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Steve Shovlar

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Everything posted by Steve Shovlar

  1. Never seen a GP this bad from memory, and think I have seen every single one.
  2. Shocking gate stats. 6 wins out of 8 from inside. Zmarzlik has inside gates in his last two rides.
  3. Has to be said. Woffinden no longer has what is required at this level.
  4. Perhaps if you took off your Poole hater goggles you would see the great racing at Wimborne Road.
  5. God damn it the stream got copyrighted right at the start of heat 5. Now on Supersports Action.
  6. Make that four utter dull heats of GP racing. Appalling in the extreme. Who the hell prepared this disgraceful surface?
  7. Superb first three heats. Only need the inside two metres of the track. Can plant spuds around the rest. If there was some dirt.
  8. Have a working feed now but better than nothing. VK is in Polish or Russian.
  9. It was easy to predict. Both Turner and Trigger are no match for Newman and Roynon at reserve. To be fair Turner did give it a go and led Poole riders Roynon and Zach Cook in a couple of his heats but had no chance of retaining his position. Simply picked off. Trigger was always last out of the gate and tailed off. It really was one way traffic and must have been frustrating for the travelling Plymouth fans on the first bend. After 3 heats it was all over and but for a surprise 1-5 for Barker and Gilkes, only Richie Worrall put up any kind of resistance. Teams are all built to the same points limit but these two sides are really chalk and cheese. And what on earth has happened to Kyle Howarth? He has throughout his career always scored well at Wimborne Road but tonight he was appalling and a shadow of the rider he once was. Before a wheel had turned this year I fancied Plymouth to safely make the playoffs, but it’s looking unlikely. Morley might score ok at home but away? I see three issues which I are difficult for the Plymouth promotion to cross. The first smaller problem is location. It’s out on a limb and means lots of miles to get to every home meeting. Some might disagree. Clearly Richie Worrall does and drives down from the NE for every home meeting. The second is the track. Not an easy track and you have to be fast out of the traps otherwise you are chasing shadows. The third is crowd size. Last night there wasn’t a big crowd. Perhaps 5-600? Yes Poole again for the third time this season so the Plymouth fans are sick of the sight of us.The club has to be run on a very tight budget. Combine the three and it’s difficult to attract riders of a certain calibre. Yes I want my club to win but thrashings are boring. I want to see the opposition put up a good fight. And well done to Kyle Newman on a superb paid maximum tonight. He really is on great form.
  10. They will have done very well if they score more than one point between them. They can’t expect to gate and remain in the lead like they did last night.
  11. Hi Mike, my frustration wasn’t aimed at Plymouth at all. The did nothing wrong but the ref was incompetent imo. Plymouth are decent side and wish them all the best after tomorrow.
  12. Justice finally served but hindered terribly by utter incompetence from the ref. One outrageous decision after another. The meeting itself was decent enough but with very little passing. Proved when Trigger popped out and had an easy four laps. though well done to the lad. Heat 11 and R Worrall got a monster roller. He was two bike lengths up in the first few metres and as the stadium waited for it to be called back, nothing. But heat 12 took the biscuit. Barker lifted out of the start out of control. He clipped Ben Cooks back wheel and went into the fence. Clearly was going to be excluded but no, ref called all four back. Barker was interviewed in the interval before the rerun and said he lifted and lost it. Then heat 14 with Poole on a 5-1 into the first bend, turner fell. Red light. All four back. Turner warned for moving at the start. Rerun. Turner fell again at the back, red light, all four back. Justice served with a Pirates 5-1 with Kyle passing Gilkes on lap 4. Pirates strength in depth showing through in the end but dont think Ben Cook and Barker withh be sending Christmas cards to each other!
  13. They will need a lot of water to be put down during tomorrow. Breeze and hot sun.
  14. Lambert muscled out the way by Zmarzlik. He needs to be stronger.
  15. Bewley got that so, so wrong. Misses out when he should have done a lot better.
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