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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. Timo Lahti został zawodnikiem PGE Marmy Rzeszów. Być może młody Fin będzie miał okazję zadebiutować w rzeszowskim zespole już w niedzielnym meczu z Unibaksem Toruń. 20-latek trafił do klubu z Rzeszowa na zasadzie wypożyczenia z Lokomotivu Daugavpils. W piątek Lahti został potwierdzony do startów w PGE Marmie przez Polski Związek Motorowy. Fin ma wziąć udział w piątkowym treningu na rzeszowskim torze. Oh yeah baby, I'm out from hiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New date for Varkaus is September 2 nd. ps. Ice cold Stella would do nicely though... Anyone? Wheres's Conkers or Iris when you really need them... They would have posted this so much ever nicely... Providing Conkers has cleaned his gear after T.Lahti outscoting Bomber last monday and Iris just having a good friday night out expecting to see the greateast Finnish prospect in actino since KL...
  2. Someone ready to make a 2nd comeback and take the title in 2013.
  3. Teams in MX pay to compete in the series, what happens between teams and riders I dont know. MX is a bigger sport, so instead of the main sponsor in speedway in MX they might pay 6 figures for a sticker on the bumper. Actually I know nothing of MX, other than that they dont have prize money like track racing.
  4. Actually it's the organizer that pays the prize money thats set up by the FIM. But you are quite right. But for eample MX people/teams dont get paid, they pay to get to ride in Worlds events.
  5. You need your national license from your own federation and a FIM license thats around 400 euros for a season or the mentioned for a one off. What else do you need?
  6. Thats world speedway, it's the same everywhere. Well maybe not Poland.
  7. Herxheim speedway is crap, longtrack I would imagine top notch.
  8. I remember a German league meeting in Wolfslake when the tickets were 12 instead of 11 and people were turning back at the turnstiles because it was unheard of and too expensive. Peter Karlsson and Billy Hamill were there, it was a good meeting. Was not gonna miss that one after walking 90 minutes to get to the stadium. I was at Herxheim for the SWC quali. I thought they cant make better stadiums for longtrack!
  9. Seinäjoki speedway on saturday May 19th Kalle Katajisto SsMK 33333 15 Juha Hautamäki SeMK 33233 14 Pasi Pulliainen HyMK 23322 12 Niko Siltaniemi HjMK 32231 11 Mika Loppi SeMK 13321 10 Teemu Lahti KMMK 22213 10 Marko Suojanen PMK R2133 9 Joni Keskinen SeMK 22122 9 Markku Autio KuMaMo 31022 8 Jani Pirttinen SeMK 11311 7 Janne Nyman SsMK 11210 5 Peter Wall SE 00012 3 Aarni Heikkilä HyMK 20RNN 2 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 10100 2 Jarkko Kunnaskari FMS 01001 2 Jouni Viljanen PMK 0d100 1 Erä erältä: 1. Katajisto, Pulliainen, Loppi, Wall 63,72 2. Siltaniemi, Lahti, Pirttinen, Suojanen R 64,81 3. Autio, Heikkilä, Mattila, Viljanen 65,72 4. Hautamäki, Keskinen, Nyman, Kunnaskari 65,00 5. Hautamäki, Siltaniemi, Autio, Wall 63,78 6. Loppi, Keskinen, Pirttinen, Heikkilä 66,88 7. Pulliainen, Suojanen, Kunnaskari, Viljanen d 65,81 8. Katajisto, Lahti, Nyman, Mattila 63,78 9. Pirttinen, Nyman, Viljanen, Wall 68,04 10. Loppi, Siltaniemi, Mattila, Kunnaskari 65,53 11. Pulliainen, Lahti, Keskinen, Autio 65,19 12. Katajisto, Hautamäki, Suojanen, Heikkilä 62,57 13. Suojanen, Keskinen, Wall, Mattila 65,03 14. Hautamäki, Loppi, Lahti, Viljanen 64,28 15. Siltaniemi, Pulliainen, Nyman 65,66 16. Katajisto, Autio, Pirttinen, Kunnaskari 63,81 17. Lahti, Wall, Kunnaskari 63,44 18. Suojanen, Autio, Loppi, Nyman 65,28 19. Hautamäki, Pulliainen, Pirttinen, Mattila 63,90 20. Katajisto, Keskinen, Siltaniemi, Viljanen 64,47 Semi: Pulliainen, Lahti, Siltaniemi, Loppi 64,97 Finaali: Hautamäki, Pulliainen, Lahti, Katajisto R 64,06 Tuomari: Mika Laukkanen, katsojia (EDIT) 160. Heikkilä riding means he's about OK after his hospital visit. Katajisto rode max from his heats and was challenging Hautamäki for the lead in the final when his chain snapped. Siltaniemi was lost with his setup, but I'm told he did OK after a year on the sidelines after his crash in Germany. Pulliainen and Lahti seem surprising in the final, Autio doing poorly considering that Seinäjoki is the track that is his "hometrack" nowadays, and remembering his riding from thursday. Loppi was surprisingly poor thursday, got better and now doing 10 from his heats shows that he's "still on the path". I was not there.
  10. So basically you are trying to say that there's only 6 tracks in the ever so wonderful Russia that will save the sport of speedway?
  11. Yyteri speedway at Pori today Marko Suojanen PMK 32333 14 Markku Autio KuMaMo 33331 13 Juha Hautamäki SeMK 23233 13 Pasi Pulliainen HyMK 13233 12 Teemu Lahti KMMK 32322 12 Joni Keskinen SeMK 2322N 9 Mika Loppi SeMK 11322 9 Janne Nyman SsMK 11113 7 Jani Pirttinen SeMK 02112 6 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 01122 6 Jouni Viljanen PMK 02210 5 Jarkko Kunnaskari FMS 20011 4 Aarni Heikkilä HyMK 3FnNNN 3 Peter Wall SE 10101 3 Jiri Nieminen SsMK 2dNNN 2 Jukka Nieminen SsMK 00001 1 Margus Mandre EE 1000 1 Erä erältä: 1. Autio, Hautamäki, Pulliainen, Viljanen 63,17 2. Lahti, J.Nieminen, Nyman, Pirttinen 65,65 3. Suojanen, Keskinen, Loppi, Mattila 63,50 4. Heikkilä, Kunnaskari, Wall, Ju.Nieminen 66,70 5. Pulliainen, Suojanen, Nyman, Kunnaskari 65,10 6. Autio, Lahti, Loppi, Wall 63,55 7. Hautamäki, Pirttinen, Mattila, Ju.Nieminen 65,82 8. Keskinen, Viljanen, Mandre, Nieminen d 9. Lahti, Pulliainen, Mattila, Mandre 66,46 10. Autio, Keskinen, Nyman, Ju.Nieminen 66,40 11. Suojanen, Hautamäki, Wall 63,51 12. Loppi, Viljanen, Pirttinen, Kunnaskari 67,70 13. Pulliainen, Keskinen, Pirttinen, Wall 65,36 14. Autio, Mattila, Kunnaskari 67,00 15. Hautamäki, Loppi, Nyman 64,39 16. Suojanen, Lahti, Viljanen, Ju.Nieminen 66,51 17. Pulliainen, Loppi, Ju.Nieminen 65,29 18. Suojanen, Pirttinen, Autio, Mandre 66,82 19. Hautamäki, Lahti, Kunnaskari 64,68 20. Nyman, Mattila, Wall, Viljanen 70,40 Finaali: Hautamäki, Suojanen, Lahti, Pulliainen, Autio 65,07 Tuomari: Harri Heikkilä, katsojia 860. Good crowd despite the weather. It was cloudy all day, almost raining but not quite. Also the ice hockey match between Finland and USA started at 1815 but still people turned up, surprised me and a few others. For all you that dont understand ice hockey, this was REALLY big and important match in Finlands #1 sport. Overall nothing spectacular was seen, mostly gate and go. Softest Yyteri track since 2007, been raining quite a lot and it had plenty of grip. Dried out as the meeting passed and with riders coming to terms with it the racing got better. Autio was flying in front, but good not pass even Pirttinen when behind. Hautamäki and Pulliainen struggled early on but ended on a high. Suojanen was absolutely pants last year, but was flying now and should have a good season by the looks of it. Jiri Nieminen and Aarni Heikkilä crashed in heat 8 and Heikkilä was taken to the hospital. It was said at the track that it was a precaution, nothing suspected broken. Nieminen got away with bruises. Seinäjoki speedway will continue the season this saturday with Katajisto and Siltaniemi adding their input to the proceedings.
  12. Finland is small in the world of speedway, but when the reigning British U21 champ said the exact same (cant afford it, no federation backing) in last weeks Spar, maybe that will count? Just witnessed a 80cc heat with 6 passes, what a heat!
  13. Russia as a country is not ready. Even if the clubs at Balakovo, Vladivostok and Togliatti are with their stadiums, we have examples from the past few years that Russia is not. Kai Lehtinen (Finnish ice racer) was on his way to a European Championship meeting a couple of years ago, when he was stopped at the border because he did not have the necessary paperwork for his bikes. At the same time his fellow Finnish competitor sailed through with the exact same paperwork and bikes 300 km south at another crossing point. Last year the U21 danish team had one bike seized by the customs when they entered the country for the U21 final. When the GP quali was at Balakovo, riders were kept at the customs for hours. As an example, when you enter Russia, you need insurances for your car for the traffic and for robbery. Kauko Nieminen told me that they looked in to it when he was destined for the Balakovo quali and they gave a figure for the insurance company that their car (and the gear) was worth 10k in euros and the insurance cost for just that was beyond the payout from the meeting. Of course even just for Kauko his two bikes and other gear are worth more. The riders for the quali in question tried to approach the local club so that there would have been a drop off point for the riders equipment and the club would the transport the stuff to the track, but they did not want to do this. I'm sure it could be done like You lot did it for Auckland, but that was off-season, not in the middle of the busiest time like the FIM qualis that this was tried in. Maybe the people at SVEMO and MA can give you better idea about whats to be considered when entering Russia for a speedway meeting. After all they tried it, decided it was a no go in 2011 and were facing FIM fines for their actions. DMU was in it as well, I guess they thought they'd give it a try and were present. Iris123 might have better recollection of the aftermath of their trip, I dont speak/read danish at all. And before someone says the ice racing people do it every year, they do. Top ice racers ride every weekend, some top european riders even 10-15 meetings in a season. Speedway is different. Joonas Kylmäkorpi had a calendar of meetings for -12 (or -11, not sure) that had 110+ meetings on it. Not that he was gonna definately ride in all of them, put to pick from. Making any sense?
  14. No one's coming, but we do have a team for Abensberg. Thank you FIM for changing the rules on a whim, introducing fines in the rulebook after themselves messing up with Russian qualis's, and making the U21 series a laughing stock by turning it to a 7 final series including a week on the shores of Bahia Blanca for the officials. And I'm not against Russia entering the world of speedway BIG time. But when riders are not allowed to enter the country with their racing gear, that country is not ready to host FIM events.
  15. New date for the Varkaus meeting should be set by May 16th. The opening round of SM-liiga has been moved from Lahti to Hyvinkää because the Lahti track has lost it's "planning permission" for now due to noise complaints. There's work done to get it back and from the info I have it looks positive. No change in date. Looking REALLY bleak for anykind of challenge from the Finn's in U21 worlds. It should all hit the fan later this week. I'll now crawl back to my corner to wait for something positive to report from Finland. Please could someone bring beer and something to eat on a weekly basis, dont think I'm comin out for a loooooooooooong time.
  16. :rofl: Actually the photo is taken of me while I was filming a speedway meeting in a very chilly spring day in Sweden a few years ago. The steel pipe in front of me is part of the stand and I'm actually pointing towards the logo on my jacket, namely the #1 track racing mgazine world wide. Well... as far as "mis"interpretations go, I'm glad this one went the "right" way!
  17. Please explain to a further detail, I have no idea what you mean.
  18. Hopefully you've waken and shaken him a bit with this one. He's been an absolute tosser for a few months and has even said he might sponsor speedway again! He's been agreeing with almost everyone and only posting happy smileys. Cheers paul for your efforts!
  19. Only a 7 meter high catch fence would have stopped that bike... Things happen in speedway, even with better riders, but what was the guy behind thinking when he hit the other guy? Gone blind from spray perhaps?
  20. A google translated press release via speedway.org from the organizers. Information on the speedway accident in New Town Neustadt / Danube: The speedway qualifying run the U-21 Juniors 29 April in Neustadt Danube, occurred a tragic racing accident, while was a driver after a collision of two Racing machine catapulted into the audience and injuring several spectators. It was a 11 jährgies Girl seriously injured. According to the family members of injured Lady in Town, she has no broken leg suffered only a flesh wound on the lower leg, it is the best way to recovery and is Next week released from hospital in Regensburg. When is the last MSC session on the possible more safety for the spectators thought been, it is also a catch fence at the two Curves to the line where the driver Top speed, contemplated been! There were three more wounded, the slight injuries suffered, as the two drivers are in good health, the two from the first fall. It was a tragic accident in which many unforeseen Komponeten met, yet everyone has had a lot of luck. The MSC Organization leadership is trying everything to continue the Security to do and has also been immediately cared for the wounded.
  21. there goes my millions, now turning to just drinking without any expectations of a big win moneywise... Anyone know whats the story with Hampels and Gollobs kevlars? I get the feeling that they are riding their team Polska kit?!? Weirdly, Gollobs suit has space to fill... I had Hampel or Greg to win... Im so lost, better start doing only half a week at work just to stay sharp!
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