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Steve Shovlar

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Everything posted by Steve Shovlar

  1. First of all well done to Scunthorpe who battled all night. I have said it a few times but why in earth did the Poole management chose Scunthorpe over Redcar? Couldn’t believe it when the choice was made nd thought they had seen something that I had missed. Alas no and tonight Pirates have made themselves a mammoth task now to get through to the final. Did they not see Douglas is virtually unbeatable at WR? Again tonight he proved to be the best riser around our track. Almost untouchable. And they had Kemp at reserve who did as expected. Throw in an unfit Zach, and Ben taking a real purler and the risk was there. To be fair Scunthorpe seemed to be wanting it more. Battled all night and were faster out of the traps. Making the track slick today didn’t help. Where was all the dirt from a couple of weeks ago? Full credit to Scunthorpe.
  2. Said I had a feeling this would be a banana skin and so it has proved. Well done Scorpions so far. Kemp the difference. And Douglas doing his usual job here. Should have chosen Redcar.
  3. Not jealous at all. But what I like, as do nearly all speedway fans, is an even playing field. Last years debacle in the PL when Lambert came in for BV killed the competition stone dead. The same has now happened in the Championship but this time it’s because of a ridiculous rule which allows it. What rule maker in their right mind thought, “Tarasenko can come into the PL on a 5, and for good measure he can come into the Championship on the same assessed average”. Yes Poole could have done this. “Sorry Kyle but we are replacing you with a guy that’s hardly going to drop a point. Hope you find some work”. Not the right thing to do and glad the Fords didn’t consider it. Last season we kept the same seven riders and this year we have done the same, except for Adam Roynon getting injured.
  4. Not sure having a go at Tarasenko because he is Russian is a fair way to attack him. What about Artem Laguta and Saifudinov? Have you had a go at them? If you had said you were appalled that Glasgow had signed a Russian rider because he came in a ludicrous 5 average, it would have held more water. Not that you could blame Glasgow for that. Just some imbecile in the BSPA thinking a 5 average in the Premier League, converts to a 5 average in the Championship. Wrecks this years Championship competition but hey ho, lesson learned from the Premier League last year with Robert Lambert at BV? Nope. As for national Service in Ukraine, I don’t think that’s happened.
  5. Not seeing anything like an easy win tonight at all. Would have much preferred Redcar in our group than Scunthorpe. With Douglas possibly the best rider around WR, Lambert on form, Palm Toft is no slouch and reserves who know Poole like the back of their hands and keen to put one over, this could be a right old banana skin. We have to be on it from the start or it could be a painful reminder that nothing is guarenteed.
  6. Rotten luck for Wright. Speedy recovery. Ruins Redcars playoff chances.
  7. Glasgow fans will hope BSN are showing Oxford v Glasgow otherwise they have a long trek south or have to rely on updates. The joys of a club not providing a streaming service
  8. As Daz has said, BSN are covering 6 playoff meetings plus both legs of the final. So one of the meetings they are not covering is on Wednesday. Poole have a very good in house streaming service so hopefully they are at Oxford, who are yet to announce who they are riding against. That way fans will be able to chose which meeting they want to watch. (Or both)
  9. Glasgow and Oxfords home playoff meetings really need to be screened. Otherwise fans of the away team will miss out. All other teams have their act together.
  10. Well if it’s Scunthorpe it’s a gamble the way they are riding on their patch. We did win there recently though.
  11. Scunthorpe are good on their own patch and ripped Glasgow apart last week. We ride Redcar better.
  12. Pretty sure the team who is coming already know who they are or have been advised should Poole finish top they will be here on Wednesday.
  13. So Pirates finish top of the league after the exciting encounter tonight at Glasgow, where the Tigers fairly easily saw off Oxford Cheetahs. So Poole get the pick and have announced the first leg of the playoffs is against Scunthorpe And will take place Wednesday 13th September at Wimborne Road. Tickets now on sale. Guess we will find out shortly who the first team will be. Forecast shows a lovely dry day with afternoon sunshine. With three teams in each group it could really come down to aggregate scores. It’s important to keep it tight on the road.
  14. Great ride by Harris in heat 15 for a very good and entertaining meeting. Result was never in doubt from the start. Hopefully we will hear pretty quickly who will be in the two playoff groups.
  15. Been very good entertainment tonight. Quite a few really top notch heats and a few good ones thrown in for good measure. Lee Complin has done himself proud. Always battling.
  16. Yes it was the right move to make and nobody has blamed Glasgow. Tarasenko playing with Masters like a cat with a mouse.
  17. And that shows why Glasgow are clear favourites for the title. Tarasenko playing with Masters before waiving at him as he blasts through. World class v Aussie journeyman who is top Championship averages. Unfortunately signings like this make a mockery of the whole league, like Lambert coming in last year for BV for the PL playoffs. Not Glasgows fault, just exploiting the crap rulebook.
  18. Because the rule was badly written. Common sense would have said 7.5 for Championship but it didn’t. Next Season Poole could sign Zmarzlik and Dudek on 5 averages. But guarantee the rule will be changed this winter. Howling error in the rule book.
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