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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Finnish leagues as they stand on June 20th 2011 Seura.........O - + - P Keittiöpiste.....2 69 9 Kotkat...........2 69 8 Sand Blowers.....2 57 7 Paholaiset.......2 14 4 Seura.....O - + - P Seinäjoki......2 41 10 Pori.............2 37 8 Lahti............2 29 6 Hyvinkää (2)..2 22 4 Hyvinkää (1)..2 14 2 Kauhajoki....2 13 0 80cc Suomen Cupin sarjatilanne (3/7):1) Niilo Vuolas 54, 2) Jooa Partanen 43, 3) Antti Vuolas 42, 4) Nike Lunna 31, 5) Niklas Säyriö 28, 6) Henri Ahlbom 20, 7) Miro Purmonen 19, 8) Joni Laukkanen 1. Next meeting in Finland is the SM-liiga at Pori that rained off earlier, now June 28th. Then on saturday July 2nd we have the U19 European semifinal at Seinäjoki.
  3. SM-liiga last night at Kuusankoski Keittiöpiste 37 Timo Lahti 33231 12 Tero Aarnio 2'1133 10+1 David Hillborg 22'12'1 8+2 Marko Hyyryläinen 133 7 Sand Blowers 32 Jari Mäkinen 302'31 9+1 Andreas Messing 2'2332 12+1 Pasi Pulliainen 312'30 9+1 Aarni Heikkilä 002 2 Kotkat 30 Juha Hautamäki 13223 11 Markku Autio 02'002 4+1 Rene Lehtinen 33300 9 Mika Loppi 2'2'2 6+2 Paholaiset 9 Joni Keskinen R/R Marko Suojanen 11R01R 3 Jiri Nieminen 111101 5 Jere Lehtonen T00001 1 Erä erältä: 1. Mäkinen, Messing, Hautamäki, Autio 62,02 2. T.Lahti, Aarnio, Suojanen, Lehtonen T 62,07 3. Lehtinen, Loppi, Nieminen, Lehtonen 65,31 4. Pulliainen, Hillborg, Hyyryläinen, Heikkilä 65,07 5. T.Lahti, Messing, Aarnio, Mäkinen 62,69 6. Lehtinen, Autio, Suojanen, Lehtonen 66,13 7. Hautamäki, T.Lahti, Aarnio, Autio 62,94 8. Hyyryläinen, Hillborg, Nieminen, Lehtonen 65,63 9. Messing, Mäkinen, Nieminen, Suojanen R 63,69 10. Lehtinen, Loppi, Pulliainen, Heikkilä 65,94 11. T.Lahti, Hautamäki, Hillborg, Autio 63,51 12. Mäkinen, Pulliainen, Nieminen, Suojanen 64,94 13. Aarnio, Hillborg, Suojanen, Nieminen 63,13 14. Messing, Hautamäki, Mäkinen, Lehtinen 63,57 15. Pulliainen, Heikkilä, Nieminen, Lehtonen 68,00 16. Hyyryläinen, Loppi, Hillborg, Lehtinen 66,82 17. Hautamäki, Autio, Lehtonen, Suojanen R 64,31 18. Aarnio, Messing. T.Lahti, Pulliainen 62,87 Tuomari: Matti Pöysä, katsojia 260. The track was quiet deep and heavy, so the racing was quite processional. Heat 11 woke me up with a fight between Lahti and Hautamäki. It looked really scary the way they were bouncing around... Lahti managed to pass Hautamäki on lap 2 and then block him so hard entering 3rd lap that Hautamäki eased off. Same with heat 18 and Messing and Aarnio. Another duell that stood out like me in the center of the track. Two laps really close and bouncing around until Aarnio was in the lead and Messing decided to play it safe since Pulliainen was in the back and risking another go for the lead would not have helped. A couple of points that also stood out: Mäkinen winning a heat at this track, Suojanen (I sort of tipped him to step up this year) back to his old self with mechanical problems, Mika Loppi passing Hillborg on the last 30 metres in heat 16 and the Lahti brothers. They had setup up a VIP lounge on the outside of turn one and had about 20 guests. Good effort!
  4. Timo Lahti going deeper underground... Hopefully his comeback starts when he gets his 8th meeting in for the Eagles and receives his flight ticket home. I really hate to see him struggle everywhere he goes.
  5. Kaupunki Cup 2/6 Seinäjoki, SeMK 12.6.2011 Meeting abandoned at Seinäjoki after 12 heats due to poor track conditions. I take it that it was too dusty and they could not get the track watered well enough. Results will stand. Seinäjoki 18 Mika Loppi 2233 10 Jani Pirttinen 3122 8 Pori 16 Jouni Viljanen d33 6 Jere Lehtonen Fn2 2 Marko Suojanen 332 8 Lahti 14 Jiri Nieminen 2202 6 Janne Nyman 1313 8 Anssi Vartiainen Hyvinkää II 11 Marko Toikka 33d1 7 Tino Turkia 013d 4 Pekka Toikka Hyvinkää I 4 Jani Eerikäinen 01 1 Jarkko Kunnaskari 12F 3 Kauhajoki 3 Miikka Hyyryläinen 20Fn 2 Vili Mattila Fn1Fn 1 Erä erältä: 1. Pirttinen, Loppi, Kunnaskari, Eerikäinen 69,00 2. Toikka, Nieminen, Nyman, Turkia 68,75 3. Suojanen, Hyyryläinen, Mattila Fn, Viljanen d 67,40 4. Suojanen, Loppi, Pirttinen 67,15 5. Toikka, Kunnaskari, Turkia 69,13 6. Nyman, Nieminen, Mattila, Hyyryläinen 70,25 7. Turkia, Hyyryläinen Fn, Mattila, Fn, Toikka d 77,25 8. Viljanen, Lehtonen, Eerikäinen 69,63 9. Loppi, Pirttinen, Nyman, Nieminen 68,66 10. Nyman, Nieminen, Kunnaskari F 71,58 11. Loppi, Pirttinen 68,46 12. Viljanen, Suojanen, Toikka, Turkia d 69,97 Tuomari: Matti Koivuoja , katsojia 45.
  6. Like mentioned before, the HUGE Red Bull ad-board over the gates probably had nothing to do with Jepsen "Mad Croc" Jensen getting first reserve...
  7. Yes, I've seen those on the couple of polish sites. Full results are no where to be found. Even the Russian forum has nothing.
  8. Any links to full results from Braila? I really hope to find some during today.
  9. I have Anders Secher ON TAPE saying it's just another meeting for them to attend. The fact that it's in Russia is just a minor detail that needs forward planning. I'm all for speedway to expand and get new countries in. But the fact is at the moment that these kind of meetings in Russia dont work. One would have thought something had been learned the previous time. Now that Denmark, one of the high profile speedway countries tell's the FIM where to stick it, maybe something will be learned.
  10. Yes there was... Third mistake in a row for me from the Finnish meetings this season... I'm even lower on confidence at the moment than Timo Lahti. I had a mistake in Jiri Nieminen's score, had corrected it in the results here but forgot to update the total score. There's two meetings next weekend, I'll be extra careful with them...
  11. Kauko Nieminen won Seinäjoki speedway today at Seinäjoki. Jari Mäkinen a close second. Tero Aarnio and Joni Keskinen crashed out in the semi with Aarnio disqualified and Keskinen unable to continue. Mäkinen seems to be on the up after his private practise and consulting from Andreas Jonsson last wednesday. Paid ten in the Allsvenskan (even though riding as a reserve) and now collecting 14 alongside Kake and Aarnio at Seinäjoki. EDIT: Seinäjoki speedway yesterday. Aarnio lost the draw and had to ride the semifinal first. He lost control of his bike, fell, took Keskinen with him and both were out. A rerun never took place so Lahti and Suojanen were in the final. Kauko Nieminen SeMK 33332 14 Jari Mäkinen PirMM 33323 14 Tero Aarnio KMMK 33233 14 Teemu Lahti KMMK 32330 11 Marko Suojanen PMK 03231 9 Joni Keskinen SeMK 20223 9 Aarni Heikkilä FMS 22212 9 Markku Autio KuMaMo d1313 8 Rene Lehtinen SeMK 21122 8 Marko Hyyryläinen KMMK 12122 8 Jani Pirttinen SeMK 12111 6 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK 20010 3 Janne Nyman SsMK 11001 3 Jouni Viljanen PMK 11100 3 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 00001 1 Erä erältä: 1. Aarnio, Lehtinen, Hyyryläinen, Suojanen 63,62 2. Lahti, Mi.Hyyryläinen, Nyman, Mattila 65,13 3. Nieminen, Keskinen, Viljanen 63,72 4. Mäkinen, Heikkilä, Pirttinen, Autio d 64,84 5. Aarnio, Lahti, Autio, Keskinen 65,72 6. Mäkinen, Hyyryläinen, Viljanen, Mattila 64,83 7. Nieminen, Heikkilä, Lehtinen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 64,10 8. Suojanen, Pirttinen, Nyman 65,45 9. Nieminen, Aarnio, Pirttinen, Mattila 65,21 10. Lahti, Heikkilä, Hyyryläinen 65,69 11. Mäkinen, Keskinen, Lehtinen, Nyman 65,32 12. Autio, Suojanen, Viljanen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 64,89 13. Aarnio, Mäkinen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 66,56 14. Nieminen, Hyyryläinen, Autio, Nyman 64,90 15. Lahti, Lehtinen, Pirttinen, Viljanen 65,81 16. Suojanen, Keskinen, Heikkilä, Mattila 65,41 17. Aarnio, Heikkilä, Nyman, Viljanen 66,81 18. Keskinen, Hyyryläinen, Pirttinen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 65,05 19. Autio, Lehtinen, Mattila 66,16 20. Mäkinen, Nieminen, Suojanen, Lahti 63,97 Semifinaali: Not ridden after an incident between Keskinen (N) and Aarnio (d). Finaali: Nieminen, Mäkinen, Lahti, Suojanen 63,84 Tuomari: Mika Laukkanen, katsojia 245. EDIT: I was wondering, who is the person that decided that Yyterispeedway was a Finnish GP-quali? That's what it says on a Swedish speedway site. Well it was not and I think we still dont know for sure who's riding for Finland for our two places.
  12. They come from Hyvinkää and are the team from Hyvinkään Moottorikerho (HyMK).
  13. Isn't the sticker in the front covers close enough?
  14. Kauko Nieminen won Yyteri speedway today in front of a 800+ crowd at Pori. He took home the five rider final with Timo Lahti 2nd, Teemu Lahti 3rd, Joni Keskinen 4th and Aarni Heikkilä fifth. His trademark smile got just a little wider as he received the 1000 euro cheque promised for the winner. Full results tomorrow, friday. EDIT: did them anyway... Yyteri speedway Pori, PMK 2.6.2011 Kauko Nieminen SeMK 33333 15 Joni Keskinen SeMK 33223 13 Teemu Lahti KMMK 33303 12 Timo Lahti KMMK 33311 11 Aarni Heikkilä FMS 12323 11 Marko Suojanen PMK 22232 11 Janne Nyman SsMK 01232 8 Marko Hyyryläinen KMMK R2231 8 Jouni Viljanen PMK 21121 7 Miikka Hyyryläinen SsMK 12R20 5 Jarkko Kunnaskari FMS 21110 5 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 100d2 3 Jere Lehtonen PMK 20TTN 2 David Hillborg SE N1NNN 1 Erä erältä: 1. Keskinen, Kunnaskari, Hyyryläinen R 65,77 2. Nieminen, Lehtonen, Mattila 65,30 3. Lahti, Suojanen, Heikkilä, Nyman 65,02 4. T.Lahti, Viljanen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 65,57 5. Keskinen, Suojanen, Hillborg, Mattila 65,91 6. T.Lahti, Hyyryläinen, Nyman, Lehtonen 66,08 7. Nieminen, Heikkilä, Viljanen 64,67 8. Lahti, Mi.Hyyryläinen, Kunnaskari 65,66 9. Heikkilä, Keskinen, Mi.Hyyryläinen R, Lehtonen T 66,81 10. Lahti, Hyyryläinen, Viljanen, Mattila 66,67 11. T.Lahti, Suojanen 65,38 12. Nieminen, Nyman, Kunnaskari 64,29 13. Nieminen, Keskinen, T.Lahti, Lahti 65,16 14. Hyyryläinen, Heikkilä 67,77 15. Nyman, Mi.Hyyryläinen, Mattila 70,74 16. Suojanen, Viljanen, Kunnaskari, Lehtonen T 66,97 17. Keskinen, Nyman, Viljanen 64,70 18. Nieminen, Suojanen, Hyyryläinen, Mi.Hyyryläinen 64,70 19. Lahti 65,64 20. Heikkilä, Mattila, T.Lahti, Kunnaskari 68,52 Finaali: Nieminen, T.Lahti, Lahti, Keskinen, Heikkilä 65,01 Tuomari: Harri Heikkilä, katsojia 820.
  15. I remember the one report you did from YTG when the two MM's dropped practically no points all week until the rerun in the final between the two... Seeing 3 Mikkels in one meeting and trying to remember which is which would have made Mike Patricks head spin just as much.
  16. So he's your favourite then? There's so many Mikkels and Jensens and all that, that I got so confused and asked Michael Jepsen Jensen how it feels to do so well in the U21's in his first year... But regarding the WC pick, this proves that Red Bull rules the world of speedway. Jepsen Jensen was dropped because he's on Mad Croc...
  17. As I understood it, there had not been rain around the track for two months or so. As the meeting progressed "plates" of hard packed material came of and deep ruts appeared. After Niko's incident the Finns played safe but apparently Darcy Ward kept plugging on as nothing had happened and the track was fine. I guess that's what makes you THE world champion! EDIT:Having asked before in another thread who this Secher fellow is, I can now say he's allright. Maybe not as great as Stekkers in any way, but he was happy to talk to the foreign press in Malmö. If nothing else, he's as ambitious as Stekkers, as two going through was described as "below average" performance from the team.
  18. Niko Siltaniemi will be out for a couple of months after his crash in Diedenbergen last saturday. He has has fractured vertebra in his upper back (#9) that needs some time to heal, other than that I'm told he's fine. Bored but fine. He will be kept under surveillance in a German hospital (he was driven straight to a bigger one in Frankfurt) until wednesday, after that they'll start wondering how he's gonna be transferred home. I spoke to him today and the first thing he said was that it's a pity the season has started so badly, loads of purely bad luck and now he even has to miss some league meetings in Finland... The german forum has a good discussion going on about what happened at the track, mostly crap though regarding the Finns in the Siltaniemi case. I'm told a pretty comprehensive report was written regarding the incident and things will be dealt accordingly in the future on FIM level...
  19. Niko was taken to hospital and I got a call from Palomäki leaving the hospital around midnight and he said he has a fracture in his back but everything is working. Finnish quotes from the official press release of the meeting: Palomäki: Track was awful, slick and bumpy Timo Lahti: Shocking track conditions, slippery and full of holes with riders bouncing to directions not intended.
  20. Speedwayn SM-liiga 2/8 24.5. Seinäjoki Kotkat 39 Kauko Nieminen 3332'3 14+1 Juha Hautamäki 2'2'112' 8+3 Markku Autio 33303 12 Mika Loppi 2'2'1 5+2 Keittiöpiste 32 Timo Lahti 132'3^2'2 13+2 Teemu Lahti 02'32'0 7+2 David Hillborg 3133 10 Miikka Hyyryläinen 101 2 Sand Blowers 25 Jari Mäkinen 3201'3 9+1 Niko Siltaniemi 2'1011 5+1 Pasi Pulliainen d0320 5 Aarni Heikkilä 22'2 6+1 Paholaiset 12 Joni Keskinen 000M3 3 Marko Suojanen 1110 3 Jiri Nieminen 11121 6 Jouni Viljanen 0000 0 Erä erältä: 1. Mäkinen, Siltaniemi, Suojanen, Keskinen 66,25 2. Nieminen, Hautamäki, T.Lahti, Lahti 64,47 3. Hillborg, Heikkilä, Hyyryläinen, Pulliainen d 65,50 4. Autio, Loppi, J.Nieminen, Viljanen 64,91 5. Nieminen, Hautamäki, Suojanen, Keskinen 66,67 6. T.Lahti, Lahti, Siltaniemi, Pulliainen 66,10 7. Nieminen, Mäkinen, Hautamäki, Siltaniemi 64,20 8. Autio, Loppi, Hillborg, Hyyryläinen 64,94 9. Lahti, T.Lahti, Suojanen, Keskinen 67,25 10. Pulliainen, Heikkilä, J.Nieminen, Viljanen 66,25 11. Autio, Nieminen, Siltaniemi, Mäkinen 65,04 12. T.Lahti^, Lahti, J.Nieminen, Viljanen 64,56 13. Hillborg, T.Lahti, Hautamäki, Autio 66,00 14. Keskinen, Pulliainen, Mäkinen, Suojanen 66,44 15. Hillborg, J.Nieminen, Hyyryläinen, Viljanen 66,58 16. Autio, Heikkilä, Loppi, Pulliainen 65,28 17. Mäkinen, T.Lahti, Siltaniemi, Lahti 64,05 18. Nieminen, Hautamäki, J.Nieminen, Viljanen 65,15 Tuomari: Matti Pöysä, katsojia 269.
  21. Oh bugger off EDIT: It was bugger off the first time also... Was gonna say something to stir some more, instead I'll and go to sleep.
  22. He was certain to come on saturdays info but then it turned out that the ferry's timetables did not work out. There's a huge debate going on regarding his average. In the rulebook it says that U17 riders coming up from 80cc are on 0,00 points and there's this one minor difference of an opinion, when they actually step up? Is it the moment that they ride in their first meeting on 500cc or is it the end of the year when they turned 16...
  23. I will, later. And Vicar, please keep up! It was rained off and will be restaged on June 28th.
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