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Steve Shovlar

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Everything posted by Steve Shovlar

  1. Had a chat with the Brum promoter in the pits last night. They got a good deal on second ambulance so that hole is covered. They need more fans through the gate though. Thought the attendance was poor to be honest. Certainly not enough fans there. Racing wise it was follow the leader for the first half. Riders tried but failed to make up ground on the rider in front. Stefan Neilsen was excellent for Brum with two from the gate wins before a great effort in his third where he blasted down the back straight passing the two Pirates before overcooking it and falling. With Brennan and to a lesser extent Sedgmen, Brum put up a fight in the first part of the meeting. But once Pirates got dialled in it was one way traffic. The track improved and Ben Cook went from 4th to 2nd to give Poole a 5-1. All three Pirates heat leaders were good as was Drew Kemp, who has shown this season what he is capable of. Should be in the top 5 next GS? And a mention to Nathan Ablitt who saw off Person with ease.
  2. By being last into the bend? That’s a new one.
  3. Coming up for this. Think Pirates should really win this and take 4 points but will take nothing for granted. Against expectation wins are commonplace in all sports.
  4. Prioritising Poole and rightly so. Expect double figures tomorrow night.
  5. It was devastating. I remember arriving at Hull and got talking to him in the car park. I congratulated him on his U21 win and he was chuffed. Said, cheers mate, and was rightly proud of it. I watched him at Poole in his first season and regularly scored 0,0,0 but the promotion stuck with him. Ended up a top rider. Terrible tragedy.
  6. Just caught up with Leszno v Turun, and I must say I am outraged at heat 13. The ref, with multiple camera angles, still managed to get it wrong. His decision cost Torun the victory. If he is going to stop a race, then Pawlicki should have been immediately excluded for dirty riding. He hit Dudek entering the bend then rode him to the fence. Only Dudek skills on a bike stopped him from ending on the deck. But what rules give the referee the right to exclude Dudek? He didn’t stop the race! The ref excluded him for? By doing this the rerun produced the flip heat result giving Leszno the victory. Shocking and controversial refereeing and he should be suspended. Surprised Dudek was so calm, but Pawlicki knew he was in the wrong. In his previous race he also went over the line in aggression. What have the Polish media said?
  7. Pirates have to beware. Last season it looked like it was going to be a Pirates win but we were never in it. Of course the nasty crash to Stefan was a factor but we were never close. Rory was woeful and only King covered himself in glory. Poole should win this but the boys have to be fired up.
  8. Woffinden just not the rider he was. Allowed Thomsen around him on final lap was poor. Could have shut the door. Not aggressive enough.
  9. Watching the replay its clear Hansen cuts the entry to the bend short to block. Ref should have seen that move. Poor refereeing.
  10. You beat me to it. Pirates are the best team in the league, so unless you want a Polish Extraleague team to take you on, the chances of being beaten at home this season are slim. Poole, Leicester and Glasgow could go through the card unbeaten this year. Plymouth will probably win the rest of their home meetings. But to take 2 points away from Glasgow tonight is a hell of a feat.
  11. Yes of course we’ll done to Ruml. Did a sterling job. Ben Cooks away for is a worry though. Very poor tonight. Zac is the better of the two imo. But a great performance when no one gave us a chance tonight. And Havelock is making all the right calls as well!
  12. Should have won that but definitely would have won it with Drew. Great result for Poole who fear nobody. Will only get better.
  13. Well we got a good point at the very least with Drew missing. Can’t complain. Poole fear nobody.
  14. So would hundreds of others. But if it’s too much to answer a simple email it’s certainly too much to organise a simple stream.
  15. Kemp missing severely weakens us but what will be will be. What happens now doesn’t mean anything in the scheme of things. The playoffs is all that matters.
  16. Glasgow promotion didn’t have the common courtesy to even reply to the email. They Utterly hold fans in contempt with that attitude. Stinks the place out.
  17. Polish top flight really the haves and have nots. The two meetings tonight are over as a contest before a wheel has turned. Shocking.
  18. One way traffic in the first. Lublin much faster out of the gates with the home team chasing shadows. Lublin now established in the top flight. Ostrow heading back.
  19. Raining in Parkstone. Should clear soon but it matters little anyway.
  20. No rain in Parkstone. The main heavy rain has missed. But there is a small cell of heavy rain which might hit in the next 30 mins. Other than that nothing else. But probably the right call considering the closeness of the rain. It could have hit and no doubt would have affected attendance.
  21. In accurate. The rain is to the west of Poole. I am 1 and a half miles from the track and it’s bone dry outside. However, any fans coming from west of Poole might be put off attending as the rain is not far away. Will Poole get a dowsing? Not 100% sure to be honest as it’s close but running up the country west of Poole. Next hour will say whether we will get heavy rain or not.
  22. Latest rain forecast. Click the anim on button and you can see direction rain is taking. https://www.netweather.tv/live-weather/radar
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