Think the team will be, in no order and only the riders I feel that will be retained from current is Brady and Shanes.
1. Brady
2. Woryna
3. Shanes
Shoval your have the same thread up this time next year as it will be the same old bs nothing will change it never does we have the same conversations all the time I get fed up with it tbh and am near too leaving the sorry excuse of a sport.
Think Rosco's roots are with the Robins and he will be there for sometime, have to admire his attitude and success so far this year looks a well balanced side.
Maybe just maybe Ford may leave at the end of the season and Middlo retire a fresh management maybe the breath of fresh air Poole needs.
Oh and all the people of British speedway that run events for him and the fans who dug deep to support him like i said once a jerk off always a jerk off!
So to all in British speedway from darcy jerkoff ward its all dog poo!
Holder banned for nine months haha best news I have read all day serve the twerp right for trying to act the big man needed knocking down a peg or two.
Holder consider yourself served!
This is one Poole fan that likes to see Holder getting his just desserts the tool has been getting far to big for his boots and thinks he is above all in British Speedway well reality check your not shut the door on your way out!