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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. For the little that I know, thats still IF.
  2. Me thinks we closed our borders yesterday. Not wanting to be a the d1ckhead I am, my life here at Tampere FI is almost close to normal. We had home schooling last spring that was a nightmare, especially maths, so I had to miss some work. But as 2020 goes as a zhh1tty year, covid goes with the other crap... Just waiting for the crap to hit the fan via kids and kindergarten.
  3. Changes coming, no doubt if you look at some of the names. Nothing confirmed yet. Are they still planning to ride Togliatti on Feb 13-14?
  4. I'm confident I've seen this on youtube and there was something iffy with Rune Holta in one heat. Could not find results or youtube link though.. http://edinburghspeedway.blogspot.com/2015/05/1996-grand-prix-challenge.html
  5. You tell me, is this a theory or a fact: Smederna having won three years in a row (?) now and losing money each year now rumoured to sign the most expensive and boring rider there is?
  6. Only thing I found regarding this or near it was the CAS had ruled the complaint recently and a ban was halved. Thats why I asked.
  7. Can you give a source for this? I mean if this is the ruling, whats there to doubt, the meetings are cancelled.
  8. Funny that SML got this info today. According to the Speedway SM-liiga Facebook site Aki Ala-Riihimäki will ride.
  9. Atleast there’s a crowd to see it...
  10. What would make ice racing better? I watched the 3rd set of heats just to see what the Finns were up to, then went out. When I came back the grading took so long I was out of excuses and forced back out...
  11. Aki Ala-Riihimäki rode years ago, had back problems, a stroke of somesort but now back at it. Think he’s now in his early 50’s. Atte Suolammi is about 17.
  12. Some people here keep talking about restriction of trade and all that crap. PZM ruling is just that, a clause in a contract is a riders choice.
  13. Which is it,do you know for certain that it’s a contract clause. Not a PZM ruling? I have mixed info...
  14. Dont really understand this. As long as licences are used to control or grade riders in/to teams in any league, granting them to foreigners should not be allowed.
  15. Thats one thing that could be done, stop the playing with FMN licenses.
  16. Just above your post is a team that looks pretty good, so what you on about? But generally yes, Sweden is in decline like all the rest of us.
  17. Not sure it really happened but I was told once that when APD’s were introduced, the UEM rulebook had them for ice racing as well...
  18. When Gorzow offers me the same as they do for Zmarzlik, it’s a done deal.
  19. Go and live there with an allowance or ride speedway? Covid stopped me both counts.
  20. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE got an offer to ride in Poland last season. If nothing else then to go and live there on an allowance waiting if someone got sick or hurt.
  21. The carb was too big because they used an outdated tool to measure it. And I didnt mean the machine examiner.
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