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Everything posted by HagueyUK

  1. HI guys, just a quick heads up. @SpeedwayKodi has gone live. It is by the fans, for the fans. It is a KODI add-on (Think of it as an app) which is full of videos all things speedway. You need KODI software to run the add-on. KODI software can be found on it's offical site http://kodi.tv/download/ or on google play store. It is totally free, no ads, recommend v14.2. It does not hog system resources, memory or cpu. It is cross platform, so Windows, Mac, Android and some apple etc. If the device can run KODI, then speedway KODI will work. From PC's, tablets, phones etc. Once KODI is installed follow @SpeedwayKodi on twitter for help and instructions on how to install the SpeedwayKodi add-on. It has started concentrating on Shale speedway, but in time it plans to add grasstrack, longtrack, ice, cycle and indoor. And it's totally interactive in as much as if there is a video/match that you remember and it's not there, tweet and if they can, they will. Their moto seems to be, "If you like it tell all, if you don't, tell them and you'll make it better together". Any questions or help, either follow @SpeedwayKodi on twitter, or post here. Enjoy
  2. An interesting question with only one serious reply post and three joke posts back.
  3. It's all within the rules regarding Rory, and not wrong at all in my book in anyway. Scenario, say JK isn't able to ride on Wednesday night at Poole due to let's say an injury (stay safe) or illness, Coventry would be able to have a guest. I wonder if you would think it's right to cover him with Rory if he was free willing and able to do so? Wimbourne Road is not a track that JK usually excels at, Rory on the other hand? Yes it would be right, it works both ways. Rory is not on a false average, it's his true ability average. Rory gained his average from within a top team last year, as a 3rd heat leader. How much harder would it have been for him if he didn't have Neils and Kenneth riding in the team? Or just one of them? Generally he tends to start the year flying then tails off towards the end. He was free, willing and able to guest under the rules for Poole, on the same rules as any other club in the Elite league. He's always been a popular choice of guest when average fits, as is Chris Harris. Look at how many different clubs and meetings he was a guest for last year. As for "Having an EL heat leader guesting for a PL D/U rider just doesn't sit right with me - but it's within the rules - doesn't make it right though" Why isn't it right? Please explain. Davey Watt our third heat leader gets injured, is replaced by a double upper. Double upper has to ride pl in clashes as that's the rules as they signed him first which is fair. So he has to be replaced by a guest of equal, or under his average. Rory's average is under, and like Josh's average was attained by riding in the Elite league last year, a true reflection on both riders. Is it right that a PL D/U replaces a EL heat leader when injured? Yes of course, but not the other way round? Really? As I tweeted Havvy, any team that wins away from home has done something right and probably had some luck along the way. I thought before the match Poole should get a point, or a draw at best, but it wasn't just a win, it was a 8 point margin win. That's not easy for any team to do at any away track. Even if there were no fallers, exclusions, Han's riding well and was a perfect meeting in that regard for Coventry, Poole still were good for at least a draw, probably a win anyway. You can't take that away from them.
  4. Does anyone know the name of the channels that Polish speedway is shown in their country? And Swedish Channels? or and while we're at it, Russian?
  5. Am I the only one who read that thinking what has this got to do with drugs? Could "I AM CLEAN" not mean I am a clean rider, not a dirty rider on the track?
  6. OK, a speedway fan first, an unblinkered Poole fan second. Always. As I see it. Test 1 = Over the limit. No doubt. The amount it's over it totally irrelevant. Test 2 = Do we know the result of this? If it's over, it's over. Again, the amount it's over is totally irrelevant. Now, people are not happy that a statement has not been made. Maybe it is being challenged? If so there may be some grounds for doing this. Obviously if it's over it is over, but what if the test procedure by the authorities was not conducted correctly? By either the first or second test. This could lead to an appeal based on potential compromised of evidence, and a case could be made resulting in it being thrown out. Morally, this is wrong and I think most would agree with that thinking, however it happens everyday in courts across the UK. Having said that. If both of the tests are over, and have followed procedure, then he should be punished. Now, I believe if it is over, it's over. That's the whole point of the test. If you were stopped on the roads in your car and was found by 2 tests to be over, you would lose your licence for a period if I am thinking right? So really when the FIM come up with the tests to be carried out, they should have a structured punishment already ready to hand out. Losing Darcy to the Poole side would be massive, but if the authorities find him to be proved without question that he was breaking the rule, he should lost his licence for a time. IMO Let me ask this moral question. Many people over the UK each year lose their lives due to other drivers being over the limit on the roads. Do you think that the families of those unfortunate people would be expecting a lesser sentence if the driver was just over the limit, or way over the limit? Guys, just an opinion.
  7. As an already subscribed member, and a listener from the first episode, I would recommend a listen to any speedway fan, especially the latest Episode 7. Yes it is predominantly about Poole Speedway, but I'm sure it would be of interest to many other fans of other clubs. It has good content, well presented and is has very good audio quality so it is easy to listen to. Give it a go guys. I for one would like to see other clubs come out and do Podcasts for their teams, which I would listen to.
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