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Lord Lucan

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Everything posted by Lord Lucan

  1. Inevitable, didn't look happy at all but, pleased the management have made a move early as it's never really been Comets policy to shift under performing riders until it's too late, now for a replacement ready to hit the ground running? Best of luck Adam, a rider whom should have got more from speedway than he has!!
  2. Also, if we keep Adam and his current five and bits average goes down even further your stuck with less points to find a replacement next time round?
  3. An excellent performance tonight on Edinburgh's behalf by "Agent Worrall", thought we'd sneak a point or three tonight, til he showed up?? :cry:
  4. I like to think so, based entirely on what I've seen so far and, although we're not that outstanding at the moment, the potential is there if they all click together and, just for once, I really hope that we do??
  5. "There are clearly" are the words you were looking for DD and yes, there are, Adam Roynon being the most obvious? Desperately short of something so far and not looking competitive at all on Saturday, Ht14 could become an issue if he cant find some speed from somewhere, blown away by Andersson this week? What's exposing the middle order/reserves is the lack of genuine scoring from the Ht leaders at 3/5, Proctor/Jorgensen not getting in among'st the big pts at the moment and it's leaving us a bit short of back up for Cookie? Campton is under scrutiny this year anyway and we all knew that, his away form, "so far" is a smidgen down, (scores posted prove that) so there's not much of an argument about that, but his home form, especially over the last week or three has been pretty good and competitive, just shows what a bit of investment in equipment can do, well, around DP any road, now, if he carries "that" onto the away tracks he'll be doing alright, wow, never thought I'd say that? Been impressed with Williamson so far, he's doing pretty well and starting to return the sort of scores we always thought he would do, he'll do for me, coming along nicely and so, as a matter of fact, is Rob Shuttleworth, hanging in there and having a go, he'll get better as the season progresses, yeah, got potential!! Cookie proving to be the top man as was clearly expected, but, it's a long season and he can't do it all on his own?
  6. Hey J, would that apply to these battery driven cars they want you to buy to reduce your carbon footprint?
  7. Might have a good chance of some top riders with the event being at the start of the year, bound to be someone who's in need of a cobweb shifter?
  8. The thing is madsteve is that this scenario has been promised for the last two season's that he's ridden for us and both times he has not delivered to the standard expected "that" is why supporters/other fans have little faith in him? Should the purchase of the Ricky Wells engines be the catalyst to the much vaunted improvement eveyone wants to see then yes, he could be worth the average, six/seven/eight pts at home should not be an issue based on the last two home meetings but, what about the away form, will he transfer that scoring to other tracks to an acceptable five/six pts etc? Wont always happen granted but, once he has the engines will he be maintaining them to keep achieving the performances required, he cant, as has been stated many times before, afford to fail so I'm hoping he does do the business, I know he can because I've seen him do it, he is capable, has to prove it now, regularly?
  9. Not been particularly inspired by the signings so far, just going to hope the rest are the main course we're all really waiting for that can change the fortunes of the Comets next year after several false dawns? For me there is a distinct whiff of same old, same old developing here which, considering last season, is not a good sign, too many of the same ramblings about "improving averages" from riders who should be improved/improving already but, once here, always seems a struggle to do exactly that, maybe for Campton he should buy a couple of engines from Ricky Wells as that was the only time he ever scored any points and showed that "he could" actually ride against and beat some of the better riders, has to happen early doors tho, cant afford to fail again? Will look forward to the next exciting installment of the Comets team building plans with interest!!
  10. Think the way he rode the last couple of months of the season someone must have tipped him off earlier than that?
  11. He's had the problem for more than this season?
  12. I was under the impression that you had "retired" from the forum MF, or are you just one of those "main demographics" whom wont knock it on the head and continue working in order to keep young people out of a job?
  13. Great to finish with a hard fought win, bit cobbled together but the slightly better in depth scoring just won the day for us!! Not a half bad meeting either in most respects, some pretty good racing served up in front of a decent looking crowd, ahh, what you can achieve with the right product? Good to see a healthy contingent from Glasgow down tonight, it's been a very long time since I looked up from my prog and saw a visiting supporter in the Shed!! Going to be a bit of a waiting game now to see whether it'll be worth the effort going again next year, tonight's meeting showed you can get decent racing to entertain the crowd, making it a regular occurrence is the trick we couldn't manage this time around so desperately hoping we get another chance? No point looking into the, "whom would you get" stakes just yet, I'll wait for the green light first, desperate times ahead in the short term?
  14. So, we have the report that Jensen is ill and wont be riding now Hansen is off on his jollies and wont be riding either, a match with an almost insurmountable mountain to climb to get a result and a management hoping for a decent crowd as it could be the last meeting ever, well, unless Glasgow bring it there wont be a crowd once this gets out? Very sad to see us in this situation, never thought I would ever see us plumb such depths, can we get a guest rider in for this scenario to at least make a fist of it or are we stuck with the NL option only? Whichever way it goes I hope we get a decent match, finish off this debacle and settle down for a week or three before making any decisions, we could survive as a club with the right ingredients but, do the people of Workington actually want a Speedway club?
  15. Comfortable win in the end really after looking, early doors, that Redcar were going to make a fist of it!! Unfortunately, it fell away into just one of those nothing to race for meetings, a few good races but on a track that more "admired" the effort of riders rather than reward them brought few passes to entertain another sparse crowd? Always the same, when you would like a few extra fans back, test the water for next year, up pops a meeting like this and a farce for a finish to just rub your nose in it, events like this don't encourage people to watch speedway, Comets can only beat what's in front of them but when you read that the opposition had all but walked out prior to the completion of the match thus short changing the paying public it makes the sport a laughing stock, the excuses may be valid but the face value is what get's talked about? Nice to see the old Kenneth Hansen back tonight, where's he been these last few weeks, I've missed those round the fence blasts lately, Wells looked good, Campton showing he can actually ride quickly, when he wants to, Roynon solid enough but a bit disappointing from Vissing and Williamson, didn't look sharp tonight and missed out a little bit on the points fest!! So, just the LC semi then, weather permitting as there's now no Ian Thomas Trophy match to bother about and that's us for another year and a Winter wondering whether we'll be back and, who with and, the hope that it might just be our turn next to get it right?
  16. Quite so HT, barely rained all day, light shower between 5 and half past but that's been it, certainly was up my way just on the outskirts of town? Wind would have been a "bit" of an issue but certainly feel if we'd taken a chance this morning, being as it never looked like raining at the proposed 10am schedule and hasn't materialised since, we could have gone for a limited quick fire 10 races and see what happened after that, looks possible at the moment but, decision has been made so,doesn't matter really what it does but, definitely looks a goer still at the moment? The cynic in me says that's probably the real reason why we're not racing tonight, we're helping you out, the crap forecast was just a bonus to hide behind?
  17. This is tragic, Jenga writing posts that make some sort of sense and, other people liking them, what's happened J?? Four hrs into this rain off forecast and not one drop has fallen so far, BBC report at 1.15pm had most of it blowing passed us on a strong southerly wind, brief spells between 2 and 4pm but nothing stayed on the map above us for very long? Hope this doesn't turn out to be another wrong one?
  18. Weather permitting I'll just be pleased to see a good performance and a home win? Difficult decisions to be made over the winter, this sport cant be sustained on gates of a few hundred something has to give? Despite the near impossibility of the task ahead we could still be treated to one of the best matches of the season tonight but few will see that as "face value" is the deciding factor for many people? We have little chance of turning that score round so it's a dead in the water meeting for many so why waste money on it, it's how it is, disappointing as that may sound that will be the outcome and probably 4/500 will be the best we could hope for and I doub't I'll be proved wrong? Going to go for the same as last time and a 46-44 win, gotta get one right sometime!!
  19. I was really hoping for something better to happen than this and no matter what the track conditions it is the same for both sides so you just have to get on with it? Clearly a very dispirited Comets team just not interested in prolonging the misery of a very nondescript season any longer than needs be? With this being our final chance of glory I would have expected us to give it a good go at the very least but it seems the will to win left the arena as soon as we got there? Several posts dont make good reading from our point of view and it is such a shame that a side that looked so promising at the beginning of the season has disintegrated to this level, yes it's easy to point the finger at any one individual from this keyboard but it's not been any one individual it's been a lack of consistency as a "team" that's brought us to this place, something visibly not right on the track could be pointing to something not being right "off it"? These guy's are much better riders than this there's no doubt about that so why has this Comets side just faded so tamely into obscurity when the going's got tough, we always appear to put top sides together on paper, even in the early years but, we never can get that "magic formula" no matter which way we attack the line up's, that will garner some success for the club, or for the town? Whatever the outcome over the winter month's the management have to look very carefully into what's gone wrong this season and try and find the answer, not sure what the contract length with the RL club is for renting the ground for speedway, whether it's til 2017 or 2018, but we have to get a competitive side sorted before we run out of supporters to watch them?
  20. Strange, I knew it was tight but I had Ricky in my programme as the winner before it was even announced, saved a bit of a messy prog that if he hadn't!! A decent win, get us in the right frame of mind for tomorrow!!
  21. Hoping we can keep this close enough to make the 2nd leg interesting? We have nothing else to play for this season so, may as well give this a damn good go and, see what happens?
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