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Lord Lucan

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Everything posted by Lord Lucan

  1. Good start to the PL campaign for us yesterday, this will be tougher though but we should be capable of at least a point here, got more than enough experienced riders to do that so, very hopeful!!
  2. Looked a bit of a struggle to beat effectively a two man team but, 12pts is good enough for 3pts so that'll do for me!! Good show from Howarth, starting to get some big scores and can't be far from a move up the pecking order, solid scoring from Josh/Justin bit light from Ricky, didn't expect that and fair show from Simon at reserve, getting a bit worried about young Nathan, another zero return isn't good, needs to get some scores on the board and get that confidence going, making us a bit weak in the tail at the moment? It's a good start to the PL so, let's see what we can do today to improve our position!!
  3. Still drizzling as of 01.30am, be very surprised if this is on considering the amount of rain that's fallen, +1 for the early call off!!
  4. Look's like a very eventful meeting? Wasn't expecting to win being without Harrison/Wells then losing Barrett so early on, but the team has done well to grind out a result, maybe not enough to get to the semi's but a nice win nonetheless!! Hope both injured riders aren't too badly hurt, had enough of that already this season, get well soon guy's!!
  5. Thank's for that DD, now I have the answer I was looking for, if Dave H was told to be quiet then there's no doubt communication to the crowd would not be possible!! As for you "local boy" I can accept the fact of a need for quiet if that was the issue, but as I've said already, I only caught a small part of what was said "not" all of it so, and again, Thank's to DD I am now in possession of all the facts to join up the dots so, problem solved!! Amazing what the right information can do?
  6. "Are you on drugs" of course I was there and had a perfectly good view of the incident itself, why do you think I made a comment about it? Absolutely nothing at all wrong with asking why there was little or no clarification of any events, I dont have a problem standing about waiting as long as I know the reason's why!! Dave Hoggart mentioned that Rusty was conscious but in some pain and that was the last I heard of it so, excuse me if we dont agree on proceedings after that.
  7. I dont believe this, a Workington Comets thread about changing/replacing riders and not a single mention of Tero Aarnio, disgraceful!!
  8. Good win for the Comets, a couple of decent races/passes on a very dry and slick track. Maybe just as well Cookie wasn't on his best form but, you can only beat what's in front of you and to that extent I thought we rode pretty well as a team, good even spread of pts scoring with everyone getting at least a paid win for their trouble!! First view of the full team in action tonight and yes, it does look a bit weak in certain areas but we should be able to get in amongst it with most of the PL this year, not too sure about the away form tho at this time, not been very good so far but, you never know, opportunity is there to pick up over the season!! Very disappointing news on Rusty tho, that's gonna put him out for a while but, best wishes for a full recovery young man, best wishes!! As for the missing supporters Gr8scot, incidents like last night's crash for Rusty doesn't help, no communication with the crowd, "again" as to what was happening, was the meeting going to end there or carry on, was the race previous going to be re run, "how is the guy"!!! yes, we finally got something over an hour later saying the Doctor had wanted quiet to monitor Rusty properly, so why not just put everyone in the picture at that initial point and say, we want as much quiet as possible due to the nature of the injury so you wont hear anything else until further notice, then, everyone knows "why" we are where we are, a few seconds to update and the job's good? After a while, half the crowd just walked out expecting that to be the finish and it certainly was looking that way? Add in the processional racing, rain offs, entry fees, lack of major successes etc, and it's very clear why no one supports the Comets anymore in the numbers we once had, RL/Football clubs are the same, we just fall out of love with sport in favour of cheaper forms of entertainment at the drop of a hat, to be fair, you could be successful and still have no crowd down here, fickle doesn't come close, then again, the part time job culture so prevalent down this way doesn't do much for the disposable income either?
  9. If the forecast is correct then it's going to be even longer before I see the Comets in action than I thought, maybe someone is trying to tell me something?
  10. Well aware of the pts set up C49 but I'm glad you brought that up, was looking at the LC table on the BSPA website and we have 3pts despite having only won one meeting "dropping" a point to Glasgow would only give us two, been wondering if I'd missed something in the new rules for this season!! Agree tho, with our Ht 15 record recently, I would prefer them over before the fat lady sings as well!!
  11. Tough on Steady, tough on Sheffield as well, absolutely on fire at the moment and definitely one of the teams to beat this season, not been able to say that too often over the last couple of years? Hope Simon gets better ASAP, cant have riders of his quality lost to the sport for too long, there just aren't enough of them!!
  12. Looks like two very evenly matched teams according to the updates and the odd comment on here? Disappointed that we dropped the point with a last heat 1-5, seems like that old nemesis of ours is still hanging around, still, a wins a win and although we've dropped too many points to be candidates for the semi's, we can use the remaining matches to get ourselves up to speed as a team for the PL? Hope the track was a bit better than last week and you all got some decent racing, hoping the weather will play ball next week for the E,boro match, will be my first viewing of a full Comets team this season so looking forward to that and seeing how we go!!
  13. Will only be here in spirit this week, duty calls I'm afraid, Comets, provided Rene "is" fit to go and Kenneth has his bikes up to speed then I'm looking at a comfortable ish win 49-41 and get us up and running in the LC, if nowt else!!
  14. That's no justification at all Trees to produce a track of that standard? People paid good money to see this event finally take place but it produced absolutely nothing by way of entertaining racing, that's why people watch not, as you suggest, a means to an end coz he's had a couple of knockbacks? Nick Morris commented on the state of it in his interview and said he would give it a go, but he didn't sound very enthusiastic, and he rode like it, not the Nick Morris I expected? People have turned their backs on Workington Speedway over the last few years because the irregular track preparation is producing too much processional racing, only a few hundred turned up to watch this meeting which I previously commented on and he deserved better but, despite his popularity, too many have fallen out with the sport in the town due to this type of track condition and too many excuses trying to justify them? Weather forecast I saw said rain through Friday night/Saturday morning and then fine but cold for the rest of the day, didn't see anything about showers of any description, but, there you go!!
  15. Bit of a shame for the Comets to lose by so many, had a view on the updates site and we were well in there for a reasonable result, sadly we seem to have just petered out when it mattered, losing Rene didn't help or Kenneth not being up to speed but, never mind, could have been better, certainly could have been worse!! Glasgow, to their credit, look to have a useful side this year and will easily be more than competitive once everyone is up and running, hope to be able to see you at some point this year although Saturday wont be that occasion, work I'm afraid has stuffed that but, good luck too all and have a good season!!
  16. Pleased Rusty finally got his meeting on tho felt he deserved a better crowd than he got? As for the meeting itself, sorry but racing was very processional, gater's paradise on one of the baldest tracks I've seen in years, just no dirt whatsoever, very slick and virtually no passing of note that I can remember? Riders, to their credit, gave it a go but miss the start and it was like watching EL racing, first out, first back, wont see many meetings this year but I hope the guy's will improve the track and give us something exciting to watch during the season, current level is doing nothing, not for me anyway?
  17. Comets normally go very well here and I'm hoping today wont be any different, certainly believe we are capable of taking points from this meeting with the riders we have, looking for 1 at the very least!!
  18. Comets very rarely ride well at Edinburgh thesedays, 60+, be happy if we can keep it in the fifties!!
  19. Going to be interesting this match, certainly feel it will be closer than people might think so I'll go for either, 46-44 or 43-47, Newky's reserves could be the key here?
  20. Satisfactory result in the end, not quite as many as anticipated but that should be enough to win overall? Only saw updates when I finished work and we did look to be more solid scoring throughout rather than having any one stand out performer, maybe that could be a good thing, not relying on one person all of the time? Thought Newcastle would do OK and they did appear to be in the mix for quite some time, just fell away in the second half or, just gently eased out of the way by a stronger Comets team still, sets the 2nd leg up quite nicely!!
  21. Wont be at this match tonight, or many other's for that matter, as working conditions take their toll on what's left of my social life? Newcastle dont look particularly strong this year but they do have an annoying habit of riding well over ere no matter whom they bring!! Still looking for a comfortable home win to make the 2nd leg a bit easier so I'll go for a 55-35 outcome and everyone finishing in one piece!!
  22. Just in case anyone may be vaguely interested, tonight's scheduled 2nd leg is now OFF. Rained heavily early doors and is due to do so again this afternoon, no idea when this will/ever be re run but as it's pretty much dead in the water anyway I can only see it being at a time when even less people give a sh*t about the outcome as they do now? Sorry, just noticed the new post, ignore this one?
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