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Everything posted by f-s-p

  1. I'd almost make a bet that the first club to raise it's hand in Europe will get to host this meeting.
  2. Regarding the runoff between Hans and MJJ: The third place might be relevant in such a case, that the riders going through to the next round might be slotted according to the results. I'm not sure if this is the case, but it was "public knowledge" on June 8th that Timo Lahti rides in the Esbjerg semi. How was this known, unless he took his place there by his finishing position in Abensberg??? There certainly could not have been a draw already, since the qualifiers from St Johann weren't known till the next day. As for Hans/MJJ, they are the sort of riders that make things happen, they dont care. The difference in prize money was actually 75 euros. Nothing like Emil hitting the tapes in Prague and losing his chance for 5000+ euros extra.
  3. 1380 is the official figure. Not nearly enough and todays flat track meeting will be done by 5 finnish guys and possibly 2 italians, thats all. I was told theres a big ft meeting in sweden today... A few years ago there was the enduro six days in Finland and the federation was the promoter. For two weeks there wasnt permission to organize any other meetings in Finland. This weekend the Forssa club organised TWO world championship events against at least two, possibly three other Finnish championships.... Dont sound right does it?
  4. Your connection is probably too slow, the viewer hasnt loaded the pics before you have clicked the gallery through... 30 is probably the number of riders trying to do it professionally. Someone told me a few years ago that he had counted the worlds lt riders from results he had found worldwide and reached 700+...
  5. Just realised that new racecard is as crap as the last one. You dont meet your opponents equally and actually Joel Nyström and Aarni Heikkilä never met yesterday. Did not look into it any deeper.
  6. I see that the results are already out, so I wont type them now... A decent meeting, not a lot of passing if you neglect Kylmä's heats when he missed the gate and picked them up one by one. Very difficult conditions for track prep with clear sky, 20-30+ celsius through out the week and Pilvenmäki has always been a tricky track to prepare with a thin top layer of material. Was told that 80 000 liters of water went in to the track the night before. The dust was a problem at times, but I think they did a very good job by keeping it to a minimum/as minimum as possible. That naturally came with a cost, and that was 4h 33 minutes of entertainment, that at times was not so entertaining. Franc outgated Kylmä in the final after Kylmä had won a ballot for the gate pick since they were tied after the semis with a similar record. In the semis blue was first choice but in the final Kylmä took red having won the ballot. That cost him since Franc cut in front and Kylmä had to start the backstraight while 4th. He picked them up one by one and was second on the last backstraight with Smolinski 3rd battiling with Tebbe until Smolis engine gave up on the last lap. I was waiting for an interview from Smoli for maybe 10 minutes or so while he was giving feedback to his crew after the meeting. I got the impression it was good that " My Deutsch sind nicht zu gut" oder something like that. = ) Phillips did not impress, I've always liked him for some reason but this time he was poor. Woodward even won a heat but like he said, the 1000 meter tracks are still a mystery and a steep learning curve for him. Mustonen had engine problems, but when on his own top gear, he was fast. Only one crash this time, when EDIT: Pijper slid off on the second lap in turns 1 and 2 and Speiser run over him. Both were OK but later on I discovered that EDIT: Pijper had a huge burn on his ärse and Speiser looked (and said it too) in pain after the meeting. I also spoke with Ilkka Teromaa about the new proposed rule regarding leather racing suits. First he said he's not quite on the ball in this subject, but then made a good remark that it's not necessarily about returning back to leather as we once knew it, but to materials that can withstand friction caused heat better than the plastic based materials we have now.
  7. I just spoke with Thierry Bouin and they are filming bits and pieces for FIM-TV. It's not live though. I think this will be a good one, all the top guys are on good confidence and the teack is good and weather should be OK this time too.
  8. Round two of sm liiga at hyvinkää, yes.
  9. I'm no doctor, but is the clavicle bone actually cut in two pieces??? A pic in his twitter feed suggests that... Someone has spilled his milk on my keyboard or this forum version hates me. Sorry about that = )
  10. Live score updates via Smolinskis website or speedway.org is your best bet.
  11. Excellent meeting once it got going. Timo Lahti was above the rest. Brilliant heat three between Lahti and Juha Hautamäki. As good as any tussle in Bydgoszcz GP this year, just that it was in Finland and only two riders involved. For the last heat SB needed 3 points to get a runoff, but Mäkinen gated taking the lead. For some reason Lahti entered the first corner last, made a cutback and came to enter lap 2 leading. Nike Lunna was once a gain disqualified in his first. It was a bit weird again, tight first bend with Lunna on the inside and forcing Loppi wide. Then Nieminen came from the outside in front of the two, Loppi fell and Lunna was excluded. All4back would have been a justified call. Mäkinen rode a few good ones and a couple of bad ones. His win over Hautamäki in heat 14 was vital for SB to have their chance for a meeting win. It's quite close in the standings! Sand Blowers 37 Timo Lahti 33333 15 Jari Mäkinen 01232 8 Aarni Heikkilä 1022 5 Nike Lunna d2313 9 Kotkat 35 Juha Hautamäki 23323 13 Teemu Lahti 12122 8 Joni Keskinen 2210 5 Mika Loppi 33102 9 Paholaishaukat 32 Kalle Katajisto 322R2 9 Niko Siltaniemi 20031 6 Marko Suojanen 33330 12 Jiri Nieminen 2021 5 Jokerit 10 Janne Nyman 11111 5 Vili Mattila 01000 1 Jere Lehtonen 10T01 2 Jarkko Kunnaskari 1010 2 Erä erältä: 1. Loppi, J.Nieminen, Kunnaskari, Lunna d 65,13 2. Katajisto, Siltaniemi, Nyman, Mattila 63,54 3. T.Lahti, Hautamäki, Lahti, Mäkinen 65,00 4. Loppi, Keskinen, Lehtonen, Kunnaskari 67,00 5. Suojanen, Lunna, Heikkilä, J.Nieminen 66,32 6. T.Lahti, Katajisto, Mäkinen, Siltaniemi 64,54 7. Hautamäki, Lahti, Mattila, Lehtonen 65,07 8. T.Lahti, Mäkinen, Nyman, Mattila 64,86 9. Lunna, Keskinen, Loppi, Heikkilä 65,60 10. Hautamäki, Katajisto, Lahti, Siltaniemi 64,32 11. Suojanen, J.Nieminen, Kunnaskari, Lehtonen T 66,60 12. T.Lahti, Heikkilä, Nyman, Mattila 67,05 13. Suojanen, Lahti, Keskinen, Katajisto R 65,88 14. Mäkinen, Hautamäki, Lunna, Loppi 65,88 15. Siltaniemi, Katajisto, Nyman, Lehtonen 66,32 16. Suojanen, Loppi, J.Nieminen, Keskinen 65,96 17. Lunna, Heikkilä, Lehtonen, Kunnaskari 66,82 18. Hautamäki, Lahti, Nyman, Mattila 65,98 19. T.Lahti, Mäkinen, Siltaniemi, SUojanen 66,04 Tuomari: Esa Reijo, katsojia 248. Seura O + P Paholaishaukat 2 71 8 Kotkat 2 68 8 Sand Blowers 2 66 8 Haukat 2 22 4
  12. The link mentioned above is now updated and behind it you will find the links to the meeting live updates.
  13. I really need a new keyboard... HERE'S A LINK to a site that the fellow in the federation who's in charge of the series updates. I try to keep it as up to date as possible (with in a day unless I'm on holiday). And if I find and hour tomorrow, I'll update the links to each of the league meeting this year and their live updates. Should be a cracking meeting coming up next tuesday at Hyvinkää!
  14. Todays KC meeting at Hyvinkää. Siltaniemi had a crash yesterday and hurt his neck, more info by tuesday. Partanen had to put his bike down on saturday having fallen Siltaniemi in front and hurt his hand so he was out today as well. Kuusankoski was one rider short so they get no series points. Haapajärvi 23 Jiri Nieminen 22112 8 Jari Mäkinen 33333 15 Seinäjoki 19 Teemu Lahti 33332 14 Janne Nyman 121101 5 Forssa 16 Marko Suojanen 23133 12 Jarkko Kunnaskari 01012 4 Viro 13 Ken Viidas 13223 11 Martin Kimmel 00002 2 Kuusankoski 8+3 Jooa Partanen DNS Vili Mattila 31221 8+3 Pori 8+N Jouni Viljanen 112FnN 4 Jere Lehtonen 220FnN 4 Erä erältä: 1. Lahti, Suojanen, Nyman, Kunnaskari 64,65 2. Mattila, Lehtonen, Viljanen 68,40 3. Mäkinen, J.Nieminen, Viidas, Kimmel 66,21 4. Lahti, Nyman, Mattila 65,27 5. Viidas, Lehtonen, Viljanen, Kimmel 68,15 6. Suojanen, Mattila, Kunnaskari 66,83 7. Lahti, Viljanen, Nyman, Lehtonen 65,96 8. Mäkinen, J.Nieminen, Suojanen, Kunnaskari 67,83 9. Lahti, Viidas, Nyman, Kimmel 65,34 10. Mäkinen, Mattila, J.Nieminen 66,52 11. Suojanen, Viidas, Kunnaskari, Kimmel 67,83 12. Mäkinen, Lahti, J.Nieminen, Nyman 67,90 13. Suojanen, Kunnaskari, Viljanen Fn, Lehtonen Fn 68,09 14. Viidas, Kimmel 70,58 15. Mäkinen, J.Nieminen 67,34 Uusinta: Mattila # Tuomari: Jaakko Mäki, katsojia 65. # = ei aikaa.
  15. Hautamäki took home the Seinäjoki speedway today before Suojanen, Mäkinen and Lahti. Lunna I'm told was on his way to a ride in the final until a chain snapped in the lead in his fina heat. I'll write the results when I wake up. EDIT: The results dont indicate anything regarding Lunna's chain, so I take that back. Katajisto had his name in the spredsheet, but had not turned up. Seinäjoki Speedway Seinäjoki (SeMK) 25.5.2013 Juha Hautamäki SeMK 33333 15 Joni Keskinen SeMK 23332 13 Jari Mäkinen HyMK 23233 13 Marko Suojanen FMS 32232 12 Nike Lunna KarhMK 12303 9 Teemu Lahti KMMK 33F21 9 Rene Lehtinen SeMK 02223 9 Jiri Nieminen SsMK 12312 9 Herman Kenkkilä SeMK 20220 6 Jesse Mustonen VRT 10121 5 Janne Nyman HyMK 11111 5 Niko Siltaniemi HjMK 3dNNN 3 Vili Mattila KauhjMK 0111N 3 Jooa Partanen KMMK 2FnNNN 2 Erä erältä: 1. Suojanen, Mäkinen, J.Nieminen, Lehtinen 64,87 2. Hautamäki, Keskinen, Lunna 62,83 3. Siltaniemi, Kenkkilä, J.Mustonen 64,47 4. Lahti, Partanen, Nyman, Mattila 65,24 5. Mäkinen, Lunna, Partanen Fn, Siltaniemi d 65,87 6. Hautamäki, Lehtinen, Nyman, Kenkkilä 62,72 7. Lahti, Suojanen 64,77 8. Keskinen, J.Nieminen, Mattila, J.Mustonen 67,09 9. Hautamäki, Mäkinen, Mattila 63,27 10. Lunna, Lehtinen, J.Mustonen, Lahti F 64,14 11. Keskinen, Suojanen, Nyman 65,09 12. J.Nieminen, Kenkkilä 66,09 13. Mäkinen, J.Mustonen, Nyman 63,87 14. Keskinen, Lehtinen 65,47 15. Suojanen, Kenkkilä, Mattila, Lunna 65,18 16. Hautamäki, Lahti, J.Nieminen 64,27 17. Mäkinen, Keskinen, Lahti, Kenkkilä 64,62 18. Lehtinen 67,13 19. Hautamäki, Suojanen, J.Mustonen 63,85 20. Lunna, J.Nieminen, Nyman 65,54 Semifinaali: Lahti, Suojanen, Lunna, Keskinen R 64,06 Finaali: Hautamäki, Suojanen, Mäkinen, Lahti 63,95 Tuomari: Mika Laukkanen.
  16. It took 3 hours to finish, but there was a couple of good ones. KK rode a clean max, Mäkinen crashed out 150 meters in to the meeting and twist his knee. Paholaishaukat 39 Kalle Katajisto 33333 15 Niko Siltaniemi 2213M 8 Marko Suojanen 320R3 8 Jiri Nieminen 3032 8 Kotkat 33 Juha Hautamäki 323^233 16 Joni Keskinen 1201 4 Mika Loppi 330d 6 Jooa Partanen 22111 7 Sand Blowers 29 Daniel Henderson 21331 10 Jari Mäkinen d 0 Aarni Heikkilä 10232 8 Nike Lunna d222221 11 Jokerit 12 Janne Nyman 11122 7 Vili Mattila 00010 1 Jouni Viljanen 0d010 1 Jere Lehtonen 11d1 3 Erä erältä: 1. J.Nieminen, Partanen, Lehtonen, Lunna d64,61 2. Hautamäki, Henderson, Keskinen, Mäkinen d 63,65 3. Katajisto, Siltaniemi, Nyman, Mattila 63,52 4. Loppi, Partanen, Lehtonen, Viljanen 66,34 5. Suojanen, Lunna, Heikkilä, J.Nieminen 64,88 6. Katajisto, Siltaniemi, Henderson 64,34 7. Loppi, Keskinen, Nyman, Mattila 65,88 8. Katajisto, Hautamäki, Siltaniemi, Keskinen 64,16 9. J.Nieminen, Suojanen, Viljanen d, Lehtonen d 67,23 10. Henderson, Lunna, Nyman, Mattila 65,88 11. Hautamäki^, Lunna, Partanen, Heikkilä 63,49 12. Katajisto, Hautamäki, Partanen, Suojanen 63,53 13. Henderson, Heikkilä, Mattila, Viljanen 63,52 14. Siltaniemi, Nyman, Viljanen, Suojanen R 66,07 15. Hautamäki, Lunna, Henderson, Loppi 64,34 16. Heikkilä, Lunna, Lehtonen, Viljanen 66,76 17. Suojanen, J.Nieminen, Partanen, Loppi d 65,78 18. Hautamäki, Nyman, Keskinen, Mattila 64,90 19. Katajisto, Heikkilä, Lunna, Siltaniemi M 64,78 Tuomari: Harri Heikkilä, katsojia 155.
  17. Todays league match at Pori. <<< LIVE UPDATES>>>
  18. U turning in to a regular "meLOVEcz"
  19. Probably Germany, as this happened yesterday or today. Kylmäkorpi on a swedish slot would be a big surprise.
  20. I dont know if it's official yet, but I'm told our 2nd slot was given away. The way it all has been handled is a disgrace and I'm embarrased, though I have been just a messenger in this thing.
  21. <<<Riders for saturdays SM-liiga opener. >>> somehow on that same site you can also follow live updates on saturday's match. 1st heat 16.00.
  22. I was going through some old sanoma's and there it said that when Finland was there for the U21 world cup, Krister Gardell was the ref and had promised that he would write such recommendations from the meeting that they would never host FIM meetings again... There's was some dodgy scrutineering and stuff like that. Just a thought, but usually all the riders need to have same amount of rides when meeting is stopped. Now one of the reserves only had three. Should the results be declared after 12 instead of 16? Would not help Timo Lahti, but mess up someone else and make the ref look stupid... I'll look into this deeper!!!!!!!!
  23. Lahti not holding back on a Sportowefakty interview... Though I think he's wrong in complaining meeting Czaja twice, those are the rules and you deal with it. Embittered by the decisions of the judge and the state of the track at RK Rawicz IMŚJ was Timo Lahti. - I have never driven on such a terrible track - thundered after the race the young Finn. - What I think about the decisions of the referee? It's all bullrubbish. They all saw the two falls in first gear and nothing, therefore, did not. I have never driven on such a terrible track. It was not a speedway, just hover your motorcycle. As I moved out of the competition, then the judge should allow us to leave 20 races. The last race was the easiest for me, and if not substitutes, who jumped to the races, I would be the fifth in the competition. For me it is not fair when I go two races with the same players. These are obviously redundant. The judge promised to show me after the contest rules and an entry that talks about it - he said in an interview with our portal Timo Lahti. Krakow speedway club believes that competition should not be held at all. - Already in the first race of the judge saw with my own eyes how it all looked. Before the start of the competition the track left much to be desired. It seems to me that during the period was the same. This is the worst course I've ever seen! I'm mad. The judge wanted to pass all the Poles! - Comments on RK IMŚJ in Rawicz A lot of controversy among some participants RK IMŚJ in Rawicz caused the referee. Occupations were discontinued after four series races, and gained promotion representatives of all Polish. More 194 Speedway May 11, 22:02 | In the winter break 21-year-old tied to a contract with Wanda Krakow. How's the new environment? - I am glad that I can compete in Krakow club. I like that track and I am fully satisfied that I had the opportunity to start the Sunday's league match. I will try to win a lot of points. I have to forget about Saturday's event, which was a complete disaster - he says. Timo Lahti not allowed to mention its debut in the Polish league. Recall that last year occurred in a single match in the colors of PGE Marma Rzeszow. - No comment. It did not go according to my plans. I was not even there their motorcycles and mechanics. I was there left alone, and the task I had to jump over a high wall. The representative of Finland wishes to note in the second league well, which would allow it to develop in the future to move to the first division. - That is my goal. In the second league I want to score high and thus might be able in the future to sign a good contract in the league. Who knows, maybe in the future will start in extraligue? - Lahti finished. http://www.sportowef...ie-byl-speedway
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