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Racin Jason 72

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Racin Jason 72 last won the day on August 9

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About Racin Jason 72

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  1. Sorry you didn’t retain your wooden spoon. I’m sure you will get it back next season with Danny king in your team in 25.
  2. Karma Bet there is a family in Workington looking and laughing
  3. Well the original post was from the child’s mother rather than hearsay. I always think there are 3 sides to every story with the truth being in the middle. if I was jack holder I’d invite the child and parents in question to Sheffield to watch the play off final and pay for them including a meal in the restaurant. All good publicity and doing the right thing.
  4. Dreadful camera work. Missed the action partially between Lidsey and holder
  5. The only way to punish the mercenaries is to hit them in the pocket. these meetings used to be a big deal especially for the fans who would go and support their number one. Great to see Josh win as it clearly means a lot to him to represent Edinburgh.
  6. Even if the money was the same perhaps being in the same team as Doyle and Sayfutinov would be tempting. two truly world class riders who are happy to help their team mates. I know Dan Thompson has really benefited from being in the same team.
  7. I get the feeling Tom is loyal but can he afford to wait for confirmation from the Brummies
  8. Out of the riders who ride for your current team who would you want to retain and who would you want to replace. for me at Ipswich….. Retain Doyle sayfutinov Ellis Rew Thompson and Jenkins Replace king.
  9. If Birmingham can’t confirm 100% they are running say next week whilst a contract for another club is put in front of Tom which will guarantee him a ride so he can go to Australia without worrying about sorting his uk contract, then it will be difficult to turn down imo.
  10. He has already stated he won’t be riding for his father as he doesn’t want to be accused of favouritism and wants to make his own way in the sport.
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