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Everything posted by SFTGNigel

  1. I don't suppose anyone knows if SpeedwayTV's portal stream will work on an iPad, do they?
  2. Yeah, my first visit to Kent last night and the whole experience was great, crowned by their win. But for that understandable but tricky early start time I would get along there quite a bit. Gutted that I'll be on holidaa for the Wimbledon Dons meeting.
  3. Does anyone know the likely maximum running times for the event? Trying to book my trains.
  4. There doesn't appear to be a thread for the actual King's Lynn event so I'll ask here : anyone know what time it is likely to finish on the 15th? Booking trains now and not sure of the format enough to guess.
  5. I've just noticed that this has been made a double-header with the Glasgow Tigers fixture on July 20th. If I can ask a dim newbie question as I've never been to one, how does a club run a double-header in terms of times, ticket prices etc.?
  6. Does anyone know what channel would be covering this in Australia and if it will be broadcast live? I am over there for the 2nd and 3rd Lions tests.
  7. You think that's bad, I booked my train ticket from London on the back of the Australian Ipswich forecast on here yesterday. Buyer beware, I suppose.
  8. Well yes, hence the "given any kind of coverage" part of my post.
  9. Great GP tonight and if we lived in a sensible world people would be starting to discuss Woffinden being in the running for Sports Personality of the Year. I increasingly think that given any kind of coverage that lad could revitalise the sport in Britain.
  10. My first post here and just wanted to offer a bit of perspective. Last night was my first SGP and my 6th meeting ever having only finally seeing live Speedway in the last year. It was a fantastic spectacle and a wonderful evening, well worth the (quite high) ticket price. Even to a novice like me there were clearly track problems (and one is always chiefly concerned for rider safety) but it did not mar the evening to the extent some here seem to think. I was at Poole on Monday and that was clearly far worse. I took seven others along including two 12 year olds who had no idea about the sport before, an adult attending his first meeting, a couple of other relative newcomers like me and even a former club rider and they are all now going to attend league meetings in the near future and vowed to be back in Cardiff for 2014. The former club rider ended the evening saying every nerve was jangling to get back out on the track and wondering where his racing gear was! The Cardiff GP is a stunning showpiece for a wonderful sport which clearly much needs it, that point could possibly be appreciated a bit more.
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