg SE 32131 10+3 7. (2) Lasse Bjerre DK 23F23 10+2 8. (7) Niko Siltaniemi FI 11312 8 9. (3) Patrick Bjerregaard DK 00222 6 10. (12) Tim Gudmundsson SE 221R1 6 11. (4) Anton Göthberg SE 13100 5 12. (10) Daniel Henderson SE T0211 4 13. (13) Anton Rosèn SE 21d1N 4 14. (9) Thomas Jörgensen DK 10110 3 15. (16) Lars Daniel Gunnestad NO 01R01 2 16. (8) Patrick Herold NO 00000 0 17. (17) Björn Skjaeveland NO 0NNN0 0 and with some help by me: Erä erältä: 1. Jensen, Bjerre, Gothberg, Bjerregaard 2. Andersson, Andersen, Siltaniemi, Herold 3. Edberg, Gudmundsson, Jörgensen, Skjaveland 4. Tirsdal, Rosen, T.Lahti, Gunnestad 5. Andersson, Jensen, Rosen, Jörgensen 6. Bjerre, Andersen, Tirsdal, Henderson 7. T.Lahti, Edberg, Siltaniemi, Bjerregaard 8. Gothberg, Gudmundsson, Gunnestad, Herold 9. Jensen, Andersen, Edberg, Gunnestad R 10. Andersson, T.Lahti, Gudmundsson, Bjerre F 11. Tirsdal, Bjerregaard, Jörhgensen, Herold 12. Siltaniemi, Henderson, Gothberg, Rosen d 13. Jensen, Tirsdal, Siltaniemi, Gudmundsson R 14. Edberg, Bjerre, Rosen, Herold 15. Andersson, Bjerregaard, Henderson, Gunnestad 16. T.Lahti, Andersen, Jörgensen, Gothberg 17. Jensen, T-Lahti, Henderson, Herold 18. Bjerre, Siltaniemi, Gunnestad, Jörgensen 19. Andersen, Bjerregaard, Gudmundsson, Skjaveland 20. Andersson, Tirsdal, Edberg, Gothberg Uusinta 1: Edberg, Bjerre Uusinta 2: Andersen, T.Lahti, Tirsdal F Timo Lahti has really made some headache for himself this time. July 24th is the U19 final at Gorican and on July 26th he should be at Kings Lynn And it's not like there are bikes to spread around...
  4. I cant for the life of me understand why all the riders dont use the discs. - It's safer (try putting your boot in to the spinning wheel through the disc), thats why they are compulsory in the UK now. - They make the bike look better (yes, that depends and is a matter of opinion) - Add's room to the bike to put stickers of sponsors. AJ and Freddie have now gone "back" for the model that does not spin. I know a few finnish lads that dont use them because it's extra work and slow's down when changing the side of the tire. You should have seen the faces of the lads when it turned out that the Polish youngsters were still using the spacer in the wheel even when the disc itself was not used. It didn't take anytime at all to figure out why (equal distribution of power on both side of the wheel/saves the centerpiece in the wheel from getting twisted) and at the same time puts all the talk about saving time to the bin...
  5. I will know more later, but I'm told Timo Lahti messed up one of his heats and Niko Siltaniemi two. Still a good performance from Palomäki's boys again and showing the improvement that the federation training group is making.
  6. According to Jyri Palomäki (Finnish TM) Niko Siltaniemi was the fastest of the lot in todays practise and he expects both Finns to do well on sundays meeting.
  7. Dont look too bad for Timo Lahti or even Niko Siltaniemi to qualify. Last year the track was rubbish (look back and count the casulties), maybe they've done something to improve it for this one. Here's hoping!
  8. Huge thanks... Pila, Grudziarz and Torun... Sounds like a good plan...
  9. I have a couple of friend travelling for the GP. Apparently they're on the thursday flight to Gdansk and are asking is there any speedway in the Gdansk area on thursday?
  10. There was a mistake on Viljanen's score on the excel sheet I got. You were right. O.Heikkilä indeed was last in heat 11. Would you believe that the heat had both Viljanen and O.Heikkilä finishing on 1 point? I do... But put Heikkilä for 4th and finishing last, that way the combined score adds up on both occasions. It's seven pairs because thats how it's been ridden from the first round and should be done so all the way through the season.
  11. There alleggedly was a similar incident in the Gdansk round of the U21 quali's. Questions were asked, no measures taken and the rider in question qualified. Opinions were also made known in Plzen regarding one rider, no official measures taken. Dont know if it had anything to do with the silencers, but sportowefakty made a headline about one rider being thrown out after qualifying from his meeting in the Individual Euro champs. I did not say they were in the obvious place.
  12. Second round of the 80cc Suomen Cup today at Kauhajoki. Henri Ahlbom FMS 3333 12+3 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK 3332 11+2 Vili Hautala KauhjMK 3123 9+1 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 2233 10+R Niklas Säyriö KMMK 2222 8 Santtu Tapiola SsMK 13F2 6 Miro Purmonen SsMK 2111 5 Niilo Vuolas HjMK RR2R 2 Perttu Tommola SsMK dNNN 0 Erä erältä: 1. Ahlbom, Mattila, Tapiola 53,20 2. Hautala, Säyriö, N.Vuolas R 55,53 3. Hyyryläinen, Purmonen, Tommola d 56,82 4. Ahlbom, Säyriö, Purmonen 52,51 5. Hyyryläinen, Mattila, Hautala 51,64 6. Tapiola, N.Vuolas 75,76 7. Ahlbom, Hautala 52,29 8. Mattila, N.Vuolas, Purmonen 53,20 9. Hyyryläinen, Säyriö, Tapiola F 53,20 10. Ahlbom, Hyyryläinen, N.Vuolas R 51,41 11. Hautala, Tapiola, Purmonen 54,40 12. Mattila, Säyriö 55,46 Finaali: Ahlbom, Hyyryläinen, Hautala, Mattila R 51,13 Tuomari: Matti Koivuoja Partanen, Hyyryläinen, Mattila and Ahlbom for the international competitions after Hautala lost to Mattila in a run-off for the last place. Kaupunki Cup 4/7 Kauhajoki (KauhjMK) 13.6.2010 Pori 24 Jouni Viljanen 11112R 6 Aarni Heikkilä 333333 18 Forssa 23 Jani Eerikäinen 232332 15 Reima Heikkilä 113111 8 Kauhajoki 19 Jan-Eric Korkeamäki 332222 14 Olli Heikkilä 211010 5 Seinäjoki II 17 Mika Loppi 333233 17 Seinäjoki I 13 Miikka Mäkelä 22333F 13 Lahti I 13 Jiri Nieminen 222223 13 Erä erältä: 1. Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 66,86 2. Loppi, Eerikäinen, R.Heikkilä 62,50 3. Heikkilä, Mäkelä, Viljanen 63,31 4.Korkeamäki, J.Nieminen, O.Heikkilä 65,90 5. Loppi 64,18 6. Eerikäinen, Mäkelä, R.Heikkilä 63,69 7. Heikkilä, J.Nieminen, Viljanen 63,69 8. Loppi, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 63,68 9. R.Heikkilä, Eerikäinen 76,35 10. Mäkelä, J.Nieminen 67,03 11. Heikkilä, Korkeamäki, Viljanen 63,53 12. Mäkelä 83,66 13. Heikkilä, Loppi, Viljanen 63,07 14. Eerikäinen, J.Nieminen, R.Heikkilä 64,63 15. Mäkelä, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 66,13 16. Heikkilä, Viljanen 63,98 17. Loppi, J.Nieminen 63,60 18. Eerikäinen, Korkeamäki, R.Heikkilä, O.Heikkilä 67,06 19. J.Nieminen 67,66 20. Loppi, Mäkelä F 21. Heikkilä, Eerikäinen, R.Heikkilä, Viljanen 64,14 Tuomari: Matti Koivuoja, katsojia 30 Yesterday's Extraliiga will be ridden June 29th.
  13. 80cc Suomen Cup at Kauhajoki yesterday Vili Hautala was disqualified in the final after having ridden a competetive 9 point score. So it's a good headache for Marko Partanen, who is supposed to pick up his riders for the international scene after this weekend. Henri Ahlbom FMS 2333 9+3 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 3F33 9+2 Niilo Vuolas HjMK 2322 9+1 Vili Hautala KauhjMK 3321 9+d Niklas Säyriö SsMK 2212 7 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK 3d3d 6 Santtu Tapiola SsMK 1d23 6 Miro Purmonen SsMK d212 5 Perttu Tommola SsMK dddd 0 Erä erältä: 1. Mattila, N.Vuolas, Tapiola 53,02 2. Hautala, Säyriö, Purmonen d 53,10 3. Hyyryläinen, Ahlbom, Tommola 54,48 4. Hautala, Tapiola d, Hyyryläinen d 53,52 5. N.Vuolas, Purmonen, Tommola d 55,41 6. Ahlbom, Säyriö, Mattila F 56,40 7. Ahlbom, Tapiola, Purmonen 56,51 8. Hyyryläinen, N.Vuolas, Säyriö 53,50 9. Mattila, Hautala, Säyriö 53,35 10. Tapiola, Säyriö, Tommola d 56,76 11. Mattila, Purmonen, Hyyryläinen d 53,31 12. Ahlbom, N.Vuolas, Hautala 55,33 Finaali: Ahlbom, Mattila, Vuolas, Hautala d 53,73
  14. The FIM changed their stuff a bit for this season and no longer sends out the list's of riders by email like last year. Instead they are published on the FIM site where all the other websites then take them. So look harder, they are under news or similar, dont remember where.
  15. Extraliiga at Kauhajoki rained off. New date later. First round of the 80cc Suomen Cup was won by Henry Ahlbom before Vili Mattila and Niilo Vuolas. Vili Hautala was third. It looks like Jooa Partanen (currently out with a hand injury), Miikka Hyyryläinen, Vili Mattila and Ahlbom are the Finns for the 80cc Euro's and World's. Today's meeting was supposed to be a quali between Ahlbom, Mattila and Hautala for two places. Partanen and Hyyryläinen have already been nominated before. Full results tomorrow, I'm too tired to write them now...
  16. Born June 17th 1986. Ride's decently with below standard bike's. Very nice guy too.
  17. Rene Lehtinen has crashed in practise yesterday pretty heavily. The info from the Finnish longtrack supremo Seppänen is that he has a couple of compressed and fractured vertebraes in his back. He lost the axel in his front wheel and flew over the handlebars and in the end to the fence. Luckily (apparently) the was no fear of anything worse and the story I have is that he's out for 10 weeks on scrutches and a corset/back support. Lehtinen uses the donut-style neck support. Forecast for this weekend is pretty moist for most of Finland, so Kauhajoki on both days looks under doubt.
  18. Keep checking the FIM site for lineups, thats the first place they are on and then on Sportowefakty.pl 5 minutes later. I've heard a lot about this Balakovo quali. I know that the two Finns were never going to this one purely because of the cost factor. Will all the qualified riders appear at the Togliatti raceoff is again a totally ne question??? Russia is coming to the international scene, but not many riders wish to enter Russia for these kind of meetings...
  19. Standings in the Finnish leagues after two rounds each. Suomen Extraliiga (2/8) 7.6.2010 Joukkue - O - (+/-) - P Haukat......2 - 63 - 9 Kotkat......2 - 60 - 8 Jokerit.....2 - 50 - 6 Paholaiset..2 - 52 - 5 Suomen Kaupunki Cup (2/7) 7.6.2010 Joukkue - O - (+/-) -P Pori...........2 - 44 - 16 Lahti I........2 - 39 - 14 Forssa.........2 - 41 - 13 Seinäjoki I....2 - 35 - 11 Seinäjoki II...2 - 37 - 9 Kauhajoki......2 - 33 - 9 Lahti II.......1 - 9 - 1
  20. Jyri Palomäki plans to track the same team as in Lonigo: Hautamäki, Kylmäkorpi, Nieminen, Timo Lahti and Katajisto. Riding numbers will be picked later on.
  21. Kaupunki Cup 3/7 Lahti (SsMK) 6.6.2010 Never heard of Hannu Hietamäki but he is most welcomed to the sport! Miikka Mäkelä I think did some 80cc maybe five years ago, good to see him too ( well anybody!) back also. Lahti I 23 Jiri Nieminen 333322 16 Hannu Hietamäki 122011 7 Seinäjoki I 22 Jarkko Palmi 212331 12 Miikka Mäkelä 121222 10 Pori 20 Petri Koskela N32233 13 Jouni Viljanen 101122 7 Forssa 19 Jani Eerikäinen 333333 18 Reima Heikkilä 000001 1 Seinäjoki II 18 Mika Loppi 323333 17 Markku Larronmaa N1T000 1 Kauhajoki 14 Jan-Eric Korkeamäki 232211 11 Olli Heikkilä 011100 3 Lahti II 9 Markku Weckman 221112 9 Erä erältä: 1. J.Nieminen, Korkeamäki, Hietamäki, O.Heikkilä 68,33 2. Loppi, Weckman 66,60 3. Eerikäinen, Palmi, Mäkelä, R.Heikkilä 66,40 4. J.Nieminen, Hietamäki, Viljanen 71,38 5. Korkeamäki, Weckman, O.Heikkilä 73,16 6. Eerikäinen, Loppi, Larronmaa, R.Heikkilä 67,69 7. Koskela, Mäkelä, Palmi, Viljanen 63,67 8. J.Nieminen, Hietamäki, Weckman 71,80 9. Loppi, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä, Larronmaa T 65,55 10. Eerikäinen, Koskela, Viljanen, R.Heikkilä 68,67 11. J.Nieminen, Palmi, Mäkelä, Hietamäki 70,05 12. Eerikäinen, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä, R.Heikkilä 69,44 13. Palmi, Mäkelä, Weckman 74,65 14. Loppi, Koskela, Viljanen, Larronmaa 67,02 15. Eerikäinen, J.Nieminen, Hietamäki, R.Heikkilä 69,11 16. Palmi, Mäkelä, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 73,03 17. Koskela, Viljanen, Weckman 70,68 18. Loppi, J.Nieminen, Hietamäki, Larronmaa 67,57 19. Koskela, Viljanen, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 71,48 20. Eerikäinen, Weckman, R.Heikkilä 75,42 21. Loppi, Mäkelä, Palmi, Larronmaa 69,30 Tuomari: Harri Heikkilä, katsojia 75
  22. Lista startowa: 1. Tobiasz Musielak (Polska) 2. Jan Holub (Czechy) 3. Brendan Johnson (Anglia) 4. Rene Deddens (Niemcy) 5. Vaclav Milik (Czechy) 6. Nick Lourens (Holandia) 7. Kacper Gomólski (Polska) 8. Kirił Cukanow (Ukraina) 9. Przemysław Pawlicki (Polska) 10. Patryk Dudek (Polska) 11. Wim Kennis (Belgia) 12. Aljosa Remih (Słowenia) 13. Siergiej Borysenko (Ukraina) 14. Andriej Kudrjaszow (Rosja) 15. Danny Maasen (Niemcy) 16. Kyle Newman (Anglia) R1. Mateusz Łukaszewski (Polska) R2. Kamil Cieślar (Polska) www.sportowefakty.pl
  23. Extraliiga 2/8 Seinäjoki, SeMK 1.6.2010 Haukat performing this time according to my predictions! Haukat 31 Timo Lahti 32333 14 Tomi Reima 2’0111’ 5+2 Teemu Lahti 32132 11 Joni Kitala 01’0 1+1 Jokerit 28 Tero Aarnio 122T3 8 Niko Siltaniemi 01’1’1’1 4+3 Joni Keskinen 326^23 16 Jiri Nieminen 0R00 0 Kotkat 27(+3) Juha Hautamäki 33333 15(+3) Aki-Pekka Mustonen 11000 2 Pasi Pulliainen 22012 7 Mika Loppi 1’1’1’ 3+3 Paholaiset 27(+2) Jari Mäkinen 234^32 14 Aarni Heikkilä 00000 0 Marko Suojanen 2322’2 11+1(+2) Petri Koskela 1’01’ 2+2 Erä erältä: 1. T.Lahti, Reima, Aarnio, Siltaniemi 63,50 2. Hautamäki, Mäkinen, Mustonen, Heikkilä 63,28 3. Keskinen, Suojanen, Koskela, J.Nieminen 65,50 4. Lahti, Pulliainen, Loppi, Kitala 65,22 5. Hautamäki, T.Lahti, Mustonen, Reima 63,97 6. Mäkinen, Keskinen, Siltaniemi, Heikkilä 65,19 7. Hautamäki, Aarnio, Siltaniemi, Mustonen 63,62 8. Suojanen, Pulliainen, Loppi, Koskela 65,60 9. T.Lahti, Mäkinen^, Reima, Heikkilä 64,16 10. Keskinen^, Lahti, Kitala, J.Nieminen R 65,34 11. Hautamäki, Aarnio, Siltaniemi, Pulliainen 64,43 12. T.Lahti, Suojanen, Lahti, Heikkilä 64,50 13. Mäkinen, Suojanen, Pulliainen, Mustonen 66,21 14. T.Lahti, Keskinen, Reima, J.Nieminen 65,57 15. Lahti, Suojanen, Koskela, Kitala 64,56 16. Keskinen, Pulliainen, Loppi, J.Nieminen 66,32 17. Aarnio, Mäkinen, Siltaniemi, Heikkilä 64,66 18. Hautamäki, Lahti, Reima, Mustonen 65,06 Uusinta: Hautamäki, Suojanen 65,09 Tuomari: Mika Laukkanen, katsojia 170 Edited after correcting a mistake in heat 7.
  24. Kaupunki Cup 2/7 Seinäjoki, SeMK 30.5.2010 Pori 24 Jouni Viljanen 13221d 9 Marko Suojanen 3R3333 15 Forssa 22 Jani Eerikäinen 333332 17 Reima Heikkilä 2021d 5 Kauhajoki 19+3 Olli Heikkilä 020012 5 Jan-Erik Korkeamäki 331223 14+3 Seinäjoki II 19+2 Mika Loppi 22332 12 Markku Larronmaa 311101 7+2 Lahti I 16 Jukka Nieminen 111FFn 3 Jiri Nieminen 222223 13 Seinäjoki I 13 Jarkko Palmi 0d3233 11 Teemu Mattila 2Fn 2 Erä erältä: 1. Suojanen, Mattila, Viljanen, Palmi 65,22 2. Korkeamäki, Nieminen, J.Nieminen, O.Heikkilä 68,62 3. Larronmaa, Loppi 65,22 4. Eerikäinen, R.Heikkilä, Mattila Fn, Palmi d 68,46 5. Viljanen, J.Nieminen, Nieminen, Suojanen R 68,35 6. Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 66,00 7. Eerikäinen, Loppi, Larronmaa, R.Heikkilä 66,09 8. Palmi, J.Nieminen, Nieminen 68,93 9. Suojanen, Viljanen, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 65,78 10. Eerikäinen, R.Heikkilä 66,72 11. Loppi, Palmi, Larronmaa 64,78 12. Suojanen, Viljanen 65,06 13. Loppi, J.Nieminen, Larronmaa, Nieminen F 65,81 14. Eerikäinen, Korkeamäki, R.Heikkilä, O.Heikkilä 67,03 15. Palmi, Mattila 68,53 16. Suojanen, Loppi, Viljanen, Larronmaa 65,07 17. Eerikäinen, J.Nieminen, Nieminen Fn, R.Heikkilä d 68,00 18. Palmi, Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä 68,87 19. Suojanen, Eerikäinen, Viljanen 66,03 20. J.Nieminen 70,43 21. Korkeamäki, O.Heikkilä, Larronmaa 68,72 Uusinta: Korkeamäki, Larronmaa 69,06 Tuomari: Henna Snellman, katsojia 74 Extraliiga 3/8 next saturday at Lahti has been postponed until tuesday 22nd of June. I dont know about the Lahti track. Kauhajoki has been the same since it started. They did put some clay in it a couple of years ago and it was better for a while. Usually also always very dry and dusty if it's not raining. I've (and MANY others) tried to say something politely and at times just mentioned that its crap... I do wonder how it'll be prepared for the Finnish final! When Hautamäki rode the track record in the opening meeting of the track it was very soft and his line was maybe a bike lenght off the kerb all the way with the back tyre 2-5 centimeters deep in the gravel. So it must have been really soft this time!
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