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Everything posted by lionstigersnotbearsohmy

  1. Having witnessed racing at the brilliant tracks mentioned you will understand the frustration of supporting speedway at Leicester. A purpose built track sadly not fit for purpose.
  2. Is that confirmed that there will be no track reshaping then?
  3. Glyn has posted on FB that there will be no practices until after the season has started, 'we are redoing the drains and then rebuilding the track for the start of the season'. Sounds encouraging?....
  4. Don't suppose anybody knows the probability of any meaningful track changes having taken place before the season starts?.... ;-)
  5. Whilst some posters may want to see DH fail, and probably have personal reasons why they may wish this, I do not. I'm simply a speedway fan with an allegiance to his boyhood team who wants to see speedway racing in a more entertaining form than what is currently on offer at Leicester. I personally don't feel that the Elite League will provide a higher level of entertainment than I have witnessed over the last three seasons, but I will be delighted if I'm proven wrong. As I have said before, so much to be admired about Leicester. The racing could be so much better, and needs to be so for the future of the sport there.
  6. I think any attempt at sensible debate about the track quickly gets drowned out on here and the facebook page these days. I guess at the end of the day, DH thinks the racing is acceptable and the paying customers can like it or lump it. It would be great if Glyn Taylor was given an opportunity to use his track laying experience to remedy things, but this seems unlikely to happen. Which is a great shame I, and many others, feel.
  7. Best wishes to Simon Lambert at the launch pad next season. Sure he will be a steal on that average, coming back fully fit. Came back from injury too soon last season and paid the price. Looking forward to my trips to Hoddesdon. Best wishes to the Rockets and their fans in 2014.
  8. That does look a very solid line up. Think most fans would welcome Dools back after his efforts last year. Signing Cook would ensure we see hundreds of passes each week too.... Does anyone know if there are any track alterations planned this winter? Be nice to not have to rely on only certain riders providing the thrills. After all, one Nick Morris doesn't make a summer.
  9. I think Craig Cook tweeted last night that he has signed EL and PL deals.
  10. As someone who enjoyed his speedway fix at The Showground whilst Leicester was shut, I sincerely hope a new owner can be found for the Panthers. A great race track, which Leicester sadly isn't (yet but here's hoping!), speedway can ill afford to lose this venue. Best wishes to all Panthers fans for some good news soon.
  11. Is the heat format remaining the same? If so will we see two races in one? Or rather, even more drawn out races? Anything that helps young British riders develop is to be applauded, just not sure it will work at this level? As for the track debate becoming boring, let's hope the promotion do everything in their powers to ensure that some of the best fans in the country get a much improved level of entertainment.
  12. Hope a new owner can be found for the Panthers. Seems the EL has lost a great race track and gained a poor one.
  13. Reading some of the recent comments on the Fb page I'm wondering if there's two versions of the Leicester track? The one I've been watching for the last three seasons and the Bydgoszcz version other people see.
  14. Don't recall any riders being bad mouthed. As for the track, surely the paying public are entitled to express their opinion in a reasoned manner? Whatever league the Lions are in, it would be great to see an improved quality of racing than what's currently on offer.
  15. I'm sure I will get shouted down for saying it but I sincerely hope that meaningful work is carried out on the track this winter. Whatever league the Lions end up in.
  16. Sadly any constructive argument on here soon gets drowned out by abuse. I would imagine anybody who takes the trouble to post on here has a valid reason for doing so. We don't all have a vendetta against DH or Leicester Speedway. We are just paying customers who think, and hope, it can be improved for the good of all. If people are happy with the entertainment currently on offer that is fine. Doesn't necessarily mean those of us losing interest are wrong.
  17. Whilst I was somewhat underwhelmed by the racing, well done to the Rockets and also James Sarjeant. There is so much to admire about Leicester but please sort the track out so that the riders can race. I know people are bored with the track debate but something needs to happen. Surely for the good of Leicester Speedway?
  18. Didn't go on Saturday night as I took the opportunity to support an ex Lion in action elsewhere. Seems I missed one of the better meetings at BP sadly. Glad to hear that the racing was better than normal and let's hope it continues. Whilst I watched some very entertaining racing myself, I was very alarmed at what looked like a very low crowd of about 500. Hopefully not a sign of things to come at Leicester.
  19. Thats excellent news. Always pleased to hear of new supporters getting hooked on speedway.
  20. As for putting people off from visiting Leicester, family members who live nearer than I do and other friends have asked me about going. They've never been to speedway before. My answer has always been that you may enjoy it more once the track has been changed, for fear of them never going again because they weren't entertained enough to want to come back.
  21. So forgive me for bringing up the track word again but what alterations were made to the original layout by DH, against the better judgement of other people?
  22. Does every Leicester thread have to descend into a slanging match? Surely everyone is entitled to voice their opinion without the need to trade insults?
  23. I think for whatever reason we just have to accept that the track isn't going to be changed anytime soon. A great shame because it spoils what is a super little venue. Extremely grateful that the sport has returned to Leicester but, like an earlier poster said, the honeymoon period is now over. Whilst it is great that the team is doing so well I think most fans would tolerate some home defeats in exchange for some better speedway. Maybe I'm wrong though.
  24. Of course I didn't prefer it when there wasn't speedway in Leicester. I salute everyone that worked so hard to bring the sport back to the city. That doesn't mean I should just pay my money every week and not be entitled to an opinion. I stopped going to Brandon because I always felt the racing was dull and sadly that's how I feel about Leicester. Doesn't mean I'm anti DH or anti Leicester. Nothing would make me happier that to rave about the great racing there but that's not gonna happen unless the track issues are resolved.
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