Silly remark.
Do you work, do overtime? You need the cash so do more than your body can handle? I'd guess you probably do and have done. Come the weekend you put your feet up and rest. If you didn't, then you'd burn out like Tai has. You then take a holiday. Tai burns out an people criticise him as he can't take a holiday like you, me an good old Joe public.
If my staff burnt out, I'd eventually burn out too. Hard work is just that, bloody hard work and that's what he does nearly everyday for 7/8 months.
Another way to look at it, if Tai burns out and crashes whilst riding and hurts himself or another rider. Who would be negligent? The club, rider or both? I know if I made someone do something they felt that they couldn't carry out, they then hurt someone in the process of doing what I requested then my backside would be very sore. You think any of his clubs are saying poor Tai, you're only tired. Chop chop get back to work? No, they're supporting him like everyone should.
So, you know full well it drains you and I mean really drains you. We then go home, not straight off to some far flung place in Poland or Sweden.
What 7 days a week?