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Steve Shovlar

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Everything posted by Steve Shovlar

  1. Ablitt did a good job gating when Bens chain had come off. Could stop Allen coming around but blocked Cole’s which led to his fall. Downside was Ben was not under power so ended up with two riders only meaning a 3-2.
  2. Did you watch heat 14 FB? Ablitt gated, Allen went around the outside but Coles was beautifully blocked by Ablitt and lost control, lifting and coming off. But for Bens chain coming off we would have got the 3-3 and at least a draw.
  3. That’s frustrating. 10-2 down to pull it back only to have Ben Cook shed a chain in heat 14 to give a 3-2 to Scunthorpe and Douglas hold off a titanic fight with King in heat 15 to get them the victory they didn’t deserve. Good news is Drew Kemp came back to form. King still got serious issues with his bikes. But a much better performance from the team after last weeks capitulation.
  4. Crap decision. Clearly knocked off otherwise why on earth would he fall?. And as usual a 1-5 turns into a 5-1.
  5. Looking at the lineups, Poole look stronger. Downside is matches are not run on paper and lesser riders like Lambert and Kennedy can be match winners at home. Add to that current form, or lack of, from Drew and Nathan and we could end up with a result like last season. Drew needs to get over his prang a couple of weeks ago and start scoring again. His confidence surely can’t be so fragile that a fall, albeit fairly nasty, sets him back like it has. From winning heats with ease, suddenly he’s tailed off at the back. He is better than that and no is the time to show it.
  6. Just ordered the live stream. £11.99 is cheaper than £100 fuel round trip +£20 entry and prog. Plus a days travelling in 30 degrees and getting home at 4am.
  7. So why on earth has “Turnip” been banned? His humour might be a bit strange but he was never rude or aggressive. People complained to mods as they didn’t like his jokes?
  8. You saying Poole won’t make the playoffs? Highly unlikely!
  9. Don’t be ridiculous the loss of the topic has nothing to do with Poole fans. Looked like the server went down and for some reason the thread got corrupted.
  10. Lol. Think there was a glitch in the Matrix. Or an upset mod.
  11. Enjoyed that.Track was rough. Shame only one Brit made the final. Should have been at least two. Well done to Lambert. Commiserations to Bewley who made a silly mistake off bend two in the semi. Quite a few top riders didn’t like it at all.
  12. Great ride from Lambert there. Thing is at this level, unless a rider makes a mistake, position don’t change very easily.
  13. As expected a one sided meeting with Holder virtually in his own trying to stem the flow. Shame Ostrow didn’t go out and try to build. More decent team to at least compete at home.
  14. Hope the BSPA have not granted Tai a testimonial. When he rides 10 season here perhaps it will be considered.
  15. How old is Chris Harris? 40? Still a force to be reckoned with, especially when riding against Poole. A proper speedway servant to U.K. racing. Deserves a huge send off when the day arrives.
  16. Good meeting on a well prepared track. Well to to Trackerman Terry! Closer than expected but in truth Poole through away a 5-1 when on the last lap Zach Cooks bike died, then a 4-2 when Drew was attempting a pass of Edwards when he overlocked it on bend two, got pinged over the high side and badly winded himself. He continued inthe meeting but was half throttle and unsurprisingly not near a point. Masters good value, and Pickering had a go but Edinburgh were never going to win. Special mention to Edwards who rode well and battled all night. Poole far too strong and even with Drew Kemp getting a nasty tumble we’re in control. Another Special mention to my rider of the night Ben Cook who was excellent. Saw off Masters and Pickering when Edinburgh made their t/r and then I heat 14 went fro. Last to first with two great passing moves. Next week sees Leicester in town and we can’t afford to have EFs and falls like tonight. Should be a cracker.
  17. Edinburgh no threat but hopefully they make the gate and give our boys some passing practice. Masters is certainly good at Poole as is Pickering. 3 points to Poole.
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