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Racin Jason 72

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Everything posted by Racin Jason 72

  1. A great evening which brought make memories of 1998. One thing stood out tonight and that was how all the riders were constantly looking for each other and team riding when possible. the team spirit and camaraderie looks the best it’s been for many years.
  2. And when was the last time he completed a season in the premiership
  3. Hopefully we get to race lynn in the semi final. But a shame it couldn’t be the final. imagine the crowds and atmosphere if Ipswich met Lynn in a playoff final !!!!
  4. I know at Ipswich there are 4 different manufacturers but obviously black is the same everywhere. I believe colours and shades have different codes which are internationally recognised nowadays
  5. Don’t think I’ve ever known a press and practice with two missing riders before. Reading Racers in the 80s often had 6 and would choose the number 7 at press and practice depending on who impressed most on the day. out of the 5 who were present there seemed to be 3 different variations of race suit Boughens was a lot darker blue than the rest and Harris and cooks suit used different blues compared to klint and iversen. Phil Morris is trying to get the sport to look and be more professional. He must be in despair.
  6. Speedway star says today the the deadline has passed for mildenhall to join the NDL trophy but the door is still open for 6-8 open meetings providing they can sort out a safety fence and other protection from the new stock car fence
  7. It’s Clarke Osbourne I’d imagine
  8. Also a question mark regarding tai recovering from a very serious break to the elbow. if he doesn’t have full movement as he had pre injury it may hamper him
  9. But if and when he disappears they will get a facility up to his average for the first month and 75%after that Oxford could get a rider to get them to the points limit and after he disappears continue with guests or sign a second string who will be a ever present but the team will be two points under the limit it’s so open to abuse
  10. And Laurence pulled this trick at mildenhall too. Kaj laukkenen was signed on a short term contract. I asked the question directly at the first press conference and Laurence told me and the room that wasn’t the case. guess what happened
  11. I’ve no idea at all. But I think it will be a a anti climax
  12. Third heat leader being announced at 8am tomorrow
  13. Emil broke his footrest down the back straight and however skilful he is there was no way he was going to get around the bends after that
  14. I also think that keynan may find other teams aren’t as professional and regular paymasters as some other clubs. he only knows the Ipswich way of doing things and I think he may be surprised at how some teams are run in comparison. undoubtably keynan is a great prospect but he attained his average from reserve and it took him 3 months to oust Dan Thompson from the team. I think he will have a year away and return to foxhall next season.
  15. Poor meeting to watch. Huge disparity between the riders and very little passing.
  16. I get my issue at midnight on a Wednesday every Wednesday without fail. It’s the online edition. No more going to collect it and find it’s not in yet. Would suggest to give this version a try if you’re able to.
  17. If the riders are Poole assets then I see no problem even if they ride for other premiership teams personally
  18. My guess and it’s only a guess is klint. He doesn’t have a polish club for 25
  19. Maybe Troy is easier to work with ? Or maybe last season it was the reserves who didn’t get enough points so the promotion have changed the balance of the team. tate and antti should improve further to cover the loss of cookie.
  20. I’d personally put Danny at two. He won’t get in Doyle’s way and he should be successful in heat 8 home and away.
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