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Everything posted by Agrotron

  1. I have never been known as a high speaker of Tai but I think he did everything good last night thought turning up in the suit was great looked very smart, his attitude was good and went up in my estimation last night. Australia though how poor, Lemo made a big fk up imo not letting Kurtz ride and putting Josh in, did anyone notice Holders attitude in his tactical ride was shaking his head something he was not impressed with?
  2. Woffy, Cook, King all good Lambert cheese on toast Well done team gb silver good stuff proud of you.
  3. Don't let this nippledick ruin the meeting don't bother replying to him he is not worth the oxygen
  4. I don't know what the deal is with Madsen he looks scared to turned the bike
  5. Fricke was out of control and was going into Laguta regardless of the lock up fk knows why the ref excluded laguta Denmark can play the Joker
  6. How the hell Laguta got excluded I will never know, Fricke was well out of control anyway.
  7. Oh I know that but USA can't field a competitive team there a joke and should be banned from future events imo
  8. Hancock never liked him never will, putting someone in to get more experience is a lame excuse if I have ever heard one they don't have a good enough team to really compete except Hancock he should bloody ride. Another thing I don't buy any of this mr nice guy crap at all
  9. Don't call me mate your an embarrassment
  10. But I thought everyone wanted to ride for Coventry Speedway that is what Horton said at the P&P day lol I believe Horton is the reason Coventry can't track riders
  11. Lmfao this forum is such a funny place to be in
  12. The whole thing is a farce why is it, you pay your money event is called off you can't get a refund its criminal I wouldn't off left there without getting a refund stuff sending tickets into the office for a refund.
  13. That's really what I mean, take Ford whilst I appreciate he is not everyone's cup of tea at least he makes changes and as shown this year there is no room in speedway for sentiment ie the Watt situation. Although one thing that peed me off is not including Starke in this years side
  14. Horton and Havelock should just do one, Coventry need someone in with the drive and ambition to make it what it once was you won't go anywhere with those pair of toerags.
  15. Ah thanks for confirming so a lot of nothing really just tempers rose
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