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Everything posted by Agrotron

  1. Aww poor Ward such a victim in all this lets all bow down to him and treat him as the hero he thinks he is.
  2. I was blocked on FB anyway he needs to grow up little fart bubble
  3. Lol it would only happen in Speedway the Ward the piss head that failed a breath test handed a wildcard and in the headlines the decision was made in the best interests of Speedway
  4. Yes brains are not some of Poole supporters strong points its embarrassing
  5. Thing is Gavan, I base the ban on Dannos and feel if Danno received this length of ban than Ward should and take it like a man instead of a petulant little child which you know he will be if he does get banned,
  6. If he was to say get banned and quit then that really sums the guy up as the immature tool people think he already is
  7. Other people have had to put up with bans in sport so its either put up or gtfo
  8. Totally, he is not a rider that should be representing the club at all.
  9. Magic should be signed and team should be assembled by now, Darcy will get banned and I am sure we will all find out but there is a 45 day window so we will prob find out on the 45th day at the last hour lmfao. My estimation of Matt Ford has dramatically gone down by treating Ward bigger than the club as well as dedicating last season to Darcy when he never did anything, time and time again Ford defends this little twerp. I don't know but I don't think there has ever been a rider for Poole that has repeatedly given the club bad press like this tool has. Waiting for the usual must loved words on here bums on seats comment from the deluded.
  10. Yeah the team looks awful why couldn't they pull off some shock signings
  11. You wait watch Bridget fly around Brandon
  12. Well we are sponsored by Specsavers maybe you should book in, you know your eyes are important to you, you only get one set of eyes you know.
  13. Oh come on CR stop being so miserable go eat a pie or something.
  14. Well its not old is it, and yes exciting have you not watched him ride tell you what we will swap ward for him.
  15. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/speedway/piratesnews/11775604.Speedway_boss_Matt_Ford__Maciej_Janowski_was_offered_Poole_Pirates_deal/?ref=rss&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  16. Brilliant signing for the Robins not quite sure what some people are moaning about he is young and a very exciting rider.
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