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Byker Biker

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Everything posted by Byker Biker

  1. You really are overstepping the line between opinion and knowledge; the Sky deal was substantial but not as much as cycling got, included league sponsorship (Sky Sports Elite League for all those who said the BSPA/L couldn't find a big name league sponsor), an element of the TV fees had to be channeled into youth development hence the BSPA contribution to the British Under 21, establishing the Under 19 and so on - it wasn't a fortune but it helped and an element to contribute to the Team GB set up (Pre the current arrangement with Rob). The lower professional league also had to receive a sum to plug a gap because they were competing with live tv (this was their annual BSPA fees paid). Terry Russell reduced his perpetual commission to a fraction of his finders fee and below his contractual arrangements despite all the clever comments on here. It was the cost of football and football only that led to the early settlement of the contract allowing Sky to save the cost of the live outside broadcasts - nothing to do with rain offs, audience figures or advertisers. Don't forget they binned the be all and end all Speedway GPs for the same reason, eff all to do with the BSPA/L Broadcasters need live summer sport to fill their schedules so offering what appears to be brewsters to minority sports is a drop in the ocean compared to the cost of football
  2. He can brown nose his way into any club that's gullible enough, good luck to him
  3. Eurosport will come good when all is progressed through the Discovery plus medium and I agree currently it's not the best TV coverage we have enjoyed but from their point of view it's about filling live airtime, selling on secondary rights and tertiary packages to other international broadcasters. On that premise Eurosport have stolen the job but unless the sport dresses itself and presents itself as a credible tv product this one will follow Sky sports - early termination. Speedway is a group of sweet shops selling the same barstudized product but the broadcasters just aren't that gullible any more
  4. Does this mean there was no discussion with Trollope before the track was prepared? Who briefed Trollope and didn't discuss it with the riders? Frankly an apology after the event isn't needed, the Diamonds were always going to struggle this year based on the late entry in 2020 and the relative inexperience of the promotion. No need to chuck the lads under a bus there have been changes galore all season they will have felt bad enough after the weekend without further public humiliation. Oh and a spell checker for whoever is doing the website releases might help, it's beginning to look like the village fete committee are at the helm!
  5. It could be worse, he could still have that "Richard head" Brundle in tow! My God what a narrow escape that has been ..
  6. It's great you're getting this out there but the peeps you are trying to reach are the ones who allegedly don't have the Internet, how do you expect them to see the forum, press releases and the website with no Internet?
  7. It's not Rose Tinted spectacles, they can see like everyone else, they just don't have a chuffing clue what to do either strategically or imminently!
  8. Except the tyre manufacturers want exclusivity to supply, otherwise the volume opportunity is restricted but more importantly the cost of R & D can't be justified so a five year deal costed back to the price of a tyre doesn't make megabucks for anyone. The "kickback" is to contribute to the cost of "environmental storage and controlled disposal" bearing in mind that the tyre disposal contractors won't rock up for 14 tyres, they want hundreds at a time.
  9. This might help, copy and paste into your browser if you can Manage a few pounds .. https://www.gofundme.com/f/fjz37q-help-exrayleigh-speedway-star-allan-emmett?
  10. It's sad that he has passed away so young and yes his on track antics are fondly remembered but off track this guy was a coppers nightmare and unfortunately in the eyes of the law a criminal, ask Machin and he'll tell you how many times he had to get him out of clinkers to race. A great character but sadly out of control. (Machin as well if you like) - RIP Roman.
  11. Yes, the referee is responsible in most cases from when they arrive and commence their work but certainly no later than 1 hour before the advertised start time and in fairness some referees try to keep the meeting on until certain Australians start bleating.
  12. The rain has saved them from a mega loss with a severely restricted attendance limit, they deserve the opportunity to make money sod all to do with Machin, if the referee says it's on when he gets there and knocks it at 8.15 it's still nothing to do with Machin
  13. "I know little Jimmy hasn't scored a point this season but he has to self isolate, I'll be using a facility until he is able to ride again" - you heard it here first folks!
  14. Brilliant! "Cheque book Speedway survives world wide pandemic", anyone else can go fluff themselves, meanwhile the rest of us pray for the sport's survival.
  15. Nothing to elaborate on until Local Authorities have finally made their minds up on permissible spectator numbers, there appears to be a lack of consistency which may have an impact on some clubs ability to run, it's still relatively early days in some areas.
  16. It's perhaps a possibility that another club may be struggling to come to the tapes which could throw up some riders, in his role as Chairman he would know that but of course would be doing everything he could to help them. Could just be a waiting game. Financially this could be the most difficult season for club owners, 1 blip in the figures and stadiums could be empty, it's about survival.
  17. Clear views and opinions have been posted on this thread but perhaps now is the time to let this debate fizzle out. Here's why, Horrendous crimes leave a legacy for life with those closely linked or related to the victims and perpetrators, the pain and anguish never goes away but does find a tolerable level. Periodically physical and emotional flares occur naturally to exacerbate that pain and anguish (Birthdays, Christmas anniversaries of the event) however the whole episode is relived for months when the event is brought back into the public eye. In the case of a convicted perpetrator every time there is a parole review and talk of release the event hits the headlines and takes everyone back to the beginning again destroying any recovery and progress that has been made. Many Police Officers believe that whilst justice has not been seen to be done a perpetrator taking their own life is an easier outcome for those left behind to live with than a lifetime of constant reminders in the media. Many of Kenny and Pam's respective family relations are still actively involved with or supporting motorcycle events including Speedway and do read this forum so out of respect for them it might just be time to put this thread to bed.
  18. You forgot "Pug Ugly" Jimbo, hey ho. Happy Birthday Phil.
  19. They might find the clubs that are against them are; 1 in a position of "influence" within the BSP 2 Bleeding out of the backside on a perpetual basis but won't consider the lower league I won't praise Glasgow's extravagance over recent years but their point based on minuted General Council Meetings is totally valid, anyone for Coventry and Peterborough v BSPA as an interval attraction?
  20. It's time for your medication John ..
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