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Byker Biker

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  1. I've never believed anything other than Speedway being an airtime filler particularly when Sky went big on live sport. In the summertime Sky had one hell of a lot of live airtime to fill so this sport was ideal. They made a success of it because the audiences were consistent and they didn't scrimp on production costs despite BT having their pants down on the uplink charges. Rain offs became a very expensive irritant particularly when mardi prima donnas refused to ride in not perfect conditions and stadium presentation became a bit of an eyesore (grass growing down the straights at kirky Lane and many tracks not being rrsed to clean the air fences and Sky banners) to the point when the budget was blown on footy it was easy to pay up the Speedway contract and save on production costs. Financially Sky and Speedway were doing each other a favour £1.1m a year to fill all that airtime was cost effective for Sky and for Speedway £1.1m a year was manna from heaven and some promotions couldn't even clean the Sky banners.
  2. I've cancelled my subscription, £7 a month has been affordable £31 just isn't despite the offer of 50% discount for 7 months. Sounds petty I know but it is unfortunately a harsh reality.
  3. Your persistent juvenile comments about "pensioners" are starting to grind, just like Starmer and Reeves you haven't got a ckufing clue. I'd like nothing more than to be able to pay £25 to see it live or afford the cost of a BSN subscription, the best I can do is Discovery plus. You have always been on the not so bright side Daniel but from my perspective it really is time to keep your posts and comments relevant and in perspective.
  4. The object of my post was to alert those who knew him well and could possibly offer help not to arouse speculation, it would be helpful and preserve dignity if Technik's post and refernces could be removed please.
  5. Despite so many of us knowing Tony the Coroners Office has today put out a public request for information to help them trace relatives. The Leicester Mercury has the full details and contact information for anyone who may be able to help. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/local-news/coroner-steps-up-hunt-find-9471654?utm_source=mynewsassistant.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=embedded_search_item_desktop
  6. If you look at all the risks involved in racing in front of the public then the BSPA/L, SCB, ACU, FIM Global model has almost an unlimited value as far as liability is concerned. Heaven forbid that there is ever a multiple casualty claim but £10m (which is the usual business sum assured) of public liability wouldn't go very far in this day and age.
  7. Please see my post above, the outcome of Lord Shawcross's inquiry following the Provincial League is what we have today and it is legally enforceable albeit expensive. I don't necessarily agree with it but it is what it is. The ACU hold all the cards and if they contractually delegate "Speedway" to the SCB then that is what we've got.
  8. I agree with most of 1 Valves replies it is the nearest the truth that can be conveyed and easily understood. This all goes back to the Shawcross report and the implementation of its recommendations. Track racing in the UK became the responsibility of the RAC/ACU under FIM Rules, The ACU contractually devolved the responsibility for managing Speedway to the SCB who in turn authorise the staging of the sport to the BSPA/L under licence. This pyramid provides the security to manage risk and/or litigation from anywhere in the pyramid to the top. To complicate matters further all organisers and competitors in any motor sport require the protection of the "Off Road Motor Sport" regulations which can only be through a recognised association properly constituted, adequately insured with established racing and racing circuit criteria. There's a bit more to it but basicly racing machines do not have to comply with the road traffic acts and construction and use regulations. Similarly a competitor cannot be prosecuted under those acts for say dangerous driving or overtaking on the inside as examples. The pyramid has remained intact for decades until Nora came along and set up a compliant model that mirrored the ACU on a smaller scale consequently there was not a strong enough reason to prevent Nora licencing/staging track racing or any other motor sport, they put everything in place. Now we've all seen the kicking and screaming coming from the bottom of the Pyramid but as long as Nora remain compliant I don't see a way of stopping them as long as they do not call it Speedway racing as that type of racing is legally the responsibility of the ACU in the UK. NB. The Off Road Motor Sport Regulations work slightly different in Scotland, very often the Police have to attend to verify that it is an off road event.
  9. Wrong!!!! Since he left British Speedway behind is more accurate, F all to do with Kings Lynn. At that time the SCB not the BSPA/L refused to let him ride a 500cc motorcycle so Robert et al upped sticks and effed off to Germany. Despite that Robert is fully committed and moreso once he has agreed to race for any club and this is all subject to his ongoing commitments. He gives his word and he keeps it so the diary has to work or he ain't doing a Laguta !!! Please don't speculate on someone/something that you do not fully understand, it really is time someone banged your speculative inconsiderate opinions where they belong.
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