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Lord Lucan

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Everything posted by Lord Lucan

  1. Going to be a tough ask to get a result here, no reason why we can't make a decent fist of things and grab a point!! We always used to ride well at Ashfield but the last couple of seasons have been pretty barren, it's about time we turned up and gave it some wellie?
  2. You reckon!! First time this season I'll see two consecutive matches, and this one on the cheap, fantastic, all I need now is a meeting as good as the last one, with, the same outcome and I'll be more than happy this weekend!!
  3. Quite, been thru that scenario a few times, it really is easy to just give it up!!
  4. Youv'e pretty much answered your own question? As the Air Fences pretty near bankrupted most clubs I would find it highly likely that the costs for covers would be the final straw for many of them? Unless they were like the ones at Wimbledon, run em on run em off they would be ineffective at speedway, as you have already suggested, it was dry yesterday then rained during the meeting after which riders threw the towel in and didn't want to race anyway!! Also, what happens if you pull the covers on when it starts raining part way thru but then doesn't stop, your meeting still doesn't get finished, curfew will come into it on many tracks as well so, there will always be something to trip you up!! Think this is just one of those things we'll have to live with, they did meet the criteria of completing the statutory 10hts, bad performance or not the current rules have been met and, to be fair, Glasgow really should put this to bed with 24pts advantage, the trouble will really kick off if they "dont" ?
  5. Now there's an interesting concept, hairy bushes..... err sorry, that should be "buses"!! Good crowd last night I thought, much better than normal and a price reduction on Saturday v the Diamonds, unless I've heard it wrong but pretty sure a tenner was mentioned?
  6. Only in the "against" column Scarra!! Great result tonight although very nearly dragged a defeat from the jaws of victory? Praise to Ricky Wells, what a Ht15 ride that was, never gave Cookie a chance to get a blow in and with KKH holding out Ostergaard at the back, it was worth the money for that one race!! Excellent 3pts tonight for us, closer than it should have been but, I'll give the Panthers credit for entertainment and they did stick at it so, worthy of a point!!
  7. Well, there's an awful lot of interest in this particular fixture is'nt there...."not"? For my money it has all the makings of a very good match and hopefully, weather permitting, it'll be one I will actually see!! Going for a close score of 49-41 as P,boro seem to have picked up a bit lately,expect Cook/Ostergaard to go well but Comets should be more than capable of winning despite them!! First visit for me since Scunny on June 11th so I hope I can still remember the way down to good old "DP"!!!!
  8. Well that's fair enough, if that's your opinion I can honestly say I disagree with it!! As I'm not in a position to compete in public at anything, (for obvious reasons) I would, if I could, certainly keep anything no matter what it was that I won because it would always be a reminder of the varied career you had in whatever you did? I couldn't possibly just throw things away because it was the wrong colour, that is just like throwing away all the time and effort you put in to get it? That's my opinion so I guess we'll be agreeing to disagree sometime later today!! Well I'm glad "you" enjoyed it Rob and I sincerely hope you, (and your tent) get another great weekend next year, with a more ironed out meeting to enjoy all over again!! Best Wishes.
  9. Think you've misunderstood the post Rob, I wasn't talking about the public not being bothered, reading the previous posts I picked up comments about "certain riders" not being bothered not the whole event and, I did say it read like a high standard of racing, again, gained from posts from people whom were there? I've nothing to whinge about except the lack of rewards for the riders finishing second and third, they played a big part in the finals and should get something for that!! Spoken like a true non sportsman, would you say that to the guy's and gals in the Olympic Games then, Oh dont worry, it's only a Silver and Bronze, nobody keeps them they just gather dust, yeah right!!
  10. Great effort from the Comets to get runner's up spot, only able to follow about half a dozen races on Updates before I set off for work and it wasn't looking too good then so yeah, done very well after that, considering we've hardly ridden anywhere as a team over the last 6/7wks I'm proud of them!! Disappointing to put all that effort in tho and get nothing to show for it, prizes for the winner's only, that's pathetic and should not happen, on the podium, reward, end of, no wonder so many weren't that bothered once the lack of prizes/funds for the riders were revealed? Bit of a shame that as you would think after all this time a workable format for "all aspects" of this event would be in place by now, it reads, by a lot of these previous posts, that the racing over the weekend was of a very good standard so why spoil it by offering no rewards for top "three" in the final and not offering enough in general to cover riders costs to even be there, very strange?
  11. Well, my prediction was expectedly miles off but, that looks a nice solid win, good even scoring all round and a welcome 3pts!! So, another blank weekend next week, just marvellous, that's another fortnight for me then without speedway til, weather permitting, the Panthers roll into town, hope it's another nice day and I can catch a meeting before the season is finished?
  12. Comets to struggle home around 49-41, I'll see how bad my prediction is on the Updates site when I get home from work!!
  13. Was just going to ask about that GP, qualify in May/June but go no further til September, just makes a mockery of it being a start of the season competition, it should be finished off before the remaining combatants start the KOC rounds? We advertise speedway on a Saturday during the summer, we just dont specify which Saturday that is??
  14. Good luck with that CD, I hope you get a nice day also, got some catching up to do!! Not always the fault of Mother Nature tho is it, from my perspective, working is the big issue but blank weekends dont help me either just as much as a rain off doesn't, shame that very few clubs will make an effort to bring matches forward in order to help one another out especially when times are tough and support dwindling at the least opportunity? It's a big ask to maintain support when you continually have nothing "too" support?
  15. Not good for supporters either, make that at least six for me as I'm working this week so will miss the upcoming Rye match!! Getting pretty fed up of this now it's happening almost every year, so much so that I'll probably call it a day, just got too used to not going, sad situation!!
  16. Time to start a petition, Keep Workington Comets OFF Sky Sports, never do ourselves or the PL any favours, looks totally embarrassing this result, not good, not good at all? Cheap excuses, not enough regular racing as a team, far too many blank weekends, for whatever reason it does for us more than it seems to anyone else, very strange?
  17. Compared to England footy "anything" would be a cracker!! One of my rare visits this week and definitely got two good sides on show by the looks of those teams so very pleased it's an off night at work for me this week!! Comets win 48-42.
  18. If that's what it says on the tin then yeah, out of order and yes, Davies did look a bit perplexed!! Have to make those signs a bit bigger then CD as some people clearly don't see them? Are there no penalties included in any of these rules for such instances, maybe if there were perhaps riders would think twice before ignoring what, by your description, are very noticable warnings to such behaviour?
  19. That's disappointing, was expecting a comfortable four pts from this match!!
  20. Comfortable home win for the Comets and never really looked in any danger at any stage? Disappointing to see Scunny struggling like this, they have riders more than capable of winning round here but it never looked likely last night that they would stay there even when they were in front, (which wasn't often)?? As for us well, just too strong all round, definitely seem to be coming together as a team so once we transfer that to the away tracks we'll be alright!! As for that little spat, well the sooner this nonsense of going on the grass is sorted out the better, if this turf is so "hallowed" why dont the club invest in some coconut matting and run it around the edges to provide a small walkway, or, why not simply tell all the riders "BEFORE" the meeting starts that they should not encroach onto the playing surface during the meeting, it's not rocket science?? Never understood this business of not being able to cross over a small area of the pitch, if riders crashed during a race and ended up careering onto the field, are we going to complain about that as well while offering treatment, policy doesn't make any sense?
  21. Wont be there tonight due to work commitments but I'm hoping for a nice "comfortable" Comets win Could be a bit tight tho as Plymouth have some good riders who go well here but, I'm thinking that the R/R will prove decisive, extra rides for Hansen,Campton, Royno and Williamson will, on current home form, yield more pts than Jensen could have scored if he'd been riding, he's not pulling up any trees at the moment so this could be the area of success for us tonight!! Safe meeting for everyone and I'll look in on the repercussion's later on tonight!!
  22. Certainly didn't expect this result but hey, I'll take it!! We left the door ajar for Newky the other week and I honestly thought they would trash Redcar on current form or, at the very least, do enough to win, but fair play to the Bears, anything can happen on your own midden and so it's proved!!
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