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Everything posted by lionstigersnotbearsohmy

  1. Don't we all! After all isn't that what speedway is all about?
  2. Absolutely no problem at all. All opinions are welcome. Particularly from neutrals. Otherwise you may get accused of having an agenda.
  3. Passed with flying colours Phil!...;-) The some of the worse riding ever statement is somewhat harsh. Huge step up for these lads in terms of their riding and their equipment. Positive signs last night. Let's hope with support and encouragement they continue to make progress. Surely it's the system at fault, not the efforts of the riders? Best to try and be positive on here. It's not good practice to be critical of the racing.....;-)
  4. In terms of the racing I felt that was actually one of the better ones I've seen recently. Well done to Max and Tom and the other regular Lions. Thanks to our guests as well. Nice to see Baby still trying to charge from the back even if he was unsuccessful at times. Also thought it was a nice touch to interview a travelling fan.
  5. As Gemini has explained I am not Mr Gemini. Just one of those people who you tag as not much of supporter apparently. Sadly I don't have endless buckets of cash to spend watching speedway at a track that sadly doesn't provide a standard of entertainment that I find acceptable. In fact it pains me to say I saw better racing at Coventry last night than I've seen at BP this year. No offence to Bees fans but Brandon has never had the greatest reputation as a race track. So I feel I'm entitled to choose not to make a 60 mile round trip and spend £32 if I'm not being entertained. I think after 3 seasons of poor racing I hope something is done to the track so that those marvellous supporters on turns 1 and 2 last night get the entertainment at home meetings that they undoubtably deserve. That is not to assume that they are dissatisfied with the racing at BP. Just my humble opinion that it could/should be better. I'm all for positivity but let's also be realistic.
  6. Good luck to the Lions tonight. Brilliant support at Brandon last night. Not going tonight though as not much of a supporter.....
  7. Well done to the Lions tonight on grabbing a point. Speedy recoveries to Paddy and Kenneth. Enjoyed my first visit to Brandon in many a year. Great atmosphere from the visiting support on turns 1 and 2. Excellent performance from Kyle Howarth. Hell there was even some passing!!
  8. Not been to a meeting at Brandon for over ten years because I never found the racing there up to much. Somewhat ironic in view of how poor it is at Leicester. Hope the Lions give a good account of themselves in both matches. No late 70's type good hidings please!
  9. As most of the discussion seems to be about the decisions of two officials, I just wondered if anybody had any comments to make on the racing? Gave this one a miss but a decent win for the Lions. Was it an improvement on previous weeks?
  10. Oh come on Mick. Check out the Facebook page. "You won't see better racing anywhere in the country". "Great racing". "Awesome racing". There's even a mention of team riding...... I'm just wondering if the orange tractor steaming past the yellow tractor is classed as a pass? ;-)
  11. Well let's hope your next experience of speedway at the Showground is a better one. Even the better tracks have off days. I'm sure we all go to a meeting hoping to 1) see entertaining racing and 2) not see anybody getting hurt. In fact almost certainly in the reverse order.
  12. Apologises for the confusion over dates. The sight of riders passing each other in several races had obviously blown my tiny mind. Speedway as I remember it. Blimey.
  13. It was announced at the Showground last night that the Lions will be racing there on Monday 9th April against the Panthers. Cracking meeting with plenty of passing, despite the track being slicker than some of the riders were expecting. A great track to watch speedway at. Thank goodness we didn't lose it.
  14. Enjoyed tonight's meeting. Good win for the Rockets and plenty of entertaining racing. Although several riders mentioned the track being slicker than they expected, it seems overtaking still exists in speedway but best not mention that on a Leicester thread. Well done to Joe Jacobs and Oliver Greenwood as well. Looks like there's plenty for Panthers and Rockets fans to look forward to this season.
  15. As my understanding of what speedway racing is all about is completely wrong, I will not pass any further comment on the track/track alterations. The balustrade is definitely rickety though. Please administer caution when cheering on the Lions.
  16. All those years of watching sublime overtaking by the likes of the Collins boys, mighty Mort, Crumpy and Loramski to name but a few and it seems I've been watching the wrong sport.... ;-) . Let's hope for the good of the sport in Leicester that we get some improved entertainment this year. In other news and as a note of caution, the balustrade around the new corporate boxes is a little rickety.
  17. How can that be a result? Falling attendance. Less income for the club. Some of us are still daft enough to keep going in the hope that it will get better. To support speedway in Leicester by handing over our hard earned cash every week. Why we do this is becoming increasingly debatable. More and more familiar faces on the terraces have stopped going. They have obviously made their decisions. On Sunday's evidence we are entering our fourth season back with a track that is still crying out to be improved. Sadly Nick Morris and Craig Cook aren't in town every week. Let's hope Lion's fans and visiting supporters get a standard of speedway that satisfies everyone.
  18. Doolan was a great team rider. Will be much missed at Leicester this season. Top bloke.
  19. The problem is it's extremely rare to see team riding at Leicester. There is no finer sight in speedway than watching team mates using track craft to prevent an often more accomplished rider from passing them. A heat leader protecting a more inexperienced team mate whilst an opponent uses every inch of the track to overhaul them. Whilst winning is important then so is entertainment. Speedway has to be more than just an exhibition of gating. Surely.
  20. As far as I'm aware King's Lynn, Peterborough, Somerset, Scunthorpe and Sheffield are all still in business.....
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