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About Ariel75

  • Birthday 03/18/1975

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  1. Foreign riders?? last years Nico Covatti rode for Sheffield and do not have chance to ride again. Now is heat leader in Witches with 7pts average and ride GP challenge.- The fans have more support to the managers ...................
  2. Don worry Coty Garcia will meet expectations.-
  3. Fernando Garcia is his name and finished 3 in the last argentine championship, the best argentine rider in championship.- Jamrog-Beschastnov-Garcia-Covatti
  4. Go Fernando "Coty" Garcia the best for you, great rider.-
  5. Fernando "Coty" Garcia Argentine rider prctice yesterday after meeting. he finished 3rd in the last international champ here in Argentine, Practice with Ashley Birks bike.- Finishe champ behind Jamrog and Beschastnov but before to Covatti
  6. Barker and Richie Worrall came to Argentine only for sell parts, party, girls and to much drugs, this is the true. Jakub, Oleg and manev do not problem is more very happy when Barker and Worrall go home.-
  7. Barker came for participe in my city , very expectative http://www.lanueva.com/deportes/792113/benbarkeryrichieworrall-dosinglesesquedemostraransuclase.html
  8. Very expectative in my city ........... http://www.lanueva.com/deportes/792113/benbarkeryrichieworrall-dosinglesesquedemostraransuclase.html
  9. crescent girl say the true. Nicolas won the last 2 championship in Argentine.
  10. Facu wants to come to ride for Sheffield 2015 but few fans remember his performance last year.- What is the difference between average Facu, Josh or Sarjeant? Even with Nicolas Covatti. And remember that only Facu miss a meeting by injury (Plymonth)
  11. Is good for Sheffield have a reserve GP rider with Nico. and make good pair with Facu. ( same language ).-
  12. 1. Stead (9.34) 2. Poole (5.30) 3. Compton (5.59) 4.Covatti (4.21) 5. Barker (9.09) 6. Albin (3.96) 7. B. Wilson (4.92) Total: 42.4
  13. hope Facu have chance in 2015 with Nico Covatti.- 5 and 6 in the team
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