What a post by SCB, I found that emotional watching that remember Gary back in the Bradford days top guy and to see him back on a bike after his unfortunate accident has bought a tear to my eye.
Watt has reached his level years ago and is declining, whereas Josh is still young and got a lot more to give and won't be drawing his pension just yet.
Should be alright for Swindon if they can get the track in a fit state as the weather is supposed to push on through, I didn't think this mornings meeting would be on we have had a lot of rain and the rain that has fallen has uncovered that big hole on the 2nd turn its washed all the dirt out of it.
Lakeside looked poor KL ripped them a new one and were two riders down hope they get better as soon as the riders that is.
Oh and a special mention to Lambert great performance really enjoyed watching him tonight very tidy young lad real potential if given time.