I think Batch on his average will be a bargain dunno though Lisa, Morris I have always found to be to inconsistent but a change of scenery might be just what he needs, KK maybe to spearhead the Pirates maybe um Gomolski yes not a bad shout but Harris I think is Wolves bound but welcome at Poole for sure.
Well Stead had perfect opportunity to ask Adams when ht's 15 riders were being announced as Adams said I am putting Freddie in he's angry but Stead totally missed it
Biggest AGM too come we all know nothing will happen it never does, and what ever does happen is a complete balls up anyway I have zero faith in these AGM meetings same s**t! different year. Say it every year an independent board until this happens it will always be a farce!
Anyone think they can prove us wrong this year??
Morris seems to have had one to many chances and just because he is under Roscos roof does not mean he should automatically ride for Swindon I am surprised he has lasted there as long tbh