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Steve Shovlar

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Everything posted by Steve Shovlar

  1. Of course not! Just because the other team have struggled to get the second leg on doesn't’ diminish the importance of the competition. In it to win it and tomorrow one team will be the Champs! But it’s highly frustrating that not many will be there and Poole fans will be down to probably 10% of who would have been there if it hadn’t been rained off last week, and that’s very unfortunate. I believe the Leicester management could have done far more for their fans. Why haven’t they arranged coaches to help the fans get to Kings Lynn? Tickets for travel at cost price. Then it wouldn’t cost the club on travel but they would make on entrance fee. Seems a panicked bodge job with almost zero thought for Leicester fans and certainly none for travelling Poole fans who have an extra 2 hours on their journey. An utter cluster %u&! It’s like they have washed their hands of the whole shebang, so they can start their planning for next season in the top flight, where after this debacle they are welcome to be.
  2. With all this unpredicted around today it will show if Buster can get a track race worthy in a day.
  3. Leicester will get gate money of course. Get the fans to the stadium, get the money in the gate to cover the rental if the stadium. Or charge £10-15 coach. Either way give their fans the opportunity to attend.
  4. Just watched part of the live Pirates podcast on YouTube with Zack Cook. Neither he or Ben or Nathan have ever ridden at Kings Lynn. The three are taking all advice from Richard Lawson who will give advise on bike setups and which lines to take. Going to be a baptism of fire. All the Leicester team know the KL track.
  5. No I was there in early September and Amalfi with the beautiful coastline. No excuses if Leicester win. I would prefer this at Leicester but pretty sure Richard Lawson will give good advice to the team on riding Saddlebow.
  6. Poole fans need to leave by 11 am latest to make sure they make it to Kings Lynn for 6pm and that’s with no stops. It’s an horrendous journey on a weekday. But on a Friday a couple of minor crashes and the usual huge traffic jambs on M3 and M25 make it a real chore and stressful journey. Rather leave at 9 am and get there early than be under pressure to make heat 1. Just as quick to get to Redcar.
  7. Yes agree. CH should come back around an 8.5 to 9. No more than that.
  8. If you think fans can drive from Poole to Kings Lynn on a Friday afternoon in 4 hours 2 mins you are living in cloud cuckoo land. Clearly you don’t drive much as Leicester to Oxford is much quicker than to Kings Lynn, which is in the backside of nowhere. Leicester, M1 down to Northampton, dual carriageway past Silverstone down to m40. Then down A 34 to Oxford. Easy run. From Poole, through New Forest, M27, M3, A34, Stadium. Of all the teams to get to from Poole, Kings Lynn is one of the worst, with the exception of Scottish clubs and teams in the NE. It’s quicker to get to BV and Sheffield than KL. I should know I have driven to KL many, many times. And coming back no doubt Poole fans will suffer Road closures and detours. Still, the time will wiz by if we have a title to celebrate!
  9. What’s Rob Godfrey got to do with Leicester moving the final to Kings Lynn?
  10. Why on earth would we agree to scratch the first leg? Not Poole’s fault this has become the farce of all farces. Have the Cooks ever ridden at Kings Lynn?
  11. I would bring CH back on 11.7. It is his only chance of ever riding for Poole again. He needs to get a Championship average, same as Sam Masters did. After the first set of GS he would be down to 9.5ish and we could then re-declare up to whatever the points limit is.
  12. Well I should be shocked. Not at the obvious decision to use a different venue when the track couldn’t be fixed, but to use Kings Lynn? It’s a 5 hour 30 minute drive from Poole with one stop. Put it on a Friday with extra heavy traffic and it’s up to a 7 hour trip up. I have driven it many times in the past. Add in the price of fuel and that’s £150, plus £20 entry. Plus food. £180 for a trip up from Poole for the day. Rob is now not going and I would be surprised if there is no more than 30 Poole fans in attendance. Compared to the 300+ who would have been at the original running if it hadn’t been for the weather. But why on earth Kings Lynn? Poole fans have an easier trip to Belle Vue Manchester, at the other end of the country, then KL. We can get to BV in 4.30 mins, albeit slower on a Friday. Why wasn’t Oxford asked? Two hours from Poole, and less than that from Leicester. Oxford is closer to Leicester than Kings Lynn. Be lucky if there is 500 in attendance.
  13. Me and Rob always do an almost circuit of the stadium before the meeting so will look out for you. Going to be a knife edge meeting. Don’t be too disappointed.
  14. People can post what they like but although I am very active on this forum I do try to make sure my posts are accurate. Flagrag has a good reputation on here and has posted for many years so there was no reason not to believe him. I am sure his post wasn’t intentially misleading. Hopefully, and judging by the picture posted earlier it’s all systems go for Friday.
  15. So Flagrag was wrong and posted misleading information? I have always found Flagrag posts spot on and accurate but clearly not this time. Perhaps you should have picked up Flagrag on his post as most on here believe what he posts as correct. As you are the trackman at Leicester there is no reason not to believe you. But I am sure Flagrag didn’t post his information to mislead everyone.
  16. There you go. Or is Flagrag making it up? I have always found him spot on.
  17. It was said on here the track was going to be bladed back to base and then a light dressing added so that the meeting would go ahead and any rain would be swept off. If you go back several pages the post can be found. Might have been Flagrag who posted it, who is very reliable. In which case I apologise to you.
  18. You! You posted on here about the track and what you were doing! I repeated it!
  19. Poole did win in 2011. Coventry finished rock bottom. Poole finished 24 points about Coventry in 2010 but they had Shamek at reserve after some very dodgy manipulation.
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