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Lord Lucan

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Everything posted by Lord Lucan

  1. Heard tell he died from bowel cancer, knew Kenny well, hadn't seen him in months tho so this is probably why.... RIP Kenny!!
  2. Agreed, certainly looks to be heading in that direction!!
  3. Thank you for the figures, it still doesn't excuse the fact that no one from Allerdale has ever entertained any possible proposals from alternative sources to continue running speedway at DP? An offer to Laura Morgan wasn't taken up due to financial problems and there the matter ended, once speedway thru her was gone the bulldozers moved in and that was that? As has been explained above the Reds are now very sceptical about this stadium ever being built and their contribution to the work on a pitch elsewhere could see them forced into paying rent to play on it, short spell or not, it was not what they signed up for? Both want a new stadium but with talk's not producing very much at the moment as to whether anything will ever get the go ahead would that leave DP as the "shared venue" and Borough Park just levelled, use the funds to renovate one ground....is that going to be acceptable to the Reds and Town? Whichever way it pan's out the Speedway was never an option on any front and that's what is wrong with all of this, we could have accommodated all three sport's if we'd really wanted to.... certain individuals just didn't and that's the saddest part of it?
  4. I wonder if the game plan from Workington Town RLFC is to carry on screwing all the sport in the town to maintain itself? They've bled speedway for years and now look like they have carte blanche to do the same thing to the Reds, when exactly are they going to stand on their own two feet and generate their own income? Looking like they want to remove all the opposition by bankruptcy means so they are the only sport left to watch, job well and truly done then?
  5. Timespan is correct SS, within 5yrs, straight from an as then Labour councillor? Agreed provision should have been made for the Comets, there could quite easily have been other interested parties waiting in the wings but hey, we'll probably never know or, if there were already, were they advised to "step aside" and allow this new stadium to go ahead with the proviso of help towards something else for the Comets then just quietly forgotten about, who knows? I admire your optimism but I don't think the Comets will be back, gone out with a bang tho so at least that's something we've got to be proud of!!
  6. Just shows the folly of all of this? Allerdale spending hundreds of thousands in taxpayers cash to reseed DP in order to bring it up to standard for both football and rugby, exactly the same job will be done on the new stadium, if and when it gets the go ahead, millions to be spent on the project in general which begs the question... if Allerdale had just spent a "few" million bringing "both" existing grounds up to an acceptable standard then the speedway track could easily have been retained and kept for future re use when required, instead, they chose to build one new stadium for two crap outfits and condemn the most successful sport we had into the realms of obscurity? I was told that, during the recent local election canvassing, that both grounds had a finite lifespan (within 5yrs) in their present condition which would have seen the H&S executive declare both to be unfit for public use therefore the new stadium was essential for the survival of both Reds and Town, I asked about the Comets and why they were not included in this and he replied, with a cheap smile on his face that, DP was there for them to use but she (Laura) had no money to invest so....goodnight Vienna? Cant see anyone crazy enough now to try and bring speedway back in the context of having to find a completely new home/track/team/support services/access etc for possibly a couple of seasons depending on the level of support as it's just not now looking a viable proposition, with DP still on the cards then yes, a chance but, in my opinion, not even a slim one especially on viewing those pix of the current state of affairs? Happy memories from the Comets, we just wont be making any more of those!!
  7. With Allerdale Council so keen to throw taxpayers money at this white elephant and screwing over the most successful team in the town for years into the bargain, would not the kindest thing for them to have done was pick up the debts (if any) owed by the speedway, and cleared them as a goodwill gesture, after all they are getting what they've always wanted....rid of the noisy/smelly speedway and no more hassle to deal with from the sport's objectors? It's a funny thing, Reds want the pitch 18' wider/longer to meet the FA criteria yet surely that means Town would have an even wider try line to defend than the one they struggle with now and further to run length wise to score, that's some trade off??
  8. Any likelihood there are to be any more signings this side of Christmas?
  9. Oh dear Singy....£10 wouldn't buy the cork from one of mine!!
  10. You don't realise how close to the truth that is but.... only "two cans" the fourteen year olds drink more than that?
  11. Do you think they'll still have that in 50yrs J?
  12. Deffo, not much success but a lot of good times!!
  13. One thing's for sure Singy, 50yrs time won't see either of us around to point the finger and say "I told you so"
  14. You don't build a stadium for Scotland internationals tho Singy and, how often will they happen, what do you do if Scotland decided to play in Scotland where are your 8000 crowds for RL coming from then? I'm looking at the local scene here for sport not the occasional big game involving somebody else, how often will Town fill it with 8000 or Reds that's what I'm saying and, why not address the point I made about the temporary seating, it can be done so a triple sport stadium could be built and if one or more fall by the wayside it's still usable in some form? What I don't appreciate is this nonsense of buying into the ground for 50 year's before your in and what's to say that neither football or rugby won't fold up in this town before the time's up, time's are changing, low level sport isn't that popular for the leisure pound thesedays so it's folly to suggest that just coz it hasn't happened before it "couldn't" happen in the future? I personally think that the time for new stadia was 25yrs ago with Town around and in SL, that revamp proposed back then would have rendered this development irrelevant as it was just modernising what was there, the chance came and went and we are now where we are? It would be a nice option to preserve the ground for the Speedway but, I think the council may want their pound of flesh from the sale of the land rather than letting Motorsport have it, time will tell and probably sooner rather than later?
  15. Beg's the question then, why sign yourself up to 50 year's of payments for stadium usage you may never see out? Also, should both club's expire before their collective time, who's picking up the bill for the shortfall?
  16. The way things are it's hypocritical for both the Football and the RL team's to commit to a 50+ yr lease agreement as both are spent forces and highly unlikely to be around themselves in anywhere near that timescale? The council should be looking to benefit "all of the sport" in the town and not just provide a new home for those whom feel they have a god given right to perform in one? Neither club will fill an 8000 arena so it's already certain that outside factors will take the lion's share of usage in order to make it viable, West Ham moved into the Olympic Park and simply put temporary seating in to get fans closer to the action, an option not even considered here but eminently workable and, a reasonable chance of larger crowd access and bigger events being brought in to make use of the extra capacity? It just re-emphasizes the narrow minded/parochial view of the people in charge that the most successful club in the town are "potentially" being forced out of existence by the use of a completely nonsensical agreement that really means less than the paper it's written on?
  17. Yeah, season's finished and there's nowt else to do on ere? Could there be a ghostly apparition of William Wallace in the background playing the part of Mel Gibson?
  18. Can't honestly believe that this meeting is still under consideration for another replay? Call it a draw, 1pt each and have done with it, even the four heats tonight were so one sided a 60+ score was almost inevitable.... but for what purpose?
  19. Probably Lakeside did as well and didn't want a single figure lead to defend up here?
  20. In the great tradition of hindsight, with the threat of rain in the area was it never prudent to bring the start time forward?
  21. Don't think anything is going to take the gloss off tonight Singy, absolutely outstanding performance tonight from one and all!! I thought before the meeting that if that 18pts is wiped out before ht 10 it was all over for Scunny and so it proved? As has been said already, Scunthorpe weren't bad we were just too good!!
  22. No, the trophy was presented by Keith Denham of Thomas Armstrong, Comets club sponsor!!
  23. Only if you're there to witness the change it is so really it's just hearsay for everyone else that's why I would want more transparency to actually believe it?
  24. But are they TonyE, that's the issue, until promotion's divulge crowd figure's for ordinary league/cup meetings how can you "really" be sure that play offs do actually generate bigger crowd's?
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