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About f-s-p

  • Birthday 03/10/1977

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    Tampere - Finland
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  1. At least it's still held at a track that will NEVER EVER host a GP.
  2. I asked you a question a day or two ago. You don't have to answer anymore. We all know.
  3. Another reason to drown my sorrows then... She should be kicked out from CCP.
  4. From the very first day back then I was always in favour of anonymous discussion forums. But it's d1ckheads like you that while actually knowing zäkzhit pass their opinions as facts or present them as facts and when given the actual info just laugh at it have really put me off. It's not just you, I just decided to blame you for everything today.
  5. Are you really this stupid or just having a laugh winding people up? Why would Croatia be given two allocations to be used for Russian riders while they have none of their own? U think no one would care in the CCP? I'm fine with both, just want to know...
  6. Having been a member of the Finnish track racing committee in SML when these things have happened with Joonas Kylmäkorpi and Timo Lahti, I am. Just read the book, FIM sporting code page 143 starts licenses (70.2.1 /7). Even though there are changes in the rule since when I was involved, basic message is still the same.
  7. You start with "If" In the eyes of the FIM they will not be considered Polish or PZM until MFR says they good to go. Poland has given them citizenship, PZM has given them licenses to ride as Polish in the Polish system. Has bugger all to do with FIM or FIM Europe meetings where they are still MFR.
  8. Saturday 5th. And the weather looks fine.
  9. My thoughts exactly. You put in a few grand to have a chance to make a hundred or hundreds. Thats what speedway riders do...
  10. Some laws (or rules) allow you to do stuff, others prohibit you from doing stuff. Thats the system. EDIT: Also one might wonder or think a minute about how "ridicolous" it is that Russia has been bombing the two Ukrainian speedway cities Rivne and Lviv for two years now...
  11. Rune Holta went Polish through an agreement made between NMF and PZM. Joonas Kylmäkorpi did the same with SML and SVEMO as is Timo Lahti doing now and probably for the rest of his career. Luca Bauer is doing it in ice racing between DMSB and FMI. I was told Laguta especially has given the finger towards Russia, so I really dont see how he's gonna be given a free pass by MFR.
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